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Crystal Witness
Crystal Witness
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
What is the best way to get lost in a book you may ask? Well, Kathy Tyers certainly will help you find the answer to that question in Crystal Witness. From what I can find, Crystal Witness is a standalone book and not part of a series.

The Setting/Storyline

The best way I know how to describe the experience of this book is by likening it to a dream that you do not want to wake up from. Kathy Tyers managed to make me feel as if I were immersed in a very different world, from her detailed descriptions of everyday life to the way people looked and dressed. It was fascinating. I liked how she gave just enough background at the beginning to get you curious, without feeling lost, and make you very involved in the outcome of the character's lives and that of the world they live in. One of the best total immersions I have read in a long time. At some points in the story, I did feel a little lost as I was not quite sure how the beginning of the story connected, but it did make sense by the end.

The Characters

Kathy Tyers brought to life some great characters. I enjoyed Ming’s artistic talent and how Kathy Tyers described the 3D and calligraphy aspects of it. Ming’s reactions to waking up after 20-year imprisonment were very realistic (not that I know what it would really be like), and I enjoyed seeing her come out of her shell; I think Ming showed a very intelligent and sweet nature. Tieg her male counterpart was a cross between a bad boy spy and an emotional musician, he was a well brought to life character that I could envision in my mind while reading. Both Ming and Tieg learned different aspects of trust and doing what is right no matter the cost. The secondary characters were great additions to round out the rest of the story and I sincerely enjoyed their interactions with the main characters, each one displayed growth throughout the story and by the end, I was wishing they had their own stories too! (Hint, hint
Patriots Day (2016)
Patriots Day (2016)
2016 | Crime, Drama, Thriller
There are events in history that are burned into our memories. The attack on Pearl Harbor, JFK assassination, Challenger explosion, Oklahoma City bombing, and 9/11 stand out as moments when their respective generations ask “where were you when?” The same can be said with the Boston Marathon bombing of 2013. In Patriot’s Day we bear witness to the various people involved with the events that unfolded during that week. We are reminded of the tension and fear that the nation experienced as law enforcement tried to find those responsible. The film reopens a wound that has just begun to heal so that we are reminded of the vulnerability that everyone, from every walk of life has to terrorism and acts of violence.

Patriot’s Day stars Mark Wahlberg as a police officer and native Bostonian who is placed on duty for the Boston Marathon. The film is not about him or his personal experience. Rather, the film is more about the myriad of individuals who witness or fall victim to the attack that day. Unlike similar films that deal with the topic of terrorism, the film does not focus on the effect the events have on one or two people. The film is complex and demonstrates the circumstances of the attack, the investigation, the apprehension, and the personal experiences through a variety of voices and faces. The film makes the experience personal and does not depend on sensationalism to sell the story.

The film will captivate those that see it in being able to learn more about the individuals involved or who fell victim. It is also remarkable in its ability to weave the storytelling so that each player has a strong development before their portion of the tale is fully realized. It allows for an appreciation of the individuals involved and demonstrates that they are more than just names in a report. Patriot’s Day is a film that will open wounds for those who witnessed and experienced the events first-hand, but allows for those who have little to no memory of that week to delve deeper into the way that the events played out and truly understand the manner in which the city of Boston went from hurting, to healing, to being strong.
I received a free copy of this book in exchange for an honest review when I signed up to host the book tour.

Four and a half Stars

This story, which is based on actual events in the life of the author took me completely by surprise, especially since this genre is not a usual read for me. In this book, Amanda Farmer allows us to bear witness to the joy and struggles she faced growing up as a Mennonite living and working on the family's farm and she also shed light on the beliefs of the Mennonite community.

I am in awe of her because she truly went through so much and was still able to maintain her faith and achieve her dreams while dealing with a domineering father, chores, and studies. It takes a resilient and strong person to overcome the things she faced. The story as it is told flowed smoothly and I often found myself crying. This is a book that everyone should read as I believe it inspires you to truly follow your dreams.
Florence Foster Jenkins (2016)
Florence Foster Jenkins (2016)
2016 | Comedy, Drama, Musical
6.9 (8 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Meryl Streep as usual is superb (0 more)
Always Hugh Grant (0 more)
Lighthearted at times, quite sad actually, but all a ball of fluff in the end
The story of Florence Foster Jenkins is ambivalent. On the one hand, it shows how money can buy anything, and the upper class privileges that allow anyone to get away with anything. At the same time, you feel sorry for FFJ because she's extremely ill, alone, and she sings terribly, because why the hell not? From being a piano prodigy to contracting syphilis on her wedding night by her ex-husband that destroyed her ability to play let alone hear the pitch of her own voice - so in the end you feel sympathy for her. After that, you witness the brilliant performance of Meryl Streep, who is actually a good singer in reality, having to sing in the most terrible tones possible. Hugh Grant, as per usual, is a sap because that's the only role he knows how to play. Overall, a bit of lighthearted fluff.
Love, Death & Robots
Love, Death & Robots
2019 | Action, Animation, Comedy
Amazing visuals and a little something for everyone
I really just watched rhis on a whom when I noticed how short the episodes ,less then 20 mintues each, were since I had no idea what I wanted to watch and I really got to say I was not disappointed. Love Death + Robots is a really awesome anthology series that has a little something for everyone and depending on who you ask most people are going to have a different favorite episode. Mine personally was episode 4 Suits.

The visuals on this show are gorgeous almost all are animated but some like episode 3 The Witness are so realistic looking you almost can't tell it's not actual people on screen. Then you also have other episodes like episode 5 Sucker of Souls which is very simple and rough animation but which I was still a fan of.

My only real complaint was how a lot of the episodes handled the female characters. Just your typical over sexualized taken on woman which in 2019 really is outdated and I expect better by now.
Indigo Slam (Elvis Cole, #7)
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Elvis Cole is hired by three children to find their father. He left them to search for work two weeks ago, which is the longest they’ve ever been gone. When the trail leads him to Seattle and evidence that the family was in witness protection at some point, Elvis realizes things are much more complicated than they first appeared. Has he stirred up old danger for the family?

The book starts strong and never really lags as it works its way toward an exciting climax. I was certainly hooked the entire time. While I still feel that Cole and his PI partner Pike are closer to caricatures rather than full characters, the rest of the characters pulled me fully into the book. My only real complaint was the lack of follow up on one thing from the previous book which could have really fueled some character growth for Elvis.

Read my full review at <a href="">Carstairs Considers</a>.
The Watchman
The Watchman
Robert Crais | 2007 | Mystery, Thriller
7.3 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
Joe Pike Takes Centerstage in Fast Paced Novel
When a favor is called in, Joe Pike finds himself as the bodyguard for Larkin Conner Barkley, a spoiled rich young woman who has become a witness in a Federal investigation thanks to a traffic accident. But when people come for them twice within just a few hours, Pike must go to extreme measures to protect them both. The bigger question becomes, what is really going on?

From a mystery standpoint, this book is outstanding, which several wonderful twists and surprises. I had a hard time putting the book down. Since this book focuses on Pike, it is interesting to get some more perspective on this character, although I did feel some flashbacks slowed the book down. Don’t worry, we do get Elvis Cole as well. My biggest beef with the book was two characters who I found super annoying. We were supposed to find them comedic, but I wanted to slap both of them. Additionally, some characters can’t seem to remember when events they just lived through took place.
Lake Mungo (2009)
Lake Mungo (2009)
2009 | Horror, Mystery
6.6 (5 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Nice Documentary style (1 more)
Good performances in the main
Wonky Twists (1 more)
Slightly disappointing ending
Lake Mungo delivers some eerieness but outstays its welcome
Contains spoilers, click to show
Lake Mungo is a found footage/documentary style hybrid horror movie that tells the story of a family whose 16 year old daughter drowns, but then continues to appear to her family and in footage and photographs in the local area.

Without wanting to spoiler anything, I will just say that the director manages to create a quite unsettling atmosphere, almost akin to that created in the first 3 paranormal activity movies, using CCTV footage and phone camera footage to add to the eye witness statements and interviews with the family.

The film is a little longer than it needs to be, the last section felt like it began detracting from the earlier scenes as they add a few last twists, but overall it is a well made film, with a strong sense of unease throughout.

Well worth a look if you like Paranormal Activity, and that style of film.
Pretty Ugly Lies
Pretty Ugly Lies
Pamela Crane | 2018 | Thriller
7.7 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
A moving, incredible book for every woman who has ever felt a moment of unappreciation, exhaustion or of just never being enough. Not for the weak of heart, we get a glimpse into the lives on Oleander Way... Following four different women throughout each of their own daily private struggles to be a wife and mother, providing for their families while getting so little in return - all while upholding the image they have created about their perfect lives. Jo, Ellie, Shayla, and June, each dealing with their own private turmoil, never finding a moments peace or an outlet for the growing pain inside them.

I can't imagine there isn't a woman or mother alive who could not connect with this story on some personal level. We get a glimpse into four not-so-perfect lives and witness the heartbreak of a woman finally losing it. Incredibly painful yet such a beautiful story, I was brought to tears at not only the struggle and loss but of the strength of those who held on and found the good in their lives.
They Shall Not Grow Old (2018)
They Shall Not Grow Old (2018)
2018 | Documentary, History, War
Everyone alive needs to watch this!
Director Peter Jackson spent four years pouring over 100 hours of archive film footage and over 600 hours of interviews to weave this complex, intriguing documentary masterpiece together.

To say the movie is compelling is a vast understatement. I'm glad I saw theatrically so I could bear witness to the multiple audience gasps, applauds and reaction to some of the miraculous moments.

Jackson said afterwards in a making of documentary he had a hard time deciding on the story he wanted to tell vacillating between airplane footage, U-Boats, the use of women in the military, etc. He ultimately decided showing the life of the "everyday" grunt soldier would be the most compelling since any side or nationality would be able to relate.

It doesn't take much to make me cry, so the water works were a flowing with this one. If you have the chance, please watch. A film like this does not come along very often at all and you won't be disappointed.