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The Apparition (2012)
The Apparition (2012)
2012 | Horror, Mystery
There are two reasons to watch this movie, and only two: Sebastian Stan's goofy hair and you desperately need to kill an hour and a half. The Apparition follows the standard straight-to-video line: young couple moves into a new house, spooky stuff happens, everyone very easily accepts that it can only be caused by ghosts, they seek out "professional" help, and everything goes to hell in a handbasket. I watched this about two hours ago and I really can't tell you anything notable about it, except that Sebastian Stan cannot rock bangs, poor baby. It's PG-13, so you can't even get a little gratuitous nudity out of the deal. I guess Stan is half-naked in a few scenes, but I mostly just found myself staring at his larger-than-average nipples. But I digress.

Unless you have a penchant for Tom Felton (you know, as a wizard, you think he'd be used to these situations by now) or Sebastian Stan, your time is probably more valuable than this movie. I have one of those things, so I took the hit for you. You're welcome.

David McK (3248 KP) rated Hounded in Books

Jan 28, 2019  
Kevin Hearne | 2011 | Fiction & Poetry
7.1 (7 Ratings)
Book Rating
It's hard now-a-days to read urban fantasy without drawing comparisons with Jim Butchers superlative 'Dresden Files' series.

It's even harder when the story is told in the first person, and features a powerful magic-user who deals with all sorts of magical creatures.

That is most definitely the case with Kevin Hearne's 'Hounded' novel, the first in his Iron Druid series (and, I believe, also his first novel). However, unlike Harry Dresden, Atticus O'Sulivan is a centuries old Irish Druid and is already pretty powerful. Also, unlike Dresden, he does not deliberately draw attention to himself ('Wizard for hire'), nor does he have a relationship with the local PD.

Instead, Atticus is doing his best to live the quiet life, trying to stay away from the attention of a Celtic god who has hounded him for centuries and believes that Atticus has stolen a powerful magical sword from him (the sword is in Atticus possession, yes, but not stolen).

All in all, I found this to be a pleasant diversion while waiting for the next Dresden book, and will possibly read a few more to see if I 'grow into' the series any more.

Amy Adams recommended Gone With the Wind (1939) in Movies (curated)

Gone With the Wind (1939)
Gone With the Wind (1939)
1939 | Drama, Romance, War

"Gone With the Wind, and The Wizard of Oz, were two movies that I grew up with and had a lasting effect on me. Scarlett O’Hara was a huge influence, unfortunately [laughs], and I had to break myself out of the habit of the sort of “fiddle-dee-dee” kind of thing. As I’ve gotten older and watched the movie, I love the cinematography; it was just such a groundbreaking movie. It’s interesting now to see, in looking back, how we approached race in Hollywood, and how it’s changed so much. It was just epic and romantic and sweeping at that time in my life — usually I pick the movies because of the time I watched them in my life and what they meant to me then. I saw Gone With the Wind when I was about 13, which is a dangerous time to show it to a young lady. [laughs] I was obsessed with it. It was so romantic: the gowns, the drama, the war? and I loved American history, as well; it was my favorite subject. I was a freak on Gone With the Wind."


Alex Proyas recommended The Godfather (1972) in Movies (curated)

The Godfather (1972)
The Godfather (1972)
1972 | Crime, Drama

"Well, you know, it’s interesting because my favorite films are ones that I keep watching. I just don’t think there have been many great science fiction films made. I mean, 2001 is genius, there’s no question it’s a masterpiece, but I’ve already picked a Kubrick film. I find Dr. Strangelove a more user-friendly and enjoyable film to look at and watch repeatedly. I can watch it endlessly. Blade Runner is a masterpiece, but I don’t know that I would put it in my top 5 at this stage. Maybe at some other point in my life, I would’ve. I picked a Hitchcock film. Kubrick, Hitchcock, and Tarkovsky are my absolute Holy Trinity, you know? I’ve picked one from each person now. Oh! Okay, here’s a curveball. Um, no, I don’t want to say that one… I was going to say The Wizard of Oz, which I really like, but I don’t know that I’d put it in my top five, but in my top twenty. [Long pause] Godfather, I’d say. Just a flawless film, something that’s so beautifully crafted and so perfectly structured and designed, that I can watch it endlessly and enjoy it every single time."


Rev Run recommended The Wizard of Oz (1939) in Movies (curated)

The Wizard of Oz (1939)
The Wizard of Oz (1939)
1939 | Fantasy, Musical

"Another favorite movie of mine is The Wizard of Oz. It’s just a beautiful movie all the way around. It would get a little dark and scary for me as a kid when those flying monkeys came out. Hoo-Hoo! Yeah, the flying monkeys kind of threw me off. I’d start watching the movie at three o’clock, by five o’clock the movie’s about to end, and I’m scared and dinner’s ready — I’m giving you too much info. When Dorothy first lands and the house falls on the shoes and the feet curl up, and then she goes walking and finds all these different characters — all of that was beautiful — gorgeous. Matter of fact, it was straight-up genius and it hasn’t been matched… It was too incredible. Who ever penned that was genius. And the director was genius. And the Lion was genius. And the Tin Man was genius — everything about it. I love all the characters but Dorothy was the best character. She was everything. She was a great singer. She was a great actress. She was kind. She wanted to take everybody with her."

The Raven (1963)
The Raven (1963)
1963 | Classics, Comedy, Family
8.2 (10 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Vincent Price (2 more)
Boris Karloff
Jack Nicholson
Campy and Chessy
The Raven- is a excellent slapstick comic-horror film that is based off of Edgar Allen-Poe's Poem. The effects are cheesy meaning bad but those were effects back in the 60's. Now we have CGI. So looking back those were the effects that their had. And it got better overtime. I just love the campest of this film. Its horror but slapstick horror with cheesy effects.

The Plot: Magician Erasmus Craven (Vincent Price) is still deeply depressed two years after the death of his beloved wife, Lenore (Hazel Court). One day, he's visited by Adolphus Bedlo (Peter Lorre), who has been transformed into a raven after losing a duel to Dr. Scarabus (Boris Karloff), an evil wizard. After Craven transforms Bedlo back into a human, Bedlo claims to have seen Lenore's ghost at Scarabus' castle, prompting the two to head to Scarabus' castle to seek Craven's lost love.

I love the performaces by Vincent Price, Boris Karloff and Jack Nicholson. Three generations of actors right their. Plus Roger Corman directed it.

Its a cheesy campy film but got to love it cause of the slapstick.
Equal Rites: Discworld Novel 3
Equal Rites: Discworld Novel 3
Terry Pratchett | 2012 | Fiction & Poetry
8.3 (17 Ratings)
Book Rating
Extremely early (only the third!) Discworld book, and the first appearance of the marvellous Granny Weatherwax - one of the late, great, Sir Terry Pratchett's best creations.

It's also somewhat obvious that Pratchett is still settling into his groove here; still finding his feet as an author, and still expanding upon the actual Discworld itself - there's little, here, in the way of the footnotes that some of the later entries have in abundance, while there are also aspects of Unseen University and of the races that live on the Disc that, shall we say, 'mutate' in those later entries - this is well before the time of, say, Mustrum Ridcully, with the UU itself and the wizards who inhabit it come across very different than they do later.

That, by the by, is not a knock - more of an observation.

The plot in this one involves Granny Weatherwaxes first student, Eskarina Smith, who - due t0 a mixup at birth - is destined to become the Discs first female Wizard - a profession previously only practiced by those of the male sex.

But, you know what they say (apparently), 'nary a slip twixt cup and lip' ...
Capturing the Baron’s Heart (A Wildewardian Tale)
Capturing the Baron’s Heart (A Wildewardian Tale)
Gwyneira Blythe | 2022 | Fiction & Poetry, Paranormal, Romance
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
CAPTURING THE BARON'S HEART is a prequel story to the Wildeward Academy series and tells you more about Victoria's parents - Kate and Dorian. You also find out a bit more about the Wild Hunt but only enough to tease and tantalise.

Where to start? This is as richly detailed as her other books, giving you insight and delight at the ton's machinations. The wizards play their role and confirm what I knew all along - give me a witch over a wizard any day!

I loved how this led up to what I already know from reading the other books in this series. The only complaint I have is that now I want to re-read all of them again, to immerse myself in Victoria's adventures as she grows and becomes the Darkling Child of Prophecy.

Absolutely amazing and I loved every word. Highly recommended but make sure you read the other ones too!

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Feb 9, 2022
Smurfs: The Lost Village (2017)
Smurfs: The Lost Village (2017)
2017 | Animation, Comedy, Family
Rewind back to the 80s, what was every kid doing Saturday mornings? Watching TV and catching up on their latest Smurfs’ adventure; running from the clutches of the evil wizard Gargamel. Who’s only purpose was to catch the Smurfs steal their powers and become the most powerful wizard in the world. I couldn’t help but feel a bit of nostalgia back to my childhood while watching this movie.


The film centered around Smurfette, the only female Smurf, and her struggle to find her place in Smurf Village. Smurfette was not born a Smurf. Gargamel used his magic to turn a piece of clay into Smurfette. His intent was to have his creation, Smurfette, lead him to Smurf village and capture all the Smurfs. Fortunately, Papa Smurf had his own magic and used it to turn Smurfette from evil to good.


Fast forward to present Smurf-day, Smurfette (Demi Lovato) tries her best to fit in, but ultimately has a serious identity crisis. So what does one do when they can’t figure out who they are? They go in search of their own identity. Along the way, Smurfette crosses paths with a strange creature. Eager to find out who this creature is, against Papa Smurf”s request, Smurfette decides to enter the Forbidden Forest. An area no Smurf has even been allowed to visit. She is joined by her brothers Brainy, Clumsy, and Hefty-who unfortunately end up in Gargamel’s clutches. Gargamel (Rainn Wilson) uses his magic and finds out the there is another Smurf village, one that lies beyond the Forbidden Forest. Knowing the damage they have caused, Smurfette and her brothers trek has now changed into a rescue mission. They must reach the lost village before Gargamel and his cat, Azrael and warn the villagers of his evil plan. Who are these villagers? Hmm….


You don’t have to watch the first 2 Smurf films to understand what this one is about. They are completely different storylines and this one is 100% animation. A full return to the tone and characteristics of the beloved 80s cartoon. From the comedic gestures to the close escape from Gagamel, the movie provides loads of entertainment. It tugs at the heartstrings because we’ve all experienced self doubt. It does brush on moments of girl power and of course there are musical dance numbers. Really all the Smurfy fans that enjoyed the Smurfiness of yester-year Smurfs, will definitely find this movie the Smurftastic.

Merissa (11805 KP) rated The Wizard's Ward (Vale #1) in Books

Aug 1, 2022 (Updated Aug 2, 2023)  
The Wizard's Ward (Vale #1)
The Wizard's Ward (Vale #1)
Jules McAleese | 2022 | Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
A twisted and intriguing story that will keep you turning the pages.
THE WIZARD'S WARD is the first book in the Vale series and we are introduced to a world divided - you have the mers, the elves, the mortals, and the witches. Only by combining these four races in equal measure, do you get a grey blood. Francis is such a unicorn, but she doesn't know it.

We start off with her life in the castle, as a ward to the wizard - in case the title didn't give it away! We learn of her friendship with X, the son of one of the military leaders, who disappears one day without saying goodbye. We learn of her role (sort of) in the castle, with those she likes and loves, and those she loathes. When Billington (the wizard) disappears, Francis is determined to find him and sets out, with X's help. Along the way, they meet friend and foe, but no one seems to be as they appear.

This is a twisted and intriguing story that will keep you turning the pages. Francis is a strong character who faces situations head-on, even if she knows she is at a disadvantage. She doesn't sit back and wait to be rescued. Instead, she forges bonds with others and does her best to help, no matter the circumstances.

X is a character that I thoroughly enjoyed. He is complex and dark, and I can't wait to see where he goes next. How he was, was NOT what I was expecting, so I loved that it caught me unawares.

I personally wish we had more details about the Rottentoes. I can see Ezrah and Cornelia, but Puck and Darwin seem to fade together. Cora is also a character with a lot of depth.

There are parts of this story that are full of world- and character-building, but there are other parts that almost seem skimmed over. I would have loved to have known more about the world itself, the elves' kingdom, and the geography.

As a debut book, I thought this was off to a brilliant start. The story is there and with great characters. I look forward to reading more by this author and continuing with this saga. Recommended by me.

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Jul 26, 2022