All I Need to Know I Learned from the Wizard of Oz: Life Lessons from Over the Rainbow
A collection of seven life lessons drawn from one of the most beloved movies of all time. Peter...

J.K. Rowling's Wizarding World: Movie Magic: Volume 1: Extraordinary People and Fascinating Places
Featuring all eight Harry Potter movies and the upcoming movie Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find...

French Word Wizard - French Talking Movable Alphabet and Spelling Tests
Education and Games
•French Version of Word Wizard app called "Speak ‘N Spell for the iPad Generation" by the...

The Dark Side of the Enlightenment: Wizards, Alchemists, and Spiritual Seekers in the Age of Reason
In The Dark Side of the Enlightenment, John V. Fleming shows how the impulses of the European...

Green Wizardry: Conservation, Solar Power, Organic Gardening, and Other Hands-On Skills from the Appropriate Tech Toolkit
Merlin, Gandalf, Voldemort--these well-known sorcerers from popular culture are famed for their...