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Lenard (726 KP) rated Shazam! (2019) in Movies

May 8, 2019 (Updated Jun 15, 2019)  
Shazam! (2019)
Shazam! (2019)
2019 | Action, Sci-Fi
Did you ever dream of becoming a superhero? Thaddeus Sivana does. Bullied by his father and older brother because they think he is weak, Thaddeus dreams of becoming the most powerful being in the world. However, Wizard, the last remaining guardian of the secrets of the universe, doesn't think he is pure of heart and worthy of being a superhero. Thaddeus decides to become a supervillain and waits for a champion of the downtrodden, Captain Marvel (I refuse to call him Shazam since he IS Captain Marvel unlike Carol Danvers who got a promotion to Captain after being Ms Marvel for decades). A couple decades later, Billy Batson who was abandoned by his mother at a state fair spends his day researching and looking for the woman who abandoned him while running away from various foster homes. That is, until he is placed in a foster home full of damaged children. He learns the value of family while learning how to be a hero. I watched the TV series every Saturday growing up and while the movie is good, the show remains a pivotal time in my life.
The Apparition (2012)
The Apparition (2012)
2012 | Horror, Mystery
There are two reasons to watch this movie, and only two: Sebastian Stan's goofy hair and you desperately need to kill an hour and a half. The Apparition follows the standard straight-to-video line: young couple moves into a new house, spooky stuff happens, everyone very easily accepts that it can only be caused by ghosts, they seek out "professional" help, and everything goes to hell in a handbasket. I watched this about two hours ago and I really can't tell you anything notable about it, except that Sebastian Stan cannot rock bangs, poor baby. It's PG-13, so you can't even get a little gratuitous nudity out of the deal. I guess Stan is half-naked in a few scenes, but I mostly just found myself staring at his larger-than-average nipples. But I digress.

Unless you have a penchant for Tom Felton (you know, as a wizard, you think he'd be used to these situations by now) or Sebastian Stan, your time is probably more valuable than this movie. I have one of those things, so I took the hit for you. You're welcome.

David McK (3505 KP) rated Hounded in Books

Jan 28, 2019  
Kevin Hearne | 2011 | Fiction & Poetry
7.1 (7 Ratings)
Book Rating
It's hard now-a-days to read urban fantasy without drawing comparisons with Jim Butchers superlative 'Dresden Files' series.

It's even harder when the story is told in the first person, and features a powerful magic-user who deals with all sorts of magical creatures.

That is most definitely the case with Kevin Hearne's 'Hounded' novel, the first in his Iron Druid series (and, I believe, also his first novel). However, unlike Harry Dresden, Atticus O'Sulivan is a centuries old Irish Druid and is already pretty powerful. Also, unlike Dresden, he does not deliberately draw attention to himself ('Wizard for hire'), nor does he have a relationship with the local PD.

Instead, Atticus is doing his best to live the quiet life, trying to stay away from the attention of a Celtic god who has hounded him for centuries and believes that Atticus has stolen a powerful magical sword from him (the sword is in Atticus possession, yes, but not stolen).

All in all, I found this to be a pleasant diversion while waiting for the next Dresden book, and will possibly read a few more to see if I 'grow into' the series any more.