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House of Dracula (1945)
House of Dracula (1945)
1945 | Horror, Sci-Fi
6.8 (4 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Get The Gang All Together: The Crossover II
House of Dracula- was a direct sequel to House of Frankenstein, and continued the theme of combining Universal's three most popular monsters: Frankenstein's monster (Glenn Strange), Count Dracula (John Carradine), and the Wolf Man (Lon Chaney Jr.).

The plot: This monster movie focuses on the iconic vampire, Count Dracula (John Carradine), and Lawrence Talbot (Lon Chaney), better known as the Wolf Man. Both beings of the night are tired of their supernatural afflictions, so they seek out Dr. Franz Edelmann (Onslow Stevens) for cures for their respective curses. While trying to aid the imposing creatures, Edelmann himself develops a transformative condition, adding to the many ghouls lurking around the foreboding landscape.

The working titles for the film were Dracula vs. the Wolf Man or The Wolf Man vs. Dracula.

Although Glenn Strange appears as the Monster in most of the film, footage of Chaney as the Monster from The Ghost of Frankenstein and Boris Karloff from Bride of Frankenstein was recycled; Karloff appears in a dream sequence, while Chaney, as well as his double Eddie Parker, are seen in footage in a fire scene.

Strange recounts that a scene with the Monster stuck in quicksand was particularly arduous for him. On top of three hours of getting into makeup, Strange spent the rest of the day buried in cold sand, including during the lunch break, and was so cold by midafternoon that he could barely feel his legs. Lon Chaney Jr. attempted to help Strange keep warm by passing him a bottle of scotch, with the result that Strange was so drunk that after getting out of costume and makeup, he had difficulty dressing himself in his street clothes. Chaney's drinking contributed to his reputation as being difficult to work with, and probably was the reason Universal let him go after the film was completed.

The film, which was the seventh Universal film to feature Frankenstein's monster, as well as the fourth with Count Dracula and the Wolf Man, was a commercial success, but was one of the last Universal movies featuring Frankenstein's monster, vampires, and werewolves, with the exception of the comedy Abbott and Costello Meet Frankenstein (1948), in which all three appear.

Its a fun entertaing horror film starring the universal monsters.
Very descriptive. (0 more)
No bad (0 more)
Fantastic young-adult adventure
In this book you follow Torak, a young boy, who develops an incredible relationship with a wolf pup. Together they go on an amazing adventure. Full of twists and turns. The author is extremely good at descriptive writing, as you read this you can really picture the scenes. This took me 2 days to read, that's how good it is.

DealsWithFate (4 KP) rated Wolf 359 in Podcasts

Jun 10, 2019  
Wolf 359
Wolf 359
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Podcast Rating
It's an excellent radio play that makes you feel attached to the characters almost immediately. (0 more)
Wolf 359
It's a well-done radio play and quite immersive. It's quite talented, especially considering the small size of the cast and crew. It starts off as a inconsequential workplace comedy but the layers to the plot get introduced throughout the first season, and where you end is not where you began.

Dana (24 KP) rated Red Riding Hood in Books

Mar 23, 2018  
Red Riding Hood
5.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
I didn't overly enjoy this book. It took until the last quarter of the book to get interesting. I thought it would have more of a resolved ending to it, but unfortunately, it didn't. The readers are forced to then see the movie to get a true resolution. I wish this book would have at least given who the wolf was. We are left with too many options!
Teen Wolf  - Season 1
Teen Wolf - Season 1
2011 | Action
8.1 (7 Ratings)
Teen Wolf - Season 1
Season 1 of this American TV series is just the start of Scott McCall's journey in the life of being a teenage werewolf. It is filled with action, romance and comedy- brilliant for those who love to watch fantasy related programmes. The first season of this incredible series also includes a lot of mystery and attention gripping moments throughout the episodes. I highly reccomend this series!!
John Phillips (John the Wolfking of L.A.) by John Phillips
John Phillips (John the Wolfking of L.A.) by John Phillips
1970 | Folk, Rock, Singer-Songwriter
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"So the The Wolf King Of L.A. and There's A Riot Goin' On were both recorded in the same studio. John Phillips bought Jeanette McDonald, a Hollywood actress, a mansion in Bel Air. And he illegally built a studio in the attic, which was huge. I guess there were building restrictions, but he just wanted to build a recording studio in there. He recorded the album in that place. Now coming on to the transcendent, joyous, pop glory of The Mamas & The Papas, The Wolf King Of L.A. is a very strange album. I think John was hanging out with Gram Parsons and as a result, the record is a country-soul-pop album. In The Mamas & The Papas, he was writing for a pop audience and I guess that was a message to Michelle Phillips because they're both adulterers, I think. John would write a song and get Denny Doherty to sing it because he knew he was having an affair with his wife. John was quite a dark guy! They were very personal songs, but also universal because he was writing for a pop audience. But with Wolf King, he went solo. Phillips became deeply addicted to heroin, coke and everything else. He was a very advanced drug addict. Wolf King Of L.A. is a very soulful album. John wrote and arranged the songs for The Mamas & The Papas but his voice was hidden in the mix as Denny and Michelle had incredible voices. But on this album, it's just his voice. And I believe that the session musicians were Phil Spector's Wrecking Crew and are the same guys who played on The Mamas & The Papas records. They loved John Phillips and thought he was a fucking great guy. It's one of those records I haven't stopped playing for 30 years and a great document of rock and LA culture in the late '60s. It's also got a great cover with John wearing a top hat standing on Malibu beach with the sun setting looking absolutely wasted."

200 of 250
Kitty Takes a Holiday ( Kitty Norville book 3)
By Carrie Vaughn

Once read a review will be written via Smashbomb and link posted in comments

After getting caught turning wolf on national television, Kitty retreats to a mountain cabin to recover and write her memoirs. But this is Kitty, so trouble is never far behind, and instead of Walden Pond, she gets Evil Dead. When werewolf hunter Cormac shows up with an injured Ben O'Farrell, Kitty's lawyer, slung over his shoulder, and a wolf-like creature with glowing red eyes starts sniffing around the cabin, Kitty wonders if any of them will get out of these woods alive...

Another brilliant and interesting instalment from Kitty Norville I love this series. We see Kittt taking a break dealing with with some person issues, taking care of a friend helps her do this. These books are just so easy to read and never disappoint.
Farm Rescue
Farm Rescue
2019 | Memory
The Kids Table series from Purple Phoenix Games seeks to lightly explore games that are focused toward children and families. We will do our best to give some good insight, but not bog your down with the millions of rules…

Farm Rescue is a cute little memory game with pretty excellent components, especially for a kids game. Though the box says 4+ my 3 year old picked it up pretty quickly and is surprisingly good at it.

The game comes in a box with a really great insert where the components can really only go in one spot. This is so wonderful for parents of younger kids who enjoy setting up and tearing down games. So thank you for that consideration, Brain Games! Anyway, the idea behind the game is to setup a 5 x 5 grid of face-up farm animal squares inside the provided picket fence border tiles. Each player will roll the two dice (one is color and one is an animal) and flip over the corresponding tile – like green chicken or purple cow. If a purple cow is rolled again in the future you must remember which tile featured the purple cow and flip it back over. If correct, then the farmer mini is moved closer to catching the wolf mini. If incorrect, the wolf mini is moved closer to the fence entrance. The game ends when either all tiles are flipped to their backs, the farmer catches the wolf, or the wolf gets into the fence to gobble up the remaining animals.

This game is surprisingly good! When my son picked it out at our FLGS (as recommended by the attendant) I didn’t know what to expect. I honestly, and foolishly, don’t keep kids games on my radar. When we brought it home, and after his nap, we were able to get a play in right away with Gramps as our third player. Ultimately we allowed the wolf to gobble up the animals, but we had a great time rolling the dice and flipping the animals (no Midwest cow tipping jokes please). My son also showed us that young children have far better memory skills than middle-aged dads and slightly older (you’re welcome) grandfathers.

My son LOVES his new game and I am so sure we are going to be playing it often. He even invited the farmer and wolf minis to the dinner table with him. He also took the following action shots of the game (which he never really offers to do, so this is big for him). Farm Rescue is a hit with our family, and if you are looking for a memory game with some meat on the bones (I had to), then check it out for your family.

PS – I often make mention of games that rely on color recognition that also play well with colorblindness. Though nobody in my family is colorblind, each of the colors in Farm Rescue also has an associated graphic – red circles, blue stars, purple plus signs. This is very much appreciated, and another high-five to Brain Games for having more inclusive components. Good on you!
Wolfwalkers (2020)
Wolfwalkers (2020)
2020 | Animation, Family
9.3 (3 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Wolfwalkers is the latest animated offering from Irish based studio, Cartoon Saloon. I’m actually ashamed to say that before watching Wolfwalkers, I was pretty unfamiliar with their previous Irish folklore offerings - The Secret of Kells (2009) and Song of the Sea (2014) - but having seen this latest animated feature, it’s a mistake that I will be looking to correct as quickly as possible.

Wolfwalkers is set in Kilkenny, Ireland (which is also the home of Cartoon Saloon!) during the 17th century. Robyn (Honor Kneafsey) has moved from Yorkshire with her father, Bill (Sean Bean) to the walled town, where Bill has been tasked by the rather menacing Lord Protector (Simon McBurney) to clear the surrounding forest of wolves. Once the forest is clear, the woodsmen can fell the trees and the farmers can start working the land.

There are signs everywhere, throughout the town and pinned to trees in the forest, showing a snarling wolf with a red cross drawn over it. A wolf attack on some woodsmen early on shows us just how dangerous the wolves are, and also introduces us to the Wolfwalkers that walk among them. With blazing eyes and fiery red hair, the Wolfwalkers are able to communicate with and control the wolves, calling them off their attacks on the humans. They also appear to possess magical healing abilities, using them to heal a wolf scratch on the chest of one of the men.

Robyn has dreams of following in her father’s footsteps and becoming a hunter as she practices her crossbow skills. So rather than work all day in the scullery, she decides to slip past the guards at the outer gate (no children are allowed beyond the town walls) and secretly follow her father out into the forest, watching him as he sets traps for the wolves. When she comes face to face with a wolf, it’s much smaller and a lot cuter than the ones we’ve seen before, and Robyn learns that it is, in fact, a young Wolfwalker named Mebh.

Robyn forms a bond with Mebh and discovers that when the Wolfwalkers sleep, they assume the body of a wolf, leaving their human body to sleep until they return in order to wake it up. Mebh is worried because her mother has been asleep for some time and her wolf form has not yet returned. Robyn learns that the Wolfwalkers are simply trying to defend the animals from the modern world that is encroaching on their forest and Robyn vows to help find her mother. A difficult task when the Lord Protector has given her father 2 days to clear the forest of wolves, and he isn’t listening to his daughter as she pleads with him to stop.

I found Wolfwalkers to be simply wonderful, with a captivating story full of twist and turns for both kids and adults to enjoy. It’s beautiful to look at too, utilising a watercolour style with rough pencil sketches visible in most of the characters and scenery only adding to its visual appeal. I was completely taken by surprise and just couldn’t fault it.
Remember Me Forever (Lovely Vicious, #3)
Sara Wolf | 2014
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
<b><i>I received this book for free from Publisher in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.</i></b>
Remember Me Forever</i> is the third and last book of Sara Wolf’s <i>Lovely Vicious</i> trilogy, when we are brought back to the world of Isis and Jack. It’s been over three years since Isis Blake has fallen in love, and with Jack having disappeared off the surface of the planet, she tries to get over it by living a normal life as possible until she comes across someone she would rather never see again.

Sara Wolf’s latest book is the darkest of the three books - the first book, <i><a href=""; target="_blank" rel="noopener">Love Me Never</a></i>, is very light-hearted: there is a lot of laugh out loud moments, snarky comments, and a great banter between Isis and Jack. The second, <i><a href=""; target="_blank" rel="noopener">Forget Me Always</a></i>, is a little darker than the first, but Isis still has her moments. Wolf gives us a few teasers from Jack’s and Isis’s past without fully revealing anything. <i>Remember Me Forever </i>brings both Jack’s and Isis’s past to light, and their confrontations towards it.

I adored Isis throughout the entire trilogy, and it’s no wonder Jack adores her as well. Isis has a quirky personality - despite all she’s gone through, she tries to find light of the situation. She takes the situations she’s in and spins them right back with a funny comeback, even if it may be well over the top. (I suppose this is because I cope the same way - I come back with an evil little comment.)

I also really liked how Isis takes what happens to her and tries to help others who are in a similar situation before anything bad actually happens to them. Isis, however, doesn’t do that by going to someone else entirely - she confronts the perpetrator herself. All of that is, in a way, helping her prepare for the final confrontation - her past.

It was an absolute joy to go through a part of Isis’s and Jack’s journey of life - the <i>Lovely Vicious</i> trilogy deals with a dark topic, but has a great balance of funny and serious.

<a href=""; target="_blank">This review was originally posted on Bookwyrming Thoughts</a>