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Connilyn Cossette has officially earned her spot as my favorite Biblical Fiction Author. The creativity in which she approaches the era, the people, and the culture of the Hebrews astounds me. She accomplishes so much while staying as true to history and the Bible as possible (obviously there are some creative strokes because this IS fiction).

Moriyah and Darek have been thrown into a circumstance that takes their lives in a direction they never thought possible. Running for her life, Moriyah must face the consequences of her actions, even if accidental. Meanwhile, Darek wrestles with his loyalty to his family and his growing attraction to the woman who is responsible for bringing so much heartache to those he loves.
Throughout these pages, we continually see the grace and love of Yahweh expressed for His people. Mrs. Cossette was brilliant in her execution of this story. There is always another level of history, of scripture, to discover, and I felt like she brought this aspect of the Mosaic Law closer to the surface of understanding.

If you have never read Biblical Fiction before, you should definitely give Mrs. Cossette's books a try. If you love history in any aspect (especially Biblical) I encourage you to read A Light on the Hill. Your eyes will be opened and your heart touched to the core by this beautiful story of love, danger, faith, and healing.

I received a complimentary copy of A Light on the Hill from the publishers. I was not required to write a positive review. All opinions expressed are mine alone.
When Katie Met Cassidy
When Katie Met Cassidy
7.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
This was one of my Book of the Month picks this month, so I got it a little early. It's a very quick read, and a sweet story. Basically, it's lesbian romance fluff. We need more fluff with non-heterosexual romances, so this is great stuff!

The book touches on gender issues - Cassidy is a woman, and seems happy to be so, but abhors feminine clothing and instead dresses solely in men's suits. (The scene with her fabulously gay tailor was an absolute delight!) She flashes back a little onto her childhood when she wasn't allowed to wear the clothing she felt best in. She also has a few conversations with Katie about gender roles. Katie is much more traditionally feminine, wearing dresses and heels and long hair.

I'm a little torn on whether I dislike the use of the trope "straight woman turned gay after breakup" or like the point that Katie isn't sure she likes women, but she knows she likes Cassidy. Cassidy's gender is secondary to her personality. And it's not like Katie decided to go hit on women after her fiance cheated on her; she got practically dragged to the lesbian bar by Cassidy, who saw how much she was hurting and decided to help her.

I enjoyed seeing that Cassidy has casual sex partners, many of them former sex partners, who are still good friends with her. Granted, she has lots of one-night stands who are upset with her since she's quite the player, but there are several women who she's been involved with before the book opens, who are close friends of hers and care about her future. I wish we saw more relationships like this in heterosexual romantic fiction instead of only in GLBT fiction! These kinds of relationships do exist in heterosexual groups, but it seems like romantic fiction is always divided between "heterosexual monogamy" and "everything else." I did read an exception in Next Year, For Sure, but I greatly disliked the ending.

I really loved this book. It was sweet, and light-hearted, and a pleasant breath of fresh air from a lot of what I've been reading recently!

You can find all my reviews at
Aliens Abroad (Katherine "Kitty" Katt, #16)
Aliens Abroad (Katherine "Kitty" Katt, #16)
Gini Koch | 2018 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I have just four words for you: GO READ THIS BOOK.

Katherine Kitty-Katt is a force to reckon with and her determination to save the world is why I enjoyed her character so much. It's a lot like a superhero comic where the character themselves is so invested in their cause that you can't help but be invested in it too. Not to mention, the main character is married woman who makes matrimony sexy - proving that it's not the end of Independence for a woman. If anything, she and Jeff were a power couple and I love how well they worked together while maintaining separate identities.

I’m serious, people. Aliens Abroad brought fresh elements to the science-fiction novel and it drew me in like the gravitational pull of a black hole. It’s the kind of story that left me anxiously chewing the inside of my cheek as my heart raced and I couldn’t (much to my own disdain) read fast enough. From the first page, I was tangled in the story and invested in all the characters. Nothing is more important than that for me, and it’s why I recommend you launch yourself into this book.
Gentleman's Guide To Vice And Virtue
Gentleman's Guide To Vice And Virtue
Mackenzi Lee | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
8.9 (18 Ratings)
Book Rating
The Gentleman's Guide to Vice and Virtue is a hilarious romp through the 1700's. Monty is a well-off, yet rakish gentleman who is sent off of a Grand Tour of Europe with his best friend, Percy and his sister, Felicity. Three the manage to, of course, get into trouble and a wonderfully fun journey for the reader ensues. This light, humorous, historical fiction read is a must - even if you don't think you're normally a historical fiction person.

Monty is quite enamored with himself and unconcerned about the responsibility that his title infers that he should possess. He doesn't think through his actions and gets in more trouble than the pretty face of his would lead you to believe. Despite that, and despite his absolute ineptitude, you can't help but love him as a character. His shenanigans and lack of forethought throw the trio into a situation that they might not make it out of unscathed.

Percy, his best friend, is much more responsible and adds a perspective to the history that we might not think of otherwise. Although his father is a titled man, he fathered Percy with a woman of colour which gives readers the perspective of a man of mixed-race rather than the white-privilege that we see from Monty. Felicity is well-educated because she is stubborn and refuses to bow to the whims of society. She wants to study medicine, so she finds any book she can on the subject and devours it. Felicity's character also allows readers to see the position of a woman in those times, to realize how far we have come in the treatment of woman, or just anyone who is not a Caucasian male, their equality, and how far we still have to go on all accounts.

I have noticed that some people find the story to be slow, which is not quite how I would describe it. The first few chapters might be tough to get into as it is not immediately the energy of a swashbuckling pirate adventure or high stakes battle in space, but it does find its stride. The journey the reader is taken on is highly enjoyable and certainly worth the slower early build up. Plus the flirting is precious and I want to believe that it is a historically accurate portrayal of a person from that time period.

Mackenzie Lee does a wonderful job of taking us on a Grand Tour of Europe, despite the fact that most of us probably are not familiar with the continent in the 1700's. She adds authentic little items into the story like cities, events or jobs that make the story feel real. It is clear that she did a lot of research and it makes her book shine.

I highly recommend this to young adult/teen readers even if they don't feel that they are historical fiction readers. This story is fun and will give you all of the feels, although you may want to hit Monty upside the head a few times. This cute story will leave you wanting more of the trio and wondering if you are a historical fiction fan after all.
Called to Justice (Quaker Midwife Mystery #2)
Called to Justice (Quaker Midwife Mystery #2)
Edith Maxwell | 2017 | Crime, History & Politics, Mystery
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Called to Justice is as much historical fiction as it is cozy mystery, and I found both aspects of the story to be riveting. A young, unmarried woman confides in Rose that she is expecting a child, and then ends up being murdered during the Independence Day fireworks celebration. Determined to find justice for the girl and her unborn child, Rose manages to squeeze in a little investigating, between birthing babies and checking on the well-being of her clientele of local women waiting to deliver.

There was a lot of attention to detail and historical accuracy where the births in the story were concerned. See what author Edith Maxwell has to say about midwives and the birthing process on <a href="">my blog</a>.

Mayhawke (97 KP) rated Red Snow in Books

Jan 13, 2019  
Red Snow
Red Snow
Will Dean | 2019 | Crime
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Characterisation (0 more)
Gripping Scandinavian Crime
This is Dean's second novel featuring reporter Tuva Moodyson.

Set in the northerly town of Gravik, death arrives in the shape of suicide: the owner of the town's main employer - a liqourice factory - throws himself to his death one morning.

It's solid piece of crime fiction with a plot that weaves around and throws out plenty of misdirection, keeping the reader on their puzzle-solving toes.

What gives this book edge is the characters. Dean has delivered some of the most believable female characters I have ever read, and chief amongst them is Cece. That old woman is an absolute delight and should have books all of her own. I don't know if she is modelled on a flesh and blood person, but Will gets full marks just for writing her in.

Emma Watson recommended The Handmaid's Tale in Books (curated)

The Handmaid&#039;s Tale
The Handmaid's Tale
Margaret Atwood | 1998 | Essays
8.3 (112 Ratings)
Book Favorite

"Margaret Atwood wrote The Handmaid’s Tale over thirty years ago now, but it is a book that has never stopped fascinating readers because it articulates so vividly what it feels like for a woman to lose power over her own body. Like George Orwell’s 1984 (a novel that Atwood was inspired by) its title alone summons up a whole set of ideas, even for those who haven’t read it…Atwood has called it ‘speculative fiction’, but also says that all the practises described in the novel are ‘drawn from the historical record’ – i.e. are things that have actually taken place in the past. Could any of Atwood’s speculations take place again, or are some of them taking place already? Are the women in the book powerless in their oppression or could they be doing more to fight it?"


HyruleBalverine (16 KP) rated The Gargoyle in Books

Nov 27, 2017 (Updated Nov 27, 2017)  
The Gargoyle
The Gargoyle
Andrew Davidson | 2008 | Fiction & Poetry
9.0 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
A literary Journey that will have you questioning the reality your characters live in.
I typically read books in the science fiction, science fiction / fantasy, crime Thriller, or horror genres. A friend of mine suggested that I read this book because she really liked it. I will admit to going into with skepticism expect there to be some sort of romance novel. While there is some discussion of a romantic history and potentially some romantic feelings between the characters that is not what this book is about.

As you read through the story someone getting to know the characters and events unfold including the tails that Marianne tells of the past, you start to question whether this woman is telling the truth or she is actually crazy. The book never blatantly tells you one way or the other, but leaves it up to you to decide based on what you read and take from the book. I definitely has a clear opinion as to what was really going on but I won't spoil it for you by telling you what I think or why.

I will tell you after having read this book, I made it a point to recommend it to other friends I have that read because I thought it was that amazing especially given that it is not the type of story I typically read.
Spaced Out (Moon Base Alpha #2)
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
When you are living in a small base on the moon, it’s hard to vanish. And yet, that’s exactly what has happened to Nina Stack, the commander. Dash Gibson finds himself in the middle of the hunt for the missing woman, all the time with one thought in the back of his mind – if they don’t find her soon, time might run out.

This is a delightful combination of mystery and science fiction that will keep fans of either genre turning pages. The characters are sharp and well done. There are plenty of twists and clues. Plus there are some very funny scenes. My only warning is that this book spoils the first in the series, but that’s a very minor issue since both books are delightful reads.

Read my full review at <a href="">Carstairs Considers</a>.
The Scarlet Pen (True Color #12)
The Scarlet Pen (True Color #12)
Jennifer Uhlarik | 2021 | Crime, Fiction & Poetry, History & Politics
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
The last book in the True Colors series is called "The Scarlet Pen." What a story it told. Though at first, you might think about what is going on. Why would parents be concerned for their daughter and not allow her to marry her friend?

We meet a young woman and her sweet talk lover Stephen. But will they end up getting married, or will Emma finally see what is going on with their beloved and find true love? We seem to follow Stephen's journey from his marriage proposal to a young woman to his eventful capture.

There a young man on horseback comes to visit and do some business. As the twist and turns show up. Something happens to make Stephen and his friend jump town; Stephen tries to keep Emma at bay and in the dark. Clay seems to want to help and protect her. Emma seems to want to defend Stephen. Why is that?

There seems to be a trail of banknotes that keep leading back to Stephen and connecting to Emma. Will Emma confront a man that may harm her and possibly kill her. Or will someone come and save her.

Who is this serial killer? Why is he doing it? Clay seems to get hints and information and then loses Richards while he is on the run. Will they all make it out safe? Will Stephen get caught, or will he run free. I felt terrible for the family that brings Clay to face the past that happened to him and his family.

The True Color series is a favorite of mine. The books are set in history and tell about true American crimes and have some fiction. These books are great for historical fiction fans and crime fans as well. This one has quite a few killings but not too much detail of the gruesome deaths. Enough to know how it happened. The stories transpire based on actual crimes in American history, but there is some friction that the author brings up in the book.