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Avengers: Infinity War (2018)
Avengers: Infinity War (2018)
2018 | Action, Sci-Fi
Many heroes working on many levels to take down Thanos (0 more)
Too spread out and not fighting together (0 more)
A great big cast of heroes take on the big bad Mad Titan
Infinity War was promised to be the big hero movie of the year. Reading from the comics it was looking like a bloodbath, I was curious to see how it would translate to the movies. It didn't slack on fight scenes, just about every represented Avenger was involved in at least 1 fight. Seeing Cap in his Nomad suit and facial hair was enough to get this girl's heart pumping. I preferred IW to Endgame with this being more action filled overall. While IW is darker than a normal avengers movie, it is with a purpose. This isn't a movie where the normal quips and jokes would fit in. While I didn't like the fact that the heroes were spread out over the world, I understand in the bigger scheme of things that it was needed. A great lead in movie to Endgame's payoff.