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8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Pelican Point is the fourth novel in the Hope Harbor series. In this intriguing novel, we are introduced to Army doctor Ben Garrison who has arrived back to Hope Harbor for his grandfather's funeral.

Ben, being sole heir is left everything, including the run-down lighthouse at Pelican Point. Ben wants to settle his grandfather's affairs and move on to his new practice in Ohio and that means selling an old lighthouse no one wants to buy; until a developer puts in a bid to buy it and the whole town comes together thanks to Marci, the local newspaper editor to save the landmark.

Can Ben who wants nothing more to settle the estate can't push past the feelings he has for Marci, the strong-willed red headed newspaper editor. Both Ben and Marci are dealing with past issues that have made them skittish about forming relationships. Will they be able to move past these issues and yield to their feelings?

The writer has done a great job of bringing you into the small town of Hope Harbor and into the lives of the characters she has created. I especially appreciated the way all the characters in Hope Harbor revolved around the lighthouse and Charly the taco king.

I like the way she artfully interweaves the characters in this story and creates a subplot.

Although this novel is the fourth in a series, it can stand alone without reading the first three, but once you've read this one you will want to read the rest.

 I received this book free from the publisher. I was not required to write a positive review and the opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255 : “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”

Merissa (11953 KP) rated Sleep in Books

Mar 25, 2019  
C.L. Taylor | 2019 | Thriller
8.7 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
Sleep by C.L. Taylor
Sleep is the second book by C.L. Taylor I have read, and my opinion of her as a first class thriller writer has been solidified. This one was very different to The Fear, but just as good.

We start off with Anna driving home after a team-building weekend in Wales. Everyone else is asleep, and the weather is bad. Through no fault of her own, there is an accident. Two are killed, one is left unable to walk, and Anna walks away from hospital. Not uninjured, not at all, but still walks away. She suffers from survivor's guilt, and it isn't helped by the fact she is convinced she is being stalked. Taking matters into her own hand, she splits with her boyfriend, and takes a job on the remote isle of Rum. Seven guests arrive the same time as a storm. Everyone is hiding something, and Anna doesn't know if she will survive.

This was an intriguing story, full of twists, turns, and red herrings. I'm never one to try and figure out 'whodunnit' as I prefer to let the story take me where it will. I will say in this instance, it became clear who it was, and I was lucky enough to guess correctly as to the reasons why. However, this didn't detract from the story itself in any way.

With no editing or grammatical errors to disrupt my reading flow, I thoroughly enjoyed this book from start to finish, and have no hesitation in recommending it to all #Thriller fans out there.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Delightful romance.
So I’ll admit. The only reason I picked this book up is because the second book in the series, Her Royal Highness, looks like an adorable lesbian romance and I thought I should start at the beginning of the series. I’m glad I did, because Royals is a delight. Daisy is a spirited, no-nonsense teenager who doesn’t get the appeal of all this “royal” stuff, and she’s not one to mince words for the sake of appearances. As you can imagine, that ruffles a LOT of royal feathers! Add in a posse of noble ne’er-do-wells trying to get in trouble, and you’re in for some fun.

Interestingly, I’m torn now on whether to read the second book! Rachel Hawkins is a fantastic writer, so I have no doubt she’ll write a great second book, but the love interest in the next book, Princess Flora, did not make a great impression on me in this book. I was glad she only made a short appearance. It doesn’t sound like the next book is told from her point of view, though, so maybe it will be okay. The series definitely has a lot of potential, as there’s still several members of the Prince’s posse to tell stories about!

I do enjoy a good royal romance, and these are interesting in that they’re contemporary, so the royals are concerned with their reputation, and treated like massive celebrities, but have lost a lot of their intimidation factor and power when it comes to normal people. Daisy sees it more as an inconvenience than anything else, it seems.

One content warning – there was a scene with an unasked-for kiss that could have been called sexual assault if Daisy had been less charitable about it. It wasn’t malicious. But it was questionable. So beware if that’s something you want to avoid.
The Narrows (Harry Bosch, #10; Harry Bosch Universe, #13)
The Narrows (Harry Bosch, #10; Harry Bosch Universe, #13)
Michael Connelly | 2004 | Crime, Fiction & Poetry, Thriller
9.3 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
Harry Bosch Vs. The Poet
The Poet is back, and he is calling out FBI agent Rachel Walling. She has been summoned from a field office in South Dakota to a burial scene in Las Vegas to help the FBI track down this serial killer once and for all. Meanwhile, retired LAPD detective Harry Bosch has been asked to investigate the death of a friend by his widow. Everyone thought this death was natural causes, but Bosch begins to agree that there was something suspicious about his death. Where will the investigation lead?

While The Poet wasn’t originally part of the Harry Bosch series, this is a direct sequel to that Michael Connelly book. If you haven’t read it, you’ll definitely want to since it spoils twists in that book, and the story here will mean more to you as well. It is obvious to us that these two investigations are going to come together, and Connelly does a great job of keeping us entertained as he lays that ground work. We get plenty of twists as we go along, and the book kept me engrossed until we reached the very end. We get some follow up on the twist in Bosch’s personal life from the end of the previous book, and I enjoyed seeing his character grow as a result. The rest of the cast is just as strong, which is no surprise. We get the story from Bosch’s first-person point of view as well as the third-person point of view of other characters; these switches are never confusing and really enhance the story. Obviously, this is a darker book than my normal cozies, but I knew that going in and that didn’t bother me. This is another masterpiece from a wonderful writer.

Eleanor (1463 KP) rated Twisted in Books

Jun 6, 2019  
Steve Cavanagh | 2019 | Thriller
9.5 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
Ambitious twisty thriller
With a satire type feel to the plot, we have a tale about a super famous thriller writer called J.T LeBeau who is only known by their pen name (and it’s not J.K Rowling for sure….) They are well known for their killer (pardon the pun) twists. So this book sets itself up to some high expectations with a title like Twisted about an author who writes awesome twists you better have some darn good twists!

It’s one of those books you are better off not having to much plot detail on and just going with, so I’ll save on the details. I found it to be a well written book, I liked the style and it moved along at a good pace. I think the plot would have benefited from a few more characters but on the whole I like the ones we had (even if I didn’t necessarily like the person.) In particular the cops were interesting, for a book that does not focus on them, rather than just the standard insert cardboard cutout type cops.

For all the hype of twists it did deliver to some extent but for me it just fell short of having a real stunner twist(s.) Maybe not helped with the whole premise putting you on high alert for them. I do read a lot in this genre so I think it takes quite a bit these days to really get my jaw to drop and this didn’t quite get me to that point but still some enjoyable curves.

This was the first book by Steve Cavanagh that I have read and I think the premise of the book was very interesting it just set its sights a little higher than it managed to reach. Still it was an enjoyable ride and I’m looking forward to reading more by him.
Charming Olivia (Geary Brothers, #1)
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I requested this from NetGalley’s erotica section, and boy is it erotica. So much so that it overshadows much of the plot that I almost missed it. While there is a plot, it wasn’t one I was interested in. I am tired of the women with “tragic pasts” that have been hurt in some way.

What I appreciated about this novel is that it shows that people are able to separate love and sex. I think our society is so caught up in the idea that only people who are in love should have sex and if there isn’t love involved, then there is something wrong with those people taking part (i.e. sluts, perverts, etc.) That’s not the case at all. Adults should be allowed to explore their sexuality without judgement and be able to enjoy themselves. That is what this novel is about: two people (one more so than the other) discovering their sexuality.

It was an idea I could definitely get behind and that is why I enjoyed this novel so much. While I am a highly monogamous person in my own relationship, I fully support those who aren’t. I am not saying I condone cheating; that is a completely different ballpark. I just understand that monogamy isn’t the only way and people should be able to have a happy healthy sex life without being by judge.

To get back to the story. Harper is a talented writer who knows how to write steamy scenes and a plotline present enough to keep the story moving. Her characters weren’t my favorite but they were realistic enough with their own flaws and quirks. The best part was the variety and open-mindedness of the erotic.

Awix (3310 KP) rated Bright (2017) in Movies

Feb 8, 2018 (Updated Feb 8, 2018)  
Bright (2017)
Bright (2017)
2017 | Drama, Fantasy, Sci-Fi
Orcz in da Hood
Fantasy-cop movie mash-up which probably sounded cool at the pitch meeting but doesn't really work as a full movie. Will Smith plays a careworn LA street cop saddled with an Orc (Joel Edgerton) as his partner, as this is a world where humans and fantasy creatures co-exist. The two of them end up contending with the anti-Orc racism of the LAPD and a cult of evil Elves seeking to use a magic wand to bring about the end of the world (Noomi Rapace and her cheekbones are well-cast as the baddie).

David Ayer seems much more comfortable handling the cop movie angle than the fantasy, but then at least this bit of the script actually makes a degree of sense. The movie no offers no clues as to how a world with Dark Lords and dragons and near-omnipotent magic wands ended up so closely resembling our own, with roughly the same history, countries, and cities (they even have Uber, for God's sake). And you have to wonder what kind of social commentary writer Max Landis is intent on when he implicitly draws parallels between Orcs (strong, dim, violent) and real-world ethnic groups.

Looking on the (wait for it) bright side, there is some snappy dialogue and good performances from Smith and (particularly) Edgerton, and most of the action is well-staged. One of those movies that works better if you just don't think about it, but let it wash over you; apparently a sequel is in the works and maybe they will address some of these issues there. David Ayer should definitely stick to writing his own scripts in future, though.

Kristy H (1252 KP) rated The Hopefuls in Books

Feb 13, 2018  
The Hopefuls
4.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Beth is less than thrilled when her husband, Matt, announces they are moving to Washington, DC. Beth loves New York City and all that comes with it, and DC is an intense culture shock. Matt is involved with President Obama's campaign and the couple's life revolves completely around politics. Beth, a writer, tires easily of the endless business talk and her husband's obsession with politics and the DC scene. Soon Matt and Beth meet Jimmy and Ashleigh. Jimmy works at the White House as well. The couples become fast friends, sharing meals, parties, and vacations. But as Jimmy raises in the ranks in politics, the friendship becomes quickly threatened by jealousy.

I was intrigued by the premise of this book--a relationship set to the backdrop of the Obama campaign and administration. Living close to the DC area, I can say that Close's description of many DC citizens is spot on: the Blackberrys, the obsession with security clearance and work standing, the fashion. She's excellent at weaving a story in the details.

The problem, however, is that Beth--the novel's narrator--is just so dull. She's beyond passive, willing to watch life unravel as she watches. It doesn't seem as if Beth is interested in anything, beyond whining. After a while, I just became so frustrated with her, I wanted to scream. It doesn't help that her husband, Matt, is similarly self-absorbed, and Jimmy and Ashleigh aren't any more likable. The book sort of bumps along, with no real movement to swing it along, or a character with any redeeming quality of any sort (good or bad). Even the DC details can't save this often frustrating novel from its own irksome and passive characters. 2.5 stars.
In a Dark, Dark Wood
In a Dark, Dark Wood
Ruth Ware | 2016 | Fiction & Poetry, Thriller
8.0 (23 Ratings)
Book Rating
Also find my review here:

DNF at around 80%

I was so ready to love this book! I'd been wanting it <b>forever!</b> So when I finally got my hands on it I got straight to it and starting reading, but oh dear god, how wrong I was to be excited about this.

Now I'm not saying this is a badly written book, or the characters are boring etc etc, I actually find the writing style of Ware really nice to read <i>but</i> I thought the plot was so incredibly predictable it was honestly hard to keep my eyes from rolling every 5 pages. I know I'm not the only one who thought this because I spoiled the ending for myself by reading some of the answered questions relating to the book just so I wouldn't have to put myself through the last 20%.

The ending is the biggest load of crap ever (sorry to be so harsh). It's ridiculous! Plus I totally guessed it as soon as we found out about Clare & James.

Personally, my recommendation to you is don't waste your time or money on this. If you're looking for a thriller go read <a href="">Behind Closed Doors</a> instead. It's so much more tense and thrilling than this novel that I can assure you, you've probably read 5 times already because it's plot is so over done.

You might be wondering why I gave this 2 stars when all I seem to be doing is hating on it, but Ware is a good writer and her characters are well developed and interesting.... she just needs to work on her plot development.
Historical fiction isn't my favorite genre, but I'm much more willing to read it when it's mixed with mystery. I've read some of Hambly's work before and know her to be a fine writer, and I'd read good reviews of this series by people I respect, so I decided to give it a whirl.

I suppose all the descriptions of people's clothing would have mattered much more to someone who cared about such things, but I do realize that they were important in the context of the story. Personally, I was relieved when the main character went on a journey! I would have been happier had his medical skills been utilized more frequently than they were, but I suppose his experiences were fairly true to life for a "colored" man of his time.

I did learn quite a lot&mdash;things that I intend to verify in non-fiction sources shortly. The information about the black code, for instance, and the explanation of the distinction between "black" and "colored" people seemed too precise to be fabricated.

I knew, too, that Louisiana is the only U.S. state whose laws are based on French rather than English common law, which seemed silly to me. Why wouldn't they go with the standard everyone else used? After reading this novel, I'm starting to realize that there may have been rights given to citizens under French law that were lost under English law.

I'm not sure as to whether or not I'll go forward in the series, as I'm not sure that I can handle the unhappiness I can see foreshadowed even in some of the titles. However, I will say that this volume is well-written and well-plotted. I certainly didn't guess who the killer was or why the murder was committed before the big reveal, and that was a pleasant change!