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Hank Brodt Holocaust Memoirs: A Candle and a Promise
Hank Brodt Holocaust Memoirs: A Candle and a Promise
Deborah Donnelly | 2017 | History & Politics
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
For me, it is always incredibly sad to read holocaust memoirs or any memoirs related to concentration camps. The amount of suffering it has brought to the innocent people, it is hard to comprehend.

The description of this book is pretty accurate. This book is a story of a poor polish- Jewish boy called Hank, and how he survived the Holocaust. The story starts with Hank’s childhood to post survival activities. After being taken to the concentration camp, Hank did not stay for long in one place, he was transported many times to different camps, and he shared the events he had to endure and people he met.

The book is accompanied by plenty of photos of different events, different concentration camps which Hank was transported to, and also pictures of Hank’s family. I loved the short chapters, and I finished this memoir in one sitting. For me it was gripping and I really wanted to find out what happened next after each chapter. So, to conclude, I am very happy that Hank had a chance to survive and shared his experiences with all the readers. It was a horrible period in human history, and I believe that it should not be left forgotten. So, if you into WWII books, give this book a go, it is a chilling read, filled with pain and sorrow, but it shows, that even in the worst of times, some people can still keep their kindness.
Ip Man (2010)
Ip Man (2010)
2010 | Action, Drama
My undying love for martial arts films relinquishes me my right to justifiably dislike this rather disappointing experience. Don't get me wrong, it's a rock-solid actioner filled with crunchy, brute fight sequences that always left me with a big, dumb grin on my face - choreographed to blissful perfection. But I just can't with the rest of it man, I'd be lying if I said it didn't have its moments but does every one of these mopey WWI/WWII films have to be so lusterless and conventional? I found the melodrama here to be particularly dry, simple, and flat - seemingly inert - at *least* 17 minutes too long. Feels like a clunkier and cheaper riff of Jet Li's 𝘍𝘦𝘢𝘳𝘭𝘦𝘴𝘴 but more repetitive and way less exciting, even the fights start to wear as it continues to slug on. Donnie Yen carries it well and almost personally saves it from mediocrity, I'm really sure this means well but I feel like I've seen this film fifty times - thank Lord for the A-class martial arts because the war stuff has the same invasive yet stagnant existence as a much less visually accomplished 𝘔𝘦𝘮𝘰𝘪𝘳𝘴 𝘰𝘧 𝘢 𝘎𝘦𝘪𝘴𝘩𝘢. To me this feels like an inexperienced director's first movie (even though it isn't, apparently) but then Yen comes in and beats the shit out of people with a hilariously long bamboo stick and everything is okay again.
The Guest (2014)
The Guest (2014)
2014 | Horror, Mystery, Thriller
You'd believe this purposefully sidesteps its possible themes or commentary on the adverse effects on war and a government that will sooner do shady things to save a microscopic smidgen of face rather than its own supposed heroes (though it still does a vastly superior job of showcasing them than most autopilot, sleep-inducing, reductive, and recycled WWII movies as of late), hell it hardly even sets up its own backstory let alone the potential depth of it all... but also who *really* cares when the resulting product is a legitimately balls-to-the-wall, terminally fun blast of awesome sauce like this? Wingard is the fucking man, the amount of directors I'd excuse a plot execution as flawed as this for I could probably count on one hand but the sheer lunacy of this unrestrained pulp powerhouse is more than enough evidence of his gift for unforgettable roller coasters of trash. This all - of course - would be next to nothing if not fueled by Dan Stevens in one of my new favorite performances of all time as a re-educated government massacre machine who behaves more like an inherently hostile alien body snatcher than a human being. Pair it with some cerebral editing, point-blank violence, real propaganda era-esque nuclear camerawork, Lance Reddick, and one of the most euphorically implemented soundtracks in all of film and it was impossible for this to ever fail from the get-go. Loved every second of it.
Berlin Calling
Berlin Calling
Kelly Durham | 2020 | Fiction & Poetry, History & Politics, Thriller
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I am quite a bit of a fan, when it comes to books about World War II, add women in it, and I’m intrigued. That was what drew me to this book, a woman figure in the context of war and not just woman, a foreigner. The description above, describes this novel quite well. It started with very romantic notes, how Maggie met Kurt, and how she ended up in Berlin, landing a job in Propaganda House. Maggie is very interesting character in this book, and I really loved her in this novel. She is beautiful, pleasant to be around, incredibly hard working and independent. I’m kind of used to these disturbed characters which are used in most of the books, and it was very refreshing to read about one, who is not mentally or emotionally messed up. Other characters were interesting to read about as well, and all of them where quite the personalities. I really enjoyed, that author did not make this book from one characters perspective, and included most of the characters by allowing them to speak. This made the book more pleasant to read, and more interesting.

The plot of this book was really absorbing, and different from most of the WWII books I read. Normally, I encountered the books, which used to describe the tragedy of war, such as concentration camps or Jew’s killings, and their fighting for survival. This book was softer on that part, it mentioned the cruelties’ which happened during the war, but never in so much detail to make it stomach turning. It was written more about the political aspects of it, and how German propaganda was used to influence people from other countries. It’s been a while since I studied history of WWII, and I studied from different countries’ perspective, so to see how it looked from Germany's perspective was quite appealing. I think that author was trying to show, how Germans thought about this war and why most of them supported what Hitler was doing.

I am a big fan of short chapters, and this book didn’t disappoint me with that. The chapters were divided into smaller parts, which made it more pleasant to read. Every chapter was quite detailed, but the meaning and the point of that chapter was very lovely opened, and concluded for the reader. The story was flowing nicely and smoothly. I believe Author has a great personal knowledge about war, and used it greatly in this book. There was a little bit of monotony while reading this book, and lack of twists and turns, that would’ve make it more exciting. The language used was not difficult and easy to read, but I had to look up some German terms used in this book, as I’m not familiar with the language. The ending of the book was really entertaining but not complete. I wished more conclusions, and to know what happened to Dieter. To conclude, it is a great book if you looking for World War II stories of war from German perspective, love, and survival.
Stalag 17 (1953)
Stalag 17 (1953)
1953 | Classics, Comedy, War
William Holden at his finest!
I had always heard how great this film was, but had never seen until last night. I love the William Holden films I have seen (which isn't many) so I am glad I finally got to watch.

During WWII at the German POW camp, captured American and European soldiers try and make the best of things while trying not to anger their German captors while trying to figure out how to escape.

Two men are shot dead at the beginning doing just that and suspicions arise quickly as to how the Germans discovered the escape plot so quickly.The prisoners figure out there mus be a German collaborator in their midst feeding their captors information and spying on them. All eyes point to Sefton (Holden) since he trades with the guards and they treat him well.

The tone of this film was a lot lighter than I expected. I thought it would be more like The Bridge on the River Kwai or The Great Escape, but it ended up being more like an episode of Hogan's Heroes at times. This is not a complaint, I was just surprised.

The comradery among the men was humorous and compelling at times while they try and figure out who has been snitching on them to the Germans. Once it is figured out, they have to try and save an officer who has joined their ranks before they are discovered.

A true classic.

A Sparrow in Terezin
A Sparrow in Terezin
Kristy Cambron | 2016 | Fiction & Poetry
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I am apparently a glutton for punishment and decide to read all the books that will rip out my heart and stomp on it back to back. Story SHOULD move you though. As you read the words of the author's heart poured out on the page...If you finish unchanged...What was the point? These characters, these stories, may be fictional, but they represent many people who had to live through one of the darkest times in history. Ask yourself, what can we learn from them? What are they trying to tell us? Fiction CAN and WILL challenge you to grow, to learn, to thrive...

Multiple times I wanted to cry (and there were times tears escaped) while listening to this story. Knowing that the horrors depicted in this book were lived out in reality during WWII. Kristy Cambron...I tip my hat to you...You have found BEAUTY in the ashes of a history that is riddled with sorrow and death. You have brought redemption to life on the page. You have spoken TRUTH and LIFE and LOVE into the hearts of any who lay a hand on your books. But none more so than this one*. Thank you. A Sparrow in Terezin truly is a masterpiece.

*Revision: And The Lost Castle

I won a print copy of this book from the author. This review is based on the audio version which I borrowed from my public library. I was not required to write a positive review. All opinions expressed are mine alone.

Heather Cranmer (2721 KP) created a post

Jun 21, 2020  
Visit my blog, and read a fantastic excerpt from the contemporary Christian romance novel THE KEY TO EVERYTHING by Valerie Fraser Luesse. Enter the #GIVEAWAY to #win a copy of the book, a necklace, and a $25 Barnes & Noble GIFT CARD or a $10 #Starbucks GIFT CARD!

Based on a true story, Valerie Fraser Luesse’s new novel takes readers on an incredible journey of self-discovery. The poignant prose, enchanting characters, and captivating settings in The Key to Everything make this a moving story that readers won’t soon forget. Peyton Cabot’s fifteenth year will be a painful and transformative one. His father, the reluctant head of a moneyed Savannah family, has come home from WWII a troubled vet, drowning his demons in bourbon, and distancing himself from his son. When a tragic accident separates Peyton from his parents, and the girl of his dreams seems out of reach, he struggles to cope with a young life upended.

Pushed to his limit, Peyton makes a daring decision: he will retrace a slice of the journey his father took at fifteen by riding his bicycle all the way from St. Augustine to Key West, Florida. Part loving tribute, part search for self, Peyton’s journey will unlock more than he ever could have imagined, including the key to his distant father, a calling that will shape the rest of his life, and the realization that he’s willing to risk absolutely everything for the girl he loves.

ClareR (5603 KP) rated The Nine in Books

Jul 29, 2021  
The Nine
The Nine
Gwen Strauss | 2021 | Education, History & Politics
9.0 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
The Nine is the true story of nine women who escaped a German-led Death March at the end of WWII - and it makes for compelling reading.

I had heard of death marches, but in a very vague way. The Nine gives a face and a story to one of the many groups of people who were forced to march until they died of exhaustion, starvation, dehydration and exposure. This was thought to be easier than shooting them.

These nine women escaped and walked to freedom - but it wasn’t easy. They encountered many dangers, not least the ordinary Germans who thought that they must be criminals, or worse still, Jews. These women had skills though: they were Resistance fighters, and some were multi-lingual. The fact that they could speak many languages, and in particular German, is what helped them on their journey. These were determined, brave and resourceful women, and their escape to freedom used all of their collective strength.

I really liked that the story didn’t end at the point where they reached US soldiers. Gwen Strauss was able to find out what the women’s lives were like after the end of the war. How what had happened impacted on their personal lives.

It’s such a well-researched, fascinating read. It’s only through learning about the history and horrific treatment of the many people targeted by the Nazis, that we will hopefully remember and learn that these acts can never be allowed to happen again.

Many thanks to The Pigeonhole for serialising this book.
The Battle of Algiers (1966)
The Battle of Algiers (1966)
1966 | Classics, Drama, War
7.4 (8 Ratings)
Movie Rating
This film-maker was unknown to me entirely before I decided to watch this film. In fact, I had only heard of the film itself quite recently from seeing it mentioned as one of the best films in the genre as a commentary on political insurgency and civil unrest. It is so well regarded that even the US military used it to prepare troops for entering Iraq. The main actors are largely unknown and many of the supporting cast and extras are not actors at all. The camera is allowed to wander and wobble, and such is the feel of random chaos at times you’d be forgiven for thinking this was a documentary. Nominated for 3 Oscars, and faultless in achieving its goal of humanising both sides of an argument, you can see the influence on Oliver Stone and Paul Greengrass, to name but two better known directors with a political edge.

It’s not a film I would feel the need to go back to, unless demonstrating to someone how to make something staged feel entirely real. I admire this film very much, but wouldn’t exactly call it entertaining or even rewarding as a story. Its purpose is to reinforce the tragedy of a people facing oppression and to realise the lengths both sides will go to in protecting their ideals and relative freedoms. The excellent hand held photography and score by the always inspirational Ennio Moricone are other reasons to watch it. As a history lesson of North Africa post WWII it also has a lot to offer.
felt it was a littel unfinished in places.
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

I liked this book, but I struggled a bit with it.

I liked that both Henry and Francis had a say, in the third person. I did not like that when Henry spoke, he spoke with a broad Yorkshire accent! I live one county down from Yorkshire, in the UK and it took me a bit of time to figure out what he was saying, so that took some enjoyment out it.

Henry and Francis are from very differing backgrounds, different classes and before WWII this was a major issue. It shows in places. Makes you think, about how things have changed. I didn't much like Francis' mother, but I think that's a generational thing. She came across extremely heavy on Francis and not so much on her brother, but then again, wanting to run away to Hollywood, in that time frame, was probably no more far fetched than it is today!

It felt a little clunky at times, and that made it a bit hard work. Some threads are left....unfinished.....I thought. Bit of tightening up, and I think this might have eeked that 4th star out of me.


It is well written, and I saw no editing or spelling mistakes, and I did finish it. Whether I will read another by this author remains to be seen.

a GOOD 3 star read

*same worded review will appear elsewhere