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Jojo Rabbit (2019)
Jojo Rabbit (2019)
2019 | Comedy, Drama, War
Jojo Rabbit- alot of people told me that their liked this movie. From the trailer it looked reallly good. So when i watched it yesterday, i didnt love it, i liked it kinda. Let me explain...

The subject of Nazis and Hitler is a touchy one to say the least, but it's also a subject that is ripe for satire, and one of the many aspects that stands out here, is how Taika Waititi has managed to craft a film that is absolutely hilarious, but never undermines how horrible this part of history was. So the fact that Taika made Hitler funny was kinda weird, strange and also didnt feel right. But at the same time Taika did a excellent job playing Hitler. Its just strange and out of chacter to see hitler funny. Other than that the movie is good.

The plot: Jojo is a lonely German boy who discovers that his single mother is hiding a Jewish girl in their attic. Aided only by his imaginary friend -- Adolf Hitler -- Jojo must confront his blind nationalism as World War II continues to rage on.

The cast is good, the plot is good, like i said its just strange, wired, out of charcter to see hitler funny. The film never shows the darkside of WWII. So thats good. Jojo Rabbit is a good dark comedy film.
Silver Orphan
4.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I was sent this book in exchange for a review. It took me a long time to read this book. A lot longer than I thought. It was very hard to get through the first half especially. While this book was a great idea, the execution of it was not very good.
Brooke Blake is a young beautiful drug-rep, whose only concern is herself. One day when stopped to avoid an elderly man from stepping into traffic, he steps into her car. Thus begins a very unusual relationship between Brooke and Frank Moretti. As Brooke becomes Frank's personal assistant, Frank becomes Brooke's history teacher. Trips to the grocery store and the bank are what most of their days entail. Talks of Frank's past and Brooke's present dominate the conversation.
When Frank passes away, Brooke is left with the task of claiming his body from the morgue and finding his next of kin.
I think this book may have been better written as a memoir. I did learn a lot from this book about WWII history so in that regard I liked it. Before I started reading this book I recommended it to my mom's senior center book club. After reading, I'm not so sure. The book didn't flow very smoothly, at times it was wordy and the word, extirpate was used too many times. These things may all be corrected in editing and I'd be interested to skim through the finished published product.
Salt to the Sea
Salt to the Sea
Ruta Sepetys | 2016 | Fiction & Poetry, History & Politics, Young Adult (YA)
8.8 (12 Ratings)
Book Rating
So, I’ve just finished reading all three novels nominated for the YA category of the California Young Reader Medal. The first two I read kind of left me feeling “meh,” so I was all set to be unimpressed with this one as well. I’m so delighted to tell you that I was wrong.

The story is told from the perspectives of four different characters, and I loved how Sepetys begins the narrative by telling of the same opening event from each character’s view point. After that, things unfold a little slowly, but it is completely worth it as you approach the climax…by that time, I was completely invested in each of the characters and was absolutely riveted to what was happening to them.

I’m also terribly impressed that Sepetys tackles telling a story from the “wrong” side (Germans during WWII), painting the characters not as the accepted “evil” caricatures but as real human beings caught up in a horrific war. In doing so, she sheds light on a human tragedy that so few of us know anything about (myself included) because it happened to the Germans as they were losing the war.

I will warn potential readers that the end of this novel does get rather graphic and emotionally wrenching, as you would expect in a novel about war and death. Although writing for a young adult audience, Sepetys does not gloss over the terror, panic, and trauma of the events.