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The Room on Rue Amélie
The Room on Rue Amélie
Kristin Harmel | 2018 | Fiction & Poetry, History & Politics
10.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
For those that know me, truly know me, know that one of my favorite genres to read, is historical fiction. More specifically, the WWII era. So, when I was browsing books at B&N one day, I came across this book. First, let me say, the cover is enough to hook me! It’s gorgeous. Second, once my dad surprised me with it, I devoured it. Or, rather, it devoured me and kept me hooked til the end.

This book is not full of fluff and rhyme. Yes, there is a bit of romance woven in, but the author is taking the reader on a journey of self discovery. The reader is on a journey with the characters, feeling the heartache of the war, the pain, and sacrifice that went with running from the Nazi’s and helping with the escape efforts of the pilots.

Each page turn, Harmel gives something more to the reader. She intricately weaves a story that you become a part of. Ruby, Charlotte and Thomas all make their way into the reader’s heart. The depth of emotions is felt wholly, the detail to the history is vivid and clear.

Harmel’s THE ROOM ON RUE AMELIE is a novel that all historical fiction lovers should grab. It will consume you and keep you until the last page is turned. If I could give this book a thousand stars I would. But, alas, I can give it 5 stars. This is a book that I won’t forget and will be sharing with my friends many times over.

*This book was purchased by myself. All opinions, negative or positive, are my own.*

Kristin (149 KP) rated Caomhnoir in Books

Dec 7, 2018  
T. Brady | 2013
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Disclaimer: I received an e-copy in exchange for an honest review.

What would you do if you found out you were the latest in a long line of protectors, sworn to secrecy and to uphold the world as we know it from demonic harm? And you learn all this while still a child. That's what happens in this story, and it's a pretty epic one.

Neil Branch is just a boy one minute, but after meeting a mysterious stranger, he learns that he is destined for far bigger things. He must learn what it means to be the Caomhnoir, the lore that goes with it, and how to protect the world without them every knowing there's something they need to be protected from. Neil becomes career military, and it's during his travels between the last few wars of our time that he picks up on Puck, the one he's meant to destroy. Throughout the novel, we travel back in time to WWII, Korea, and ultimately Vietnam, and we learn along the way how Neil came to be in this position. When the other shoe drops, how will the fight end?

I thought this story was a great trip through history with an awesome paranormal twist. I shared quite a few scenes with my boyfriend, and I found myself on the edge of my seat a few times. The historical aspects are fantastic, the characters are fun, and just the idea behind it is such an interesting one. I would recommend it to paranormal fans, history fans, military fans, and those who like a little world-saving before their afternoon tea. =)

4 1/2 stars
Captain America: The First Avenger (2011)
Captain America: The First Avenger (2011)
2011 | Action, Adventure
Our introduction to Captain America withing the MCU gets a bad wrap.
I see it labeled fairly regularly as weak entry into the ever expanding saga and I just don't think that's the case.

It's got a solid narrative for a start as we watch Steve Rogers go from frail Regular Joe to bonafide hero who truly believes in fighting for the good of humanity over the course of two hours.
The WWII setting provides a touch of historical reality, collided with the fantasy of the Tesseract, our first glimpse of the now infamous Infinity Stones, and in this narrative, providing Red Skull with cosmically charged weapons the gain the edge in the war with Allied Forces.

The First Avenger has a fantastic cast. Chris Evans is pretty much perfect in the titular role and has played the character solidly for the last 10 years.
Hugo Weaving as Red Skull is an undeniable highlight. He plays the villain with evil glee, and looks so comic book accurate that it hurts. It's a real shame that he has never returned to the role.
The supporting cast is strong as well. Hayley Atwell, Toby Jones, Tommy Lee Jones, Sebastian Stan, Dominic Cooper, and Stanley Tucci are all great, and relish in a tight screenplay.

I do think that the film feels over long at times, although the story being told is undeniably important in the run up to The Avengers.
The effects are mostly decent and still hold up, with an exception here and there, primarily before Steve Rogers goes all buff, but these are small gripes with an otherwise solid origin film.
High and Low (1963)
High and Low (1963)
1963 | Drama, Mystery, Thriller
This movie is often touted as one of the finest non-American crime thrillers out there. It appears on many top 10 lists from renowned directors, and stands untouchable in the pantheon of post WWII Japanese cinema dealing with 20th century issues rather than samurai or traditional religious concepts. Kurasawa is known for masterpieces in both genres, and in this sphere is very much the Hitchcock of the East. The story sees self made entrepreneur Kingo Gondo, played by the ubiquitous Toshirô Mifune, being blackmailed by a kidnapper who believes he has his son, but has taken his chauffeur’s son by mistake. Cue huge moral intrigue and dilemma, leading to a chase and an unexpectedly symbolical climax and resolution.

It plays like two films for the price of one, the first a claustrophobic mood piece with a staged feel, reminding me of Hitchcock’s Rope, and the second a frantic chase movie where the forensic evidence is picked apart in intricate detail, like a less graphic Seven. The print on BFI is not great, so it actually feels older than it is. It is also pretty long at 143 minutes, and feels like it takes an age to get going. Therefore, although some moments and key images have stayed with me, I can’t honestly say I felt gripped or tense in any way. The stakes didn’t feel as high as I would have hoped for, and tonally it is a little uneven. In conclusion, it has much to offer and details in isolation are very impressive, but for me it was something of a let down.
The Melody of the Soul (Music of Hope #1)
Liz Tolsma | 2018
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I'm a big fan of historical novels, particularly those centered around WWII. So, when I came across this one for reviewing, I jumped at the chance. I've not read any Liz Tolsma books before, so it was a double bonus for me. I sat down, opened the book, and wow. What feelings I got with this novel! Sadness, happiness, love.....all of it. It was so many feels!

Liz Tolsma's characters, Anna and Horst, truly came alive for me. Their interactions, their passion for their beliefs and their love for Anna's music....they truly captured my soul. These beautiful souls had a passion for God and I could feel that as I turned each page.

I can't imagine what it was like for the Nazis and the Jews back then, but through richly detailed accounts and beautifully chiseled characters, Ms. Tolsma made me feel a part of that time period. My heart burst for their love of God, but my soul was twisted up and crying when I felt myself enduring all that Anna had to endure. It was a bittersweet experience for sure!

This is definitely a 4 star novel that I will recommend to all who want a soul capturing novel. Ms. Tolsma knows just what to create for her readers that will keep them hooked and turning the pages long into the wee hours of the morning. Each page turn brings you closer to the characters' souls, and when the book ends, you're left reflecting on the melodies created within your own heart. This book is definitely a keeper! Well done, Ms. Tolsma!

*Cafinated Reads received a complimentary copy of this book from LitFuse Blog Tours and was under no obligation to post a review, positive or negative.*
When Tides Turn (Waves of Freedom, #3)
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Every book in this series has been spectacular! Full of intrigue and drama, faith and freedom, handsome officers and daring heroines, and not to mention bursting with history! I have learned so much about the war of the Atlantic during World War II through these books. Not only does Sarah include REAL events and REAL people in these books, it inspires me to do research of my own. To delve into the facts and history that inspired these stories.

As the Waves of Freedom series comes to a close, Tess and Dan completely steal the show with their strained relationship and beautiful, er, practical? romance. Tess is full of life, color, and longs to be seen for who she is beneath the pretty face. Dan, has a one track mind focused on his career...That is, until his heart cries out for something more. Both Tess and Dan must learn to trust God to guide their paths, to find who they are in Him, individually. Once they surrender to God's plan, it is amazing to watch the events unfold.

While the books in this series can stand alone, you will want to begin with book one to enjoy and appreciate the full effect of the storyline. Plus, they are simply amazing books. All three have made it on my top reads list!

Get ready for one last amazing ride in the Waves of Freedom Series. And do not despair...For Sarah has a new WWII series she is working on titled, Sunrise at Normandy. The first book, The Sea Before us will be released Spring 2018.

I received a complimentary copy of When Tides Turn from Revell. I was not required to write a positive review. All opinions expressed are mine alone.
Europe is war torn and broken. But there is hope among the dust and ashes.

Tricia Goyer approaches World War II in a new light (for me at least). Beginning with the end of the war in Europe, we see the repercussions of the last 6 years of fighting.

Our three main characters include an American Sergeant, a wife of an SS guard, and a prisoner freed from the concentration camp Gusen. Sergeant Peter Scott is with the group of soldiers that liberated Gusen and the main camp Mauthausen. He finds friends and love in the least likely of places. Helen is struggling to make up for the wrongs her husband committed as a guard at the camp. Can she bring herself to forgive him for what he did? Michaela is on the road to recovery after spending years in the camps. Although it would seem that she has every right to hold on to bitterness and hate for all that she has been through, she chooses to trust in the Lord and forgive those that did her wrong.

I could not put this book down! This is by far one of the best books I have ever read. Tricia Goyer captured me from the minute I started reading. She is very vivid in her descriptions of the horrors found when the camps were liberated. I highly recommend this book, especially to anyone interested in WWII history. It sheds a whole new light on the war in Europe.

From Dust and Ashes is a beautiful story about forgiveness and the liberation that you receive in your spirit when you are lead by the Lord and forgiveness.

I purchased a copy of From Dust and Ashes for my personal library. I was not required to write a review. All opinions expressed are mine alone.