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The Calling (Endgame #1)
The Calling (Endgame #1)
James Frey | 2014 | Young Adult (YA)
7.0 (5 Ratings)
Book Rating
<i>This eBook was provided by the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review</i>

The result of collaboration between James Frey and Nils Johnson-Shelton is this first book in a dystopian series, <i>Endgame: The Calling</i>. Twelve teenage descendants of ancient cultures from across the world have been trained to represent humanity in a game that will determine the future of the world. The only way to win is to discover three keys and be the last player left alive. These young people are not just playing for their own lives for if they die their entire family line will be wiped out.

<i>Endgame: The Calling</i> focuses on discovering the first key, Earth Key. After meeting each other in China, each of the twelve is given a clue to solve that will help lead them in the right direction. Although there can only be one winner, a couple of the player decide to help each other out, but is there really anyone who can be trusted?

<i>Endgame</i> reminds me of <i>The Hunger Games</i> by Suzanne Collins but on a much larger scale, and also a more adult version. The entire planet is the games’ arena, which does not bode well for a lot of the world’s inhabitants. That is one of the things I disliked about this book, the unnecessary deaths of innocents. There was a lot of gruesome murder, which admittedly is the point of <i>Endgame</i>, but some of it was uncalled-for.

I did not particularly care for the writing style and formatting of the text. It was often confusing to work out who was saying or doing what. Another thing I did not like was that there was not an obvious protagonist. It is hard to know whether there is a particular character we should be rooting for or whether they should all be regarded as equal.

For a science fiction, dystopian novel <i>Endgame</i> is an interesting idea, fast paced and full of action. Unfortunately the events, names and puzzles leave the reader feeling bewildered, and the gruesome scenes rather disgusted.

Overall I think this book would appeal to an audience who loves a lot of brutal action and solving things. It requires the reader to be able to think rather than sit back and enjoy. Personally, I am not bothered about reading the next in the series.
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
On the run from her vicious Uncle, Lady Juliana must fight for survival among the peasants.

When Juliana's Uncle, sweeps in and takes over her father's land of Wessex, Juliana is forced to live as a fugitive. Living in disguise, she has become the defender and protector of her people. Stealing from the rich to give to the poor. But when a robbery goes, much different than expected, she is discovered by Sir Collin Goodrich, Lord of the neighboring land. Having renounced her own nobility status, Juliana loathes all nobility. For they display an excess of wealth with no thought to the poor. She is determined to dislike Sir Collin from the start. But will her prejudice blind her to his true heart? Will her methods of providing for the people lead her down the same path of malice her Uncle leads? Or will her eyes be opened to the truth of God's provision and righteousness?

"I'd been consumed with bitterness and had allowed it to lead me astray from what was righteous and pleasing to God."
- A Daring Sacrifice pg.166

I can not get enough of Jody Hedlund! Her books completely draw me and allow me to get utterly lost in another world, in a time long past. The trials that Lady Juliana endure are not easy to cope with. Throughout her journey, she realizes that she has been going about things in the wrong way. How many times do we take situations into our own hands when we don't see God's immediate answer? It is easy to do. A Daring Sacrifice has a Robin Hood feel about it. But there is never a dull moment. My husband would laugh at me while I was reading because I would become very animated. There are some very intense scenes, and I am pretty sure I have never held my breath for so long. I felt that the violence and viciousness of the age was portrayed well. It was not easy to read about, but I commend Jody for not taking it lightly. Overall this was another excellent book! I am so thrilled that she has branched into the Young Adult genre.

I received a free digital copy of A Daring Sacrifice from Zondervan through NetGalley in exchange for my honest review. All opinions expressed are my own.

Hazel (1853 KP) rated Oh Yeah, Audrey! in Books

Dec 17, 2018  
Oh Yeah, Audrey!
Oh Yeah, Audrey!
Tucker Shaw | 2014 | Contemporary, Young Adult (YA)
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
<i>I received this book for free through Goodreads First Reads.</i>

Fans of Audrey Hepburn are bound to love Tucker Shaw’s latest contemporary young adult novel <i>Oh Yeah, Audrey!</i> especially if they admire her as much as sixteen year old Gemma Beasley does. The novel takes place over a time period of twenty-six hours beginning at 5:00am outside <i>Tiffany’s</i> in New York. Through Tumblr Gemma has “met” other Audrey fanatics and has arranged a get together in honour of the twentieth anniversary of the legendary star’s death.

It helps to have watched the film <i>Breakfast at Tiffany’s</i> (I haven’t) or at least have read the book (I have), as the narrative is full of quotes and references to Holly Golightly and scenes from the film. At first it appears no one else will turn up to the meeting but eventually they do and their exciting day gets off to an enjoyable start. Although they have a strict itinerary planned out it is soon forgotten as other options arise. By asking themselves: “what would Holly do?” they end up doing a lot of things they have never done before.

It all seems too good to be true when a rich good-looking guy asks Gemma out for dinner. She accepts despite it meaning she will be ditching her friends but she promises to meet up with them later. However, Gemma soon finds herself out of her depth and feels like she has ruined the evening not just for herself, but for her friends as well.

Initially readers may expect <i>Oh Yeah, Audrey!</i> to be a very girly book but it actually has a strong message behind it. The whole time that Gemma is asking herself “what would Holly do?” she is not discovering the person she is and what she really wants. <i>Breakfast at Tiffany’s</i> may have made running away from home and living independently look like a glamorous adventure, but Gemma discovers that Holly Golightly was most likely a very lonely character.

I enjoyed this book much more than I was expecting to. It is a quick easy read that is very funny and entertaining but also moving at the end. Those who have not yet read/seen <i>Breakfast at Tiffany’s</i> will definitely be thinking about doing so after reading <i>Oh Yeah, Audrey!</i>
IA: B.O.S.S (IA #2)
IA: B.O.S.S (IA #2)
John Darryl Winston | 2015 | Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
The first book in this series, IA: Initiate, introduced us to Naz, a teenage boy living in a ghetto with his little sister after both their parents have died. Naz, who has no memories from before he came to live in the Exclave, find he has unusual abilities. He is able to play chess to an impressive level and perform physical feats with ease. He is also very intelligent but chooses to live the easy life, doing just as well as he needs to at school to avoid attention. He just wants to be left alone.

In this second book he finds he can no longer hide; his chess playing prowess has been spotted and he finds himself trying out for the school basketball team. Although this exposes him more than he would like he also goes from something of a loner to a member of a close-knit team.

The first book showed a glimpse of the depth of Naz's abilities and history, with hints that something larger is going on. This novel continues that, answering a lot of the questions arising from the first book, but again it is clear that there is a lot more going on than Naz is aware of. Where the first book was focussed tightly on Naz and his sister, this book moves back a bit to include more of his school mates and teachers.

As before the characterisation is really effective and the interactions feel real and genuine. Coach Fears, introduced as a bit-part in the first book is now a main character as are the members of the basketball team.

The plot takes several left turns which took me by surprise and there is a palpable undercurrent of menace as the climax builds. Winston put his hero through the emotional wringer and doesn't spare the readers from the full impact of this. Everything progresses to a stunning conclusion which just opens up the possibilities for the next in the series.

This is pure science fiction but with such a powerful human dimension and intelligence that I simply cannot fault it. Although this is aimed at a Young Adult audience it will appeal to anyone who appreciates a carefully plotted and finely written book. Recommended to anyone
IA: Union (IA #3)
IA: Union (IA #3)
John Darryl Winston | 2017 | Science Fiction/Fantasy, Thriller, Young Adult (YA)
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
With great power comes great responsibility. That's particularly true of Naz, a boy who has been given amazing mental and physical abilities thanks the the unorthodox, controversial and groundbreaking training given by his genius father.

Initially keen to use his powers to find and punish those responsible for his sister's death, he soon doubts both his motives and abilities. Together with his best friend Harvis they plot to be removed from the prestigious International Academy and return to their former friends - and enemies - at Union High School in the Exclave.

Things start to settle down for both of them and Naz is able to rekindle his relationship with the equally mysterious D, but just as daily life starts to get comfortable, his world is turned upside down, his abilities making him, and those around him, the subject of unwanted attention. Despite his reluctance he must face danger and use his powers to save them.

There are so many good things about not only this third instalment of the IA series but the series as a whole. The first is Naz, a very well developed character who is believable despite his incredible powers. His very human self-doubt and reluctance to be anything other than just one of the crowd make him a very interesting hero. In this book in particular it is up to others like Harvis or D to actually persuade him that he needs to do the right thing and help him along.

The school setting is also a very big plus, with all of the good and bad parts of school life present. The first half of the book spends time building up the description of Union as well as showing at, at the end of the day, Naz is just a teenage boy with all of the troubles and insecurities that can bring.

What is impressive is that even here in the third book both the reader and Naz are still discovering exactly what his abilities and past mean. Like a carefully constructed onion each book has removed layer after layer, revealing conspiracies and conflicting motives of those around Naz.

Each book goes from strength to strength (as does Naz). There really aren't many 'young adult' books that engage and involve as well as the IA series. It is something very special indeed.
The Taking (Afterlife #2)
The Taking (Afterlife #2)
Katrina Cope | 2015 | Fiction & Poetry, Paranormal, Thriller, Young Adult (YA)
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
After her actions at the end of the first book in the series - Fledgling - the human-turned-angel Aurora has drawn the unwelcome attention of Separus, one of the most powerful of the demons. He covets her power and is determined to capture her and turn her to the side of darkness.

Aware of this Archangel Michael, leader of the angels, assigns her and her friends to be further trained by Zacharias, a rather bad tempered 'earthbound' angel who is an expert in fighting and weapons. As their - at times brutal - training takes place the demons are plotting to capture the three angel friends by using the ultimate bait for Aurora - Ethan. Aurora will need to make a choice, and not an easy one.

The Taking continues more-or-less where Fledgling left off although there is a distinct change of tone. Whereas in the first book Aurora, Cindy and Ben are out and about in the world saving innocents, here they are in training for very much of the time. In other hands this might be a disappointment, but Cope has an eye for telling the interesting bits of stories and not labouring the mundane. It also helps that the training is somewhat unusual, as is the teacher. As the major new character Zacharias is very well drawn, suitably grumpy and terse at being given 'humans' to train, as he sees it.

When conflict with the demons arises Cope again shows the flair for describing fight scenes from the first book and these, as would be expected, are far more intense battles with much more at stake. These are not serene angels gently guiding their human charges through life. These are kick-ass super heroes who are not afraid to put themselves in the way of extreme danger for what they believe is right.

Aurora must also confront her feelings for both Ethan, her human love, and Ben her angel friend. Both relationships are forbidden and this just complicates things further. I suspect that this aspect of the books would appeal more to female young adult readers but they are well written even if you will probably be shouting at the book telling Aurora not to be so silly at points.

Overall a second strong showing in this series and very recommended. If the angel/demon theme doesn't sound like your cup of tea then just give it a go. You will be pleasantly surprised
The Prodigy  (2019)
The Prodigy (2019)
2019 | Horror
Contains spoilers, click to show
A woman is seen running away from something or someone and ends up being almost hit by an elderly driver, we discover the woman has had her hand cut off, how did this happen? Why did it happen?
Forward to the present day and a pregnant woman is going into early labour, in between scenes of her giving birth we see this guy who gets shot down by police, he is holding a severed hand (remember the lady at the beginning?)....
Within months of baby Miles being born, his mother starts to notice strange things such as not crying during his shots and even saying words. It is put down to him being a genius. However, he is not really a genius at all he noticeably quite evil. This is evident when he squashes a bug in his bare hands at 5 years old, harms his babysitter at age 8, and starts speaking a strange language in his sleep.
One day Miles end up receiving psychiatric help after beating a child in his class with a wrench. Nobody can understand what's going on though and it seems Miles is hearing voices in his head and reacting to what they tell him to do. Miles' mother Sarah is eventually informed that Miles has a spirit living inside of him and that spirit is dangerous, Sarah refuses to believe this at first but after a disturbing situation happens at home she begins to believe that it must be true and after a series of events, finally gets him help to try and rid him of the evil inside of him.
I do find it shocking sometimes what they get young children to say in movies, but especially in this one. Considering the type of movie it is though its understandable and the boy who plays Miles does a fantastic job, down to the facial expressions, so you always know when it is Miles and when it's the spirit.
The movie very much reminds me of 'orphan' - another film with an evil adult/child. The ending was quite a bummer though and makes everything that happened in the movie a complete waste of time. It was interesting watching it unfold though and the end does leave it open for a sequel.

Becs (244 KP) rated Ready Player One in Books

Oct 2, 2019  
Ready Player One
Ready Player One
Ernest Cline | 2011 | Fiction & Poetry
8.9 (161 Ratings)
Book Rating
Genre: Sci-Fi, Fiction, Dystopia, Fantasy

Audience: Young Adult

Reading level: High School +

Interests: science fiction, fantasy, video games, 80’s

Style: Sci-Fi

Point of view: First person.

Difficulty reading: It started off great and I flew through the first half of the book. It’s towards the 55%-75% mark that was a bore for me. But the ending was great!

Promise: Dystopian Sci-Fi video game world

Quality: Minus the 20% that was pretty darn boring and long, the book as a whole was a great read.

Insights: I’m not a huge gaming geek, so without Cline explaining half the time what these gaming terms are, I’d be as lost as a pig in a supermarket. For that, I thank him. It was nice seeing a Dystopian world set in the future that was still in our lifetime. I have never read anything like that – cool to see how Cline wrote it.


Okay, I knew Aech was hiding something. But I could not figure out what it was for the life of me. But when Aech and Parzival first met, in real life, face to face, I WAS NOT EXPECTING him to actually be a ‘her’.

This was me:

Favorite Quotes: “Going outside is highly overrated.” – Yea, I feel ya too. I just want to stay in and read all day every day. Who needs a job, who needs to eat, all we need are books. Am I right?

“You’d be amazed how much research you can get done when you have no life whatsoever.” – I mean, you’re not wrong.

“One person can keep a secret, but not two.” – Secrets, secrets are no fun. Secrets, secrets hurt someone.

Aesthetics: The whole book is an 80’s aesthetic that I love. Plus, it gives a brief inside scoop on the whole “if we don’t care for the planet now, there will be nothing in the future” debate. Which is true, we should care for the planet more than what we do now. I mean we only live on Earth just as much as everybody else. The copy of Ready Player One that I have, is a 2015 Special Edition copy – I love the cover on it.

“People are more than just the way they look.”