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But Then I Came Back
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
<i>This ARC was provided by the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review </i>

Estelle Laure’s second Young Adult novel is due for publication with promises of a unique storyline. <i>But Then I Came Back</i> is about life after a near death experience, and the ways it alters your view of the world. Eden was lucky to wake up from a month long coma after being involved in a terrible accident. However, life cannot immediately go back to the way things were. With a mountain of therapy sessions ahead of her to relearn how to swallow and walk, Eden feels her ballet career is over before it even had a chance to start. And, graduating from high school does not seem likely either.

In the hospital, there is another girl in a coma who has not been as lucky as Eden. Not knowing whether she will ever wake up, Eden becomes obsessed with Jasmine, especially as she is certain she saw her in a dream-like state whilst she was unconscious. Eden also becomes fascinated with Jasmine’s only visitor, Joe, and for his sake is desperate to help wake Jasmine up.
Bordering on paranormal, Eden and Joe experiment with ways of reaching Jasmine, wherever she may be. As their relationship blossoms, Jasmine deteriorates, and soon Joe must make a decision: let Jasmine go, or keep trying, knowing she will not be the same person if she wakes.

Eden’s personality will resonate with book lovers as she is forever quoting from literature. On the other hand, her behaviour is initially antagonistic, which makes it hard for the reader to give her any sympathy. As a result, it takes some time to get into the story.

When Eden wakes up, she is obviously confused and unwell, which affects the way she behaves. I did not like her as a person, and therefore was not that interested in the book. It was also difficult to pin point the key theme of the novel. Was the paranormal theme the main concept, or Eden’s recovery and relationship with Joe? Neither of these was explored deeply. There was scope for so much more, especially the prospect of an in between – a limbo between life and death.

<i>But Then I Came Back</i> is a little disappointing; the blurb promises something special, but all we are given is a teen romance, and not a very interesting one. Estelle Laure is a good writer; nevertheless her storyline was underdeveloped.

Hazel (1853 KP) rated The Moon Field in Books

Dec 17, 2018  
The Moon Field
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
<b>My rating: 3.5</b>

<i>I received this book for free through Goodreads First Reads.</i>

<i>The Moon Field</i> is an historical romance novel set during the First World War. It focuses mainly on two people: George and Violet, although there is a wide range of characters.

Split into three parts the novel begins with George, an 18 year old postman planning on telling Miss Violet of his feelings for her, only to find out that she is already engaged. He runs off feeling jealous and ends up enlisting for the army. At first I thought the description of George made him seem more like a child than a young adult and this annoyed me a little, however this helped to emphasise the changes he undergoes as a result of the war.

Part two is mostly set in Flanders where George is involved in the fighting resulting in deaths of certain other characters for which George blames himself despite it not really being his fault. This section ends with George being hurt himself and part three begins with him being returned to a hospital in England where he begins to recover although is now deformed. Throughout this final part George suffers with depression and thinks that he is now a freak. He has to deal with lots of rejection but, thankfully, the novel ends with a more positive outlook for his future.

Knowing in advance that romance was to be involved, it appeared at first that there might be some romantic attachment developed between George and Violet. From the very beginning I personally did not want this to happen. It did not feel right particularly as they were of different social classes, which at that time was quite important. Fortunately this did not happen and I was fairly pleased with the ending.

I think that Allnatt’s writing is extremely good and reflects the time period well. I quite often find when reading historical novels that authors use words or phrases that are too modern to have actually been said at that time. There was none of that problem with <i>The Moon Field</i>. Allnatt had also researched extremely well to get across the experiences of the soldiers on the Western Front. She mentions in her acknowledgements that she read many soldiers accounts of their experiences in the Great War. All her research defiantly paid off!

All in all it is a great historical novel.
Extraordinary Means
Extraordinary Means
Robyn Schneider | 2015 | Romance, Young Adult (YA)
8.0 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
<i>This ARC was provided by the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review

Extraordinary Means</i> is a coming of age novel by Robyn Schneider that promises to live up to the expectations of John Green and Stephen Chbosky fans. Set in the near future, Lane Rosen has spent his seventeen years studying and making sure he is always achieving his best at school. With high hopes of getting into Stanford, he is distraught when he is sent to Latham House, a sanatorium in the Santa Cruz Mountains, after contracting tuberculosis.

Although in today’s society tuberculosis is curable, Schneider has invented a total drug resistant TB, which is highly contagious, therefore needs to be contained. Lane finds himself in the middle of nowhere surrounded by other teenagers with the incurable disease. Here he meets Sadie Bennett with whom, after a shaky start, he develops a close relationship.

Ironically, whilst suffering with an illness that could kill him, Lane learns there is a lot more to life than school. With his new friends: Sadie, Nick, Marina and Charlie; Lane begins to become more adventurous and starts to relax and have fun whilst they wait for scientists to come up with a cure. The only trouble with this waiting game is that the odds of some of them not living long enough to see this cure is fairly high.

Narrated by both Lane and Sadie, <i>Extraordinary Means</i> is a love story with a heart-breaking ending. The readers really feel for the teens as they are separated from their family, and forgotten about by their friends. Unlike other potentially terminal illness, they cannot have support from their loved ones because of the risk of spreading the disease.

There is an underlying sadness to the novel, as the reader knows that no matter how much fun the characters have and no matter what their hopes and dreams, chances are something dreadful could happen. With this in mind, the story becomes much more powerful and moving as Sadie, Lane and friends determine to keep on going and enjoy their lives on a day-to-day basis.

Schneider is an excellent writer who has created a contemporary romance with a unique setting. The imagination involved with the tuberculosis could almost describe the novel as dystopian minus the science fiction genre. <i>Extraordinary Means</i> is the perfect novel for young adult fans, but warning: it could break your heart!
With the Fire on High
With the Fire on High
Elizabeth Acevedo | 2019 | Contemporary, Young Adult (YA)
5.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
With this book, Elizabeth Acevedo has solidified her position as one of my must-read authors. The Poet X was EXCELLENT, and this one is every bit as good, which is awesome, considering the wildly different formats of the two books. The Poet X was a novel in poem form, being the collected poems of a teenage girl. This book is a more traditional novel, written in prose. It loses none of the lyrical, enchanting quality of Acevedo's writing, however.

With The Fire On High centers on Emoni Santiago, a teenage mother struggling to graduate from high school on time. When a culinary arts elective is offered during her senior year of school, she takes it despite feeling like she should be spending her energy on her daughter's future instead of realizing her own dreams. The elective opens up an entire world for her, however, taking her from whipping up magic alone in her own kitchen to being recognized by talented chefs as having something special. The added hours spent on cooking begin to affect her other responsibilities, however, and Emoni struggles to balance everything in her life, a fight that is very nearly upended by the new, very cute boy who just transferred to her school.

Emoni deals admirably with the vast responsibilities of being a parent, the complications of her own somewhat unusual home life (she's been raised by her grandmother after her mother's death and her father's absence), and the pressures of high school. Especially a school where she spent freshman year pregnant. Rather luckily, her daughter's father goes to a different school, so at least she doesn't have to deal with him every day.

Similar to The Poet X, the book deals with the intersection of black American culture and Puerto Rican culture, a combination I've been seeing more and more in Young Adult. (Well, The Poet X was Dominican, but they have very similar worries, mostly revolving around feeling "not black enough.")

I loved Emoni, I loved Malachi (the cute transfer student), I loved Abuela and Baby Girl/Emma. I even didn't mind Tyrone too much. For being a player, he was trying to do right by his daughter. Acevedo has such a talent for characters. Angelica (Emoni's best friend) and her girlfriend were a delight, too.

If you see a book by Elizabeth Acevedo, pick it up. You won't be disappointed. I can't wait to pick up her next book, which appears to be another novel in verse called Clap When You Land, due out next year!

You can find all my reviews and more at
The Wrath of Siren (The Truth Teller #2)
The Wrath of Siren (The Truth Teller #2)
Kurt Chambers | 2014 | Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Following her adventures in The Truth Teller where Charlotte discovered she could travel to another realm inhabited by elves and dwarves, she has settled back into her normal life and dismissed it all as a bad dream. That is until the elf Elderfield travels to our world to find her to warn her that it is too dangerous to return.

The evil druid Siren has unleashed his Troll army and is laying the other realm to waste leaving the elves and dwarves to make a last desperate stand. But what they really need is the Truth Teller, will she ignore the warnings and come to help?

This second book in the series carried on Chambers' tale to entice younger readers into reading fantasy stories. This installment is a little darker in tone, as might be expected as war sweeps across the land, but as usual there are touches of humour to lighten the tone. Charlotte's usage of neologisms and idioms to her bemused companions from the other world are always good ('It's doing my head in' and 'this is well creepy' for example). Plus we have the bonus of Elderfield seeing our world (and the chaos that ensues).

Siren makes a fairly convincing opponent, suitable nasty without becoming too pantomime. He's nasty work but not irrational, simply wanting to take over his world and if that involves a little death and destruction so much the better.

The tone is probably a shade darker than the first book, simply because there is a war rather than an individual journey and so a lot more people are threatened. But this is still firmly on the light side of fantasy with nothing particularly distressing.

My only negative point (and the only thing stopping this getting 5 stars) is that Siren's defeat is never really explained, it just happens. This is disappointing only from the point of view that it would perhaps have been nice to have a bit of closure. It has to be said that classic fantasy has its fair share of 'with one bound the heroes win against the odds' endings - look at The Lord of the Rings or The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe. In the end the story is what matters, not what is in the end of the story and this is still a fantastic read.

Once again Chambers has set out to produce a modern day introduction to fantasy for young adult eyes and once again he has achieved this and in spades. Very much looking forward to the next book in the series.
Original Rating: 3.5 out of 5
This review and more can be found at <a href="">Bookwyrming Thoughts</a>

I never thought I would ever come across a book that dumps information on you AND like it.

With a post-apocalyptic world where people are ruled over genetically modified people who are barely human anymore, Joseph Bruchac has obviously planned this book very well and vividly, even with the amount of information he dumps on you for most of the book. I find that the information dump actually goes very well with the amount of action there is. Take away all of the information, and you'll be left with an empty husk of a book that is just full of nonstop action, which would definitely backfire big time on the author because it would be pretty undeveloped.

Bruchac is very detail-oriented throughout the book – it's not just the information being dumped. Lozen, our main character who is a monster hunter for the genetically modified people ruling over her home, apparently goes into excruciating detail about some things, such as talking about someone's body odor or eating a monster's heart (that was gross).

Killer of Enemies also promotes diversity in the young adult genre – Lozen is a Native American, and I can honestly say I have never had a Native American in any book I've read so far until now. There are hints of Native American traditions and culture woven throughout, and I find that it's probably one of the reasons why I actually enjoyed this a lot more than I would have without the Native American aspect.

Despite how awesome and diverse Killer of Enemies, there were just some things that knocked down some points. Throughout the information dumping, I don't think Bruchac actually mentions why or how the four rulers of Haven actually got their names. The Dreamer and Lady Time make sense, but the Jester doesn't really make sense, and Diablita Loca (how do you even say that?) makes no sense whatsoever.

There also doesn't seem to be a purpose, and while there does seem to be one, I just can't really tell at all. The entire book is pretty much described in less than ten words: hunting weird monsters, telling stories, flashbacks, and information dump.

I did, however, like how Bruchac ends Killer of Enemies by saying something along the lines of, "Just because this story is over doesn't mean everything is now peachy and happily ever after. It's just uncertain, but right now, everything is great."
Summer&#039;s End
Summer's End
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
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<img src=""/>;

<b><i>Summer’s End is a Young-Adult romance, with a fantasy twist – an interesting and unique book I didn’t expect to read.</i></b>

First of all – let’s all take a minute to cherish the cover. It is so pink and shiny, and I admit it, it was the first thing that made me read this book. Gorgeous cover!!!

Summer wakes up in a hospital, but she doesn’t remember anything from her past. They tell her she was in a fire accident and barely survived. Before she is ready, she starts going to uni with her two best friends who are helping her remember the past. But when she gets near this one boy, she feels something she has felt before…

Dooney has been training his whole life to kill her when the time is right. She is dangerous and he knows this. He has been trying to locate her for a long time now. And when he finally knows where she is, she makes him feel other things than hatred.

A very quick-paced book with lots of dialogues and quick chapters. Summer’s End make me turn pages constantly, until I finally got to the end. It was very captivating.

The beginning was great, it lured me in instantly, getting me hooked to both character’s lives. However, I didn’t quite enjoy the romance between the two. It felt too fast, too pushed and over the top. This is because of all the repetitive scenes where Summer would faint when he is near and they would always feel each other’s presence. It just didn’t feel real to me.

Saying this though, the ending was amazing and the romance got a bit better at the very end.

Apart from a few plot holes and the romance, I did enjoy this book a lot. If you love YA, I do recommend that you check this book out!

Thank you to the author, Kristy Brown, for sending me a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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Eternal Soul
Eternal Soul
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
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#1 <a href="">Eternal Soul</a> - ★★★
#2 <a href="">Eternal Love</a> - Not Read Yet

<img src=""/>;

Eternal Soul by Karimah Colden was a mysterious and adventurous read for me. The author contacted me and the book seemed to have an interesting plot, so I said - yes, I would love to read it.

Reign is a very private person and keeps everything close to her heart. She is a descendant of powerful hoodoo magick and her family has some dark secrets.

One day, her father appears in her life, which happens very rarely. She can feel trouble and danger, and before she knows it, her world is full of magick and discovering herself again. The one thing that she always denied - her powers - will now be something she will have to embrace and live with.

I really liked Reign and how she was portrayed. There was great character development, which was something I really admired. I loved how she slowly was finding herself throughout the book and did what felt was the best decision for her at each time. I am not sure about the romance and the relationships she formed with both men. It all happened too fast, too unrealistic and too predictable. The book also had a lot of repetitiveness as well, especially in the many scenes when it came to fashion choices and Reign was standing in from of her closet. It felt like deja-vu every time I read about it.

<b>But I still enjoyed Eternal Soul a lot.</b>

Despite the deja-vu's, despite the grammar errors. It is a cute short-ish read and I loved finding out what happens next. I also have the second book of the series as well, and will definitely be reading it soon.

If you like something young-adult, with a bit of magic and self-discovery, and something new and different, go for it, and you might be surprised! Definitely worth giving it a chance!

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JT (287 KP) rated Real Steel (2011) in Movies

Mar 10, 2020  
Real Steel (2011)
Real Steel (2011)
2011 | Action, Drama, Sci-Fi
Michael Bay, take note, this is how to make a proper film about robots beating the living shit out of each other. Based on the Richard Matheson short story Steel, this follows the journey of former professional boxer Charlie Kenton (Jackman) who now spends his time in debt, as a promoter for the new sport of robot boxing.

When Charlie meets his 11-year old son Max (Goyo) the two must rediscover themselves and build a relationship strong enough to get them through any of life’s toughest challenges. Let’s get one thing clear right away, this is Levy’s best film to date. Which is not hard when past titles include, both Night at the Museum’s, Date Night and The Pink Panther.

Jackman is strong enough in a role which let’s him flex his muscles from time to time, he’s a rough and rugged character anyway which is why he fits the Charlie Kenton mould so well. Partnered opposite young Max, who has enough cheeky charm and wide eyed looks to seduce any adult in to letting things go his way. But its not just about the Charlie and Max relationship, there is of course ‘Atom’, the sparing robot they discover in a junkyard.

Despite being all metal and wires, there is a strong feeling that Atom has a personality of his own even if it is mirrored by the person standing in front of him. But the scenes that Atom and Max share on screen together are genuine heart felt moments.

There is enough robot smashing mayhem going on through the drama, as Atom beings the road to underdog glory moving from one metal crunching bout to the next. The fights are very well choreographed from no holes barred scrap fights to the glitz and glamour of the Robot Boxing League where the stakes and money are high.

It’s hard not to see the underlying homage to the Rocky franchise, even the final fight which pairs Atom against the mighty Zeus is a robotic version of Balboa Vs Drago, right down to the female Russian, Olga, who sits in his corner. The supporting cast are in effect just that, the chemistry between Kenton and Bailey (Lily) is good, but she’s not really given enough in the script to make her stand out, so sparks are few and far between.

Jackman is likeable and the kid less annoying than others before him, its flashy and packs a punch that produces some great action sequences throughout.