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California is Cold  by Shahmen
California is Cold by Shahmen
2018 | Alternative, Hip-hop
5.5 (2 Ratings)
Album Rating
Shahmen grows
When an artist releases an amazing release and a new one comes along you can't help but have some trepidation. Is it going to be a disappointment?

California is Cold is a different release compared to Enter the Circle, it's more electronic and less folky but it still has the deep bass voice rapping relaxed over superbly crafted beats. Should I say more or shall I just tell you to out "Iron Out The Maiden" on on YouTube and then tell me if I should have written more to persuade you... No didn't think so.
The Decline of Western Civilization (1981)
The Decline of Western Civilization (1981)
1981 | Documentary, History, Music
(0 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"Dirty and loud, this film put a face to the music that represented the ultimate freedom from the suburbs. Pre-YouTube, footage of these bands was super hard to come by. There were only a couple videotapes floating around… and once in a while, you could see something truly outré on “120 Minutes”… but in truth, if you weren’t in LA/NY/DC, you missed out on most of the scene. Like water to the desert, Penelope Spheeris’s film brought the culture into our lives. And shortly thereafter, I had myself a hideous painted leather jacket — just like Darby Crash."


Jenny Saville recommended Real Presences in Books (curated)

Real Presences
Real Presences
(0 Ratings)
Book Favorite

"If I were to choose a teacher, it would be George Steiner. As well as reading his books, I watch his interviews on YouTube and his references always lead you somewhere interesting — whether it’s a piece of music, a debate about the human need for tragedy, a passage from Shakespeare or Montaigne. He’s into High Art and couldn’t be described as a trendy theorist. But in this book he pushes you to think about what gives art its fundamental qualities. “Real Presences” is an expanded essay that ask the question: Is making art a wager on the existence of God?"




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