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    Faily Brakes

    Faily Brakes

    Games, Sports and Stickers

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    While cruising through the mountains, car enthusiast Phil Faily suddenly experiences a complete...



    Business, Entertainment and Stickers

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    VoiceoverGuy The App Guy Harris is an award winning UK based male voice over and one of the busiest...

    Can Knockdown

    Can Knockdown

    Games and Entertainment

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    Can Knockdown includes many astonishing features which will amaze your friends and make you come...

Recluse (2016)
Recluse (2016)
2016 | Animation, Horror
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Like if that terrifying parasite that hijacks snails' eyestalks to make them look like fleshy, pulsating caterpillars for birds to eat was a short film. A bacteria-esque, throbbing vaporwave hellscape with as much of Jimmy's trademarked vile depravity as can be compacted into a YouTube-friendly short - like if Jeron Braxton dealt in straight-up nightmare fuel. May lack the sheer amount of sickness as his usual trades, but still coated in a thick layer of slimy ick - and the eye for detail on display is incredible: contrasting colors, meticulous attention to the finer elements, and overall deeply disturbing on some buried subconscious level we gained through evolution lol. I used to say ScreamerClauz was the literal worst entertainment creator back when I was a high school filmsnob who never allowed myself to have fun, now I can see this guy is the fucking business in gross.