Ruth Windeler
Ruth Windeler hasn't rated any items yet

Kaysee Hood
(83 KP)
A mother, writer, and book worm.
I'm a stay at home mom who enjoys life at home taking care of the family, house, and loves cooking....
Last Active: Sep 21, 2018

Jenny Houle
(24 KP)
Over-Opinionated Loudmouth
MS warrior, constant crafter, avid reader. Watch too many movies on the days my MS doesn't allow me...
Last Active: May 16, 2018

Alex Trybus
(79 KP)
Annoying Book Worm
Just another girl who reads lots of books and wants to spread her irrelevant opinion about them to...
Last Active: May 25, 2019

Jenny Houle
(24 KP)
Over-Opinionated Loudmouth
MS warrior, constant crafter, avid reader. Watch too many movies on the days my MS doesn't allow me...
Last Active: May 16, 2018

Kirsty L Wolfe
(2 KP)
A book worming metalhead.
You can always find me with my head in a book or listening to music. I love walking my dog along the...
Last Active: Feb 6, 2018