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Railroad Alaska

2013 | Documentary

Alaska is a popular destination for reality show producers. The state's mostly rugged living conditions combined with residents who embrace a pioneering way of life present ready-made storylines. "Railroad Alaska" is a perfect example. It follows, according to Destination America, an "elite crew of workers who battle against ferocious weather and treacherous terrain to keep the state's critical 650-mile long railroad rolling to deliver life-sustaining supplies." The characters -- brakemen, engineers, construction crews, mechanics and train drivers -- risk their lives doing such tasks as setting off controlled avalanches to prevent catastrophes, because if one occurs that renders tracks impassable, locals won't get food, fuel or even home. Viewers also meet fascinating people who live off-grid, and find out why they chose a fully independent life away from civilization.

Network Destination America
Producer(s) Samuel Lang, Zoe Glover, Carlo Masserella, Jane McGoldrick, Peter Campion
Cast Demetri Goritsas, Bill Bivins, George Huling and Harry Ross

Images And Data Courtesy Of: Destination America.
This content (including text, images, videos and other media) is published and used in accordance with Fair Use.

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Tyra Jade

Added this item on Jul 6, 2017

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Railroad Alaska reviews from people you don't follow

Tyra Jade (23 KP) rated

Jul 6, 2017  
Railroad Alaska
Railroad Alaska
2013 | Documentary
5.7 (3 Ratings)
TV Show Rating
Shows Offgriders (3 more)
Explains What it's like living in Alaska
Shows different people
Same plot after the first season (1 more)
Made to look more extreme than what it is
Not Bad
I quite enjoy this show; although quite a lot of episodes are alike. I enjoy the idea of getting to know the Offgriders of Alaska and the hard work that is put into working there. I also enjoy watching the workers and how much they enjoy their job.