Star Wars: Episode VIII - The Last Jedi (2017)

Star Wars: Episode VIII - The Last Jedi (2017)

2017 | Action | Sci-Fi

152 mins United States

As the Resistance tries to evade the First Order's fleet, Rey begins to train under the guidance of Luke Skywalker, making discoveries about the past, the future, and the Force.

Produced by Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures
Director Rian Johnson
Writer Rian Johnson
Cast Daisy Ridley, Domhnall Gleeson, Adam Driver, Oscar Isaac, Benicio Del Toro, Mark Hamill, Gwendoline Christie and Carrie Fisher

Science fantasy Space opera

Main Image Courtesy: Lucasarts.
Images And Data Courtesy Of: Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures.
This content (including text, images, videos and other media) is published and used in accordance with Fair Use.

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Andy K

Added this item on Feb 23, 2017

Star Wars: Episode VIII - The Last Jedi (2017) Reviews & Ratings (307)
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Star Wars: Episode VIII - The Last Jedi (2017) reviews from people you don't follow

Lee (2222 KP) rated

Dec 15, 2017  
Star Wars: Episode VIII - The Last Jedi (2017)
Star Wars: Episode VIII - The Last Jedi (2017)
2017 | Action, Sci-Fi
I was disappointed... sorry
I can't believe I'm writing this, but The Last Jedi was a big disappointment for me. I saw it last night and it still hasn't quite sunk in. After the triumphant return to the Star Wars universe with The Force Awakens, expectations for this were pretty high, and the trailers for this next episode didn't disappoint either. More Rey! More Kylo! More Snoke! And Luke is back!!

It's difficult for me to describe exactly where my problems with the movie lie. Very early on in the movie there is a very odd attempt at comedy which just didn't sit right for me. Yes, there has always been moments of humour in Star Wars movies, but this is different. This comedy continues throughout the movie, with varying levels of success.

For two thirds of the movie I found myself slightly bored. Continuous changes of tone and none of the thrills or goosebump moments that I got when watching The Force Awakens. Even the return of Luke is an anti-climax and disappointment for such a huge chunk of the movie. And it is a long movie too, one which could have seriously benefited from a trimmed down run time.

All of this sounds a little harsh. I guess The Force Awakens was more of a nostalgia trip for me, and for many others too, but at some point you have to move on. The Last Jedi is all about doing away with the old to make way for the new, and there's still a big old universe of characters and stories out there to explore. At the end of the day, this is still an enjoyable Star Wars movie, which I'll hopefully appreciate more on repeat viewings.
Show all 4 comments.

Dean (6927 KP) Jan 3, 2020

Thankfully rise of skywalker was better than this!


Matthew Krueger (10051 KP) Jan 4, 2020

By like a little bit, rise of skywalker is watchable.


Sarah (7799 KP) rated

Dec 15, 2017  
Star Wars: Episode VIII - The Last Jedi (2017)
Star Wars: Episode VIII - The Last Jedi (2017)
2017 | Action, Sci-Fi
A disappointment
After such a good comeback with The Force Awakens and a fantastic prequel in Rogue One, my expectations for The Last Jedi were high and sadly it comes as a bit of a disappointment.

To me this just seems like a filler film. There isn't a massive amount achieved in the nearly 3 hour run time, to the point where I found most of it to be verging on boring. Until the final part, there was no excitement or tension or intrigue. The comedy too was surprisingly illfitted - where's K-2S0 when you need him? Even Luke coming back didn't feel quite right and some of the other characters too were severely underused.

Maybe The Force Awakens felt better because it was the first (good) Star Wars film in a long time, whereas this is the third in as many years with yet more to come. Don't get me wrong, this isn't a bad film and it was enjoyable to a point. It just wasnt as good as it could've been and it just came across as sadly lacking.
Show all 4 comments.

Sarah (7799 KP) Dec 22, 2017

That was one of the things I hated the most, what they did (or more appropriately didn't do) with Luke. A massive disappointment for such a major character.


Lee (2222 KP) Dec 23, 2017

I read a very interesting article the other day which said that this new trilogy might have been better off without Luke, Leia or Han - leaving them in the past - and part of me agrees. Han got to be a bit of a rogue once again in TFA but apart from that, in their rush to develop something which can go on and on and on forever more, I feel that they've just crapped all over everything that went before, especially where Luke is concerned


tonidavis (353 KP) rated

Dec 15, 2017  
Star Wars: Episode VIII - The Last Jedi (2017)
Star Wars: Episode VIII - The Last Jedi (2017)
2017 | Action, Sci-Fi
Leia (5 more)
Luke skywalker
Full circle film
This installement of star wars is action packed and a fantastic film. The bittersweetness of getting to see Carrie Fisher one last time is something no star wars fan is going to be moved by.
The film itself to me reminds me of a full circle of the orginal trilogy which makes it absolutely fanatic to watch.

I'm impressed by the porg with so much porg merchandise that came out before the film I Did have a slight dear fear (not that it stopped me buying them before the film) that this would be overused commercial characters destined to be the next Jar Jar binks however this wasn't the case. THESE adorable creature are just that.

Pete (121 KP) Dec 16, 2017

Rumour has it, carrie fisher filmed some scenes for the next film before she sadly passed.


David McK (3508 KP) rated

Dec 10, 2019  
Star Wars: Episode VIII - The Last Jedi (2017)
Star Wars: Episode VIII - The Last Jedi (2017)
2017 | Action, Sci-Fi
By far the most divisive of the Star Wars movies, this is one of those films that I tend to enjoy while watching, but later come away with a whole host of problems. Such as:

How can Rey be so powerful with no training?
What, Princess (or General) Leia doing Peter Pan in space (may not have been so bad if there had been any indication she knew/was trained in how to use the Force)
The world slowest Lightspeed chase
What is the point of the Canto Bight excursion?

and, not forgetting,

Star Wars: Episode VIII - The Last Jedi (2017) reviews from people you don't follow

Dr Dystopian (526 KP) rated

Jan 9, 2018 (Updated Jan 9, 2018)  
Star Wars: Episode VIII - The Last Jedi (2017)
Star Wars: Episode VIII - The Last Jedi (2017)
2017 | Action, Sci-Fi
Interactions between Rey and Kylo (2 more)
The special effects
The lightsaber battle against the praetorian guard
Poor storyline (2 more)
Completely irrelevant side story with Finn and Rose
Wasted main villain
Disappointing entry after a promising previous film
What hasn't been said about this film already?!

Having had high hopes for this based on a solid entry in episode VII this film simply didn't live up to the high expectations.

The special effects were, as normal, fantastic with the ship collision at light speed a major highlight. The interactions between Rey and Kylo and subsequent character development of the 2 is both interesting and welcomed and provides hope for episode IX. The scene with the 2 fighting side by side against the praetorian guard was also great to watch.

Aside from those parts the film felt like it lacked any real direction and the storyline is simply poor. With the film opening on a massive battle where the first order, once again, are made out to be utterly inept and farcically incompetent it seems as if the film wants to substitute substance for style.

Almost the entire film consists of the first order chasing the rebellion at sub light speed waiting for them to run out of fuel whilst we are given an utterly pointless side mission for Finn and newcomer Rose which does nothing to develop either character or the actual main storyline.

Luke, meanwhile, has become a hermit and whilst that in itself isn't an issue (after all so was Yoda) it is a disappointing change to the legends Luke who would have been a lot more interesting.

The princess leia bridge explosion scene was also very shortly done. Whilst it was a great development to show her with significant force abilities the special effects made it crying worthy and completely ruined it.

Then there is the bizarre decision to simply kill off Snoke in the most pathetic of ways. All the build up of what appears to be an exceptionally strong Darkside user and he is cut down far too easily. It will be interesting to see how episode IX addresses this as it was a very disappointing ending to the character.

All in all there were just too many awful decisions and I left the cinema feeling massively underwhelmed. Perhaps in time, especially after its sequel, maybe this will be a film looked back on as a perfect midfilm in the trilogy.

Andy K (10823 KP) Jan 9, 2018

Although I agree with some of what you said, I think people are generally being too harsh on this film. For those of us who are old enough, I remember lots of unresolved issues when Han was encased in Carbonite and taken away by Boba Fett. We had to wait 3 years to know what happened.

Maybe (Hopefully) things have been thought out enough by the people in charge now and they give us a kick-ass Episode IX!


Dr Dystopian (526 KP) Jan 9, 2018

That's exactly what im hoping Andy. Whilst there are other issues in the film that bother me im hoping the storyline and progression makes sense by the end of IX and that it's a fantastic film that rounds off the whole trilogy well. Then when looking back it may be that XIII isn't a great film on its own but is well placed as part of the trilogy.


LeftSideCut (3776 KP) rated

Dec 17, 2019  
Star Wars: Episode VIII - The Last Jedi (2017)
Star Wars: Episode VIII - The Last Jedi (2017)
2017 | Action, Sci-Fi
Without a shadow of doubt, The Last Jedi is the most divisive entry in the Star Wars saga. Some people absolutely loved it, others hated it with a deep rooted passion. Personally, I sit somewhere in the middle.

I would be lying if I said that I wasn't a little dissappointed with TLJ. After the fantastic (albeit safe AF) The Force Awakens, the tone of this follow up takes a sharp turn.
A huge focus of TLJ is Luke Skywalker, and his complete disinterest in the Jedi way. I found myself struggling to accept this at times. I almost felt like that although this was an interesting avenue to explore, it didn't fit quite right with the main storyline.
Another issue I took with TLJ is some of the character arcs attributed to a few of the cast. The focal point in this regard is Kylo Ren and Rey, which is fine, but characters set up in TFA ar forced into a backseat role. An example of this is Finn. In TFA, he was interesting, existing as a defective stormtrooper. It felt fresh! Now that he is a fully fledged rebel, he just has nothing to do, and spends most of his screen time bumbling around a really out of place casino planet, a scene which plays out like an extended scene from Austin Powers.
Poe Dameron is similar, here all he seems to do is argue with a new character played by (a completely wasted) Laura Dern. It just all seems a bit loose, and it's unclear where it wants to go at time.
I absolutely respect that Rian Johnson opted to go in a different path, but it misses the mark for me more often than not.

That being said, there is still plenty to like about TLJ. I really enjoy Adam Drivers performance as Kylo Ren once again, and definitely the most engaging character here. The connection between him and Rey is explored a bit more, and it definitely provides some of the films high points, including a thrilling and incredible looking fight scene in the Supreme Leader's throne room.
The action sequences look amazing as they did in TFA, and the whole finale scene set on Crait is incredibly striking and colourful.

As I said, I left the cinema feeling a little disheartened, but I still liked The Last Jedi. It has some high highs, and some frustrating lows, but us Star Wars fans are used to that by now!

Rodney Barnes (472 KP) rated

Mar 22, 2019 (Updated Mar 22, 2019)  
Star Wars: Episode VIII - The Last Jedi (2017)
Star Wars: Episode VIII - The Last Jedi (2017)
2017 | Action, Sci-Fi
The action (0 more)
A lot (0 more)
Very Disappointed
Contains spoilers, click to show
I am one of the biggest Star Wars fans you would meet. I have been to theaters to see all movies. As a kid I saw A New Hope in the theater. The Last Jedi however was an abomination. What you have in this movie was a director that did whatever he wanted and hardly addressed anything in The Force Awakens; which now in my opinion is irrelevant.
In the old canon Luke was such an awesome powerful character and leader. Instead of that we get some crazy old guy who has lost connection with the force because his nephew has turned to the dark side (Hmmm A gifted force user turning to the dark side never heard this type of storyline before). The Knights of Ren was not addressed. Luke confining himself to an island and force projecting himself was just plain dumb to me (Hmmm a Jedi Master exiling himself...never heard that storyline before either). The revelation of Rey's parents was anti climatic. The Canto Byte scene was unnecessary. The the thing I was most disappointed in was when Snoke was killed. He was a character I was really interested in. I have heard the people that like this movie say most are mad because this movie was not a "fan service". That is inane reasoning because without fans you have nothing. If this was just another type of Sci fi movie it would have worked. As a Star Wars movie.....just plain bad

Hazelita (7 KP) rated

Nov 18, 2018  
Star Wars: Episode VIII - The Last Jedi (2017)
Star Wars: Episode VIII - The Last Jedi (2017)
2017 | Action, Sci-Fi
My partner didn't like it because of the humour and language which he thought wasn't faithful to the original Star Wars movies - it was too different for him but I personally thought it was enjoyable and I loved Kylo Ren's character. I just found that Princess Leia scene a bit cringy to watch.... not sure what they tried to do there but it was weird.