Vegetable Gardening for Organic and Biodynamic Growers

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Vegetable Gardening for Organic and Biodynamic Growers

2014 | Home & Garden

Joel Morrow was editor of the journal Biodynamics for over thirty years, in which he published regular 'biographies' of vegetables. The 76 biographies in this book address all aspects of the vegetables, including how to grow them, their climate of origin, their transformation over time, and their nutritional and therapeutic potential. Arranged alphabetically -- from Asian Brassicas to Winter Squash -- this unique book is more than just a gardening guide. Inspired by Rudolf Steiner's spiritual view of nature, it offers a complete understanding of the vegetables, revealing their inner characteristics and helping growers to improve plant health and yields.

Published by SteinerBooks, Inc

Edition Unknown
ISBN 9781584201670
Language N/A

Images And Data Courtesy Of: SteinerBooks, Inc.
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