Boy About Town
'I was no longer fitting in at school. I was unsure of my friends, and they were increasingly unsure...
Joss Whedon: Geek King of the Universe - A Biography
Amy Pascale and Nathan Fillion
'Packed with trivia, filled with wit and endlessly readable, this is the biography Joss's career...
Principled Persuasion in Employee Communication
Principled Persuasion in Employee Communication highlights a new but significant dilemma for...
Ecological Approaches to Early Modern English Texts: A Field Guide to Reading and Teaching
Jennifer Munroe, Edward J. Geisweidt and Lynne Bruckner
Ecocriticism has steadily gained footing within the larger arena of early modern scholarship, and...
Food of Korea: 63 Simple and Delicious Recipes from the Land of the Morning Calm
Korean food is one of the most varied and unique cuisines in Asia. The modern Korean homemaker cooks...
Flora Britannica: The Definitive New Guide to Britain's Wild Flowers, Plants and Trees
Flora Britannica covers the native and naturalised plants of England, Scotland and Wales, and, while...
Religion and Ecological Crisis: The Lynn White Thesis at Fifty
Todd LeVasseur and Anna Peterson
In 1967, Lynn White, Jr.'s seminal article The Historical Roots of Our Ecologic Crisis was...
Bejewelled: Men and Jewellery in Tudor and Jacobean England
Jewellery is often viewed as a feminine preoccupation, but in Tudor and Jacobean England men wore...
On Anger: Race, Cognition, Narrative
Anger is an emotion that affects everyone regardless of culture, class, race, or gender-but at the...
Rational Action: The Sciences of Policy in Britain and America, 1940-1960
During World War II, the Allied military forces faced severe problems integrating equipment,...