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Amy Engel recommended It in Books (curated)

Stephen King | 1986 | Fiction & Poetry, Horror
8.8 (95 Ratings)
Book Favorite

"The best book I ever received as a present was It by Stephen King for my 15th birthday. I was already a fan of Stephen King’s novels and had been anxiously awaiting the release of It. My step-dad had it wrapped and waiting for me the day it came out, with a hand-written note inside. The book was as amazing as I’d anticipated. But it’s the best book I’ve ever received because it marked the beginning of a tradition. Every birthday after that, my step-dad gave me a book. Some years it was Stephen King’s latest, some years it was another author. The tradition continued for a quarter century, until my step-dad passed away a few years ago. I still miss seeing a brightly wrapped book in amongst the other birthday gifts. And I still have that original, hard cover copy of It."

The Pumilio Child
The Pumilio Child
Judy McInerney | 2018 | Fiction & Poetry
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Ya Ling is kidnapped from her well-off Chinese family and sold in to slavery in 15th century Italy. Mantegna, a Renaissance artist, buys her with money that he can't really afford to spend, and takes her home to a very disapproving wife and household.
Ya Ling is admirable calm and stoic through all of her trials and tribulations, and eventually work as a respected healer, as her family taught her back in China.
The author really makes you feel for the characters in her novel - pity and later pride for Ya Ling, and hatred for some of the less virtuous male characters. It's a book that reflects the times very well: men, and men in the church especially, hold all the cards. Women are held in very low esteem. And women who are in any way different from the accepted norms are in danger of the ecclesiastical courts.
I read this on 'The Pigeonhole', a social reading platform, and really enjoyed the whole experience.