The Cat Lady
Video Game
The Cat Lady is an indie psychological horror graphic adventure video game developed by Harvester...
Cat Lady Indie point and click horror dark mental illness

David Busch's Canon EOS 60D Guide to Digital SLR Photography
The 60D is Canon's new, sophisticated yet affordable advanced dSLR, featuring 18 megapixel...

18 Bookshops
Anne Scott has never housed her books in order of theme or author yet she knows where each of them...

Can I Tell You About Depression?: A Guide for Friends, Family and Professionals
Christopher Dowrick, Susan Martin, Mike Medaglia and Paula Dowrick
Part of the Reading Well scheme. 35 books selected by young people and health professionals to...

Multiples: 12 Stories in 18 Languages by 61 Authors
Like Chinese whispers, the rules of this literary game are simple: the first writer translates an...
America's Got Powers
Welcome to AMERICA'S GOT POWERS! It's the biggest TV show on Earth, where the chance to win fame,...

The Sarah Jane Adventures: Judgement Day
'The lie betrays life. The truth defies death.' The Veritas are an ancient force for justice. For...

Lies, Inc.
A masterwork by Philip K. Dick, this is the final, expanded version of the novellla THE UNTELEPORTED...

Don't You Cry
An electrifying and addictive tale of deceit and obsession from the bestselling author of The Good...

Orde Wingate
Orde Wingate rose to fame by creating the Chindits in Burma in 1943. He is an extremely important...