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No Time to Die (2021)
No Time to Die (2021)
2021 | Action, Adventure, Thriller
Daniel craig (2 more)
Lea seydoux
Aston martin
Too long (0 more)
Yes finally seen bond after 18 months of delays due to covid I've finally watched it there was a point I fought I would never see the movie. On to the review was the film any good yes was it worth the wait yes coming out the movie I would say contender for my film of the year it has everything the first 20 mins very action packed before we even get to Billie ellish singing the theme song Daniel Craig gives his best bond performance for last and what a ride its been over five movies there are twists I didn't see coming which I won't give away here the only gripe I would say too long at 2 hours 45 mins making it the longest bond movie ever could have been slightly shorter but that's my only gripe overall probably my favourite craig bond of all