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Alison Pink (7 KP) rated Where We Belong in Books
Jan 15, 2018
The characters are all so well written & so incredibly believable...they could be your next door neighbor, your friend, or you. The plot was so real & emotional without being preachy or cheesy. I compare it to a Jodi Piccoult work minus the hidden social agenda that sometimes bugs me with her work.
This book tells the story of a thirty something TV producer woman names Marian. At the same time it is also told from the viewpoint of 18 year old Kirby. Their lives are separate, until a chance knock on a swanky, Manhattan penthouse door. The story follows both women through their journey by alternating chapters. Sounds confusing, but it flows together seamlessly. The stories follow in order, just alternate from each of their points of view. I hate to say more for fear of ruining the plot for someone who might chance upon this review. (I hate when that happens to me!!)
If you want to know more, go get the book! It will be worth your time & $$...TRUST ME!

Kristy H (1252 KP) rated The Second Sister in Books
Feb 13, 2018
As the campaign winds down, Lucy finds herself once again in her hometown, settling Alice's affairs, living in her old home, and trying to figure out her life.
Overall, this is a fairly easy read, though I found the beginning a bit slow. Lucy is not the most likeable of characters, though she did grow on me as she herself grows. The plot is rather predictable, though you don't find yourself fighting the ending much. Once I got through about the first third, the book went quickly and was a pleasant read, but nothing amazing. (It did make me want to visit Door County, Wisconsin, however! Well-done on that front.)
Note: I received an ARC of this novel from Netgalley in return for an unbiased review.

Ross (3284 KP) rated The Giver (2014) in Movies
Aug 27, 2018
The film follows three young people as they turn 18 and are allocated their jobs for life. Jonas has been selected to be the next Receiver of Knowledge - a role where he will receive all knowledge before the new world (of colours, wars, love, emotions, sledging).
Gripping dystopian vision of a future dreamworld and how wrong it would all be, and how, like religion, some good ideas become wrongly used as a strict framework for living life.
Needless to say, Jonas goes a bit daft with all this new knowledge (he somehow understood some of Jeff Bridges's incoherent mumbling) and looks to change the world for the better.
A short, enjoyable, family friendly version of Black Mirror with a slightly disappointing though happy ending.

Lindsay (1727 KP) rated A Royal Christmas Wedding in Books
Aug 30, 2018
Avery Truitt is someone who was going to college to be a professional volleyball player. 5 years before she meet Prince Colin when she was with her sister Susanna went to Cathedral City. What ever happen to Avery and Colin?
Susanna has invited both her sister and mother to Brington Kingdom for the Christmas season. Will their mother get over their father’s death? There appear someone brings Avery and Colin together at every turn. Will Colin father help or harm Colin? The old bell rings and who has pulled it and rung it?
People do not believe that god had pulled the 600 pound bell that started ringing and bring all people to the where the accident of Prince Michael died. I love that fact that there is a meaning and some true relationship trouble and Hauck shows that in each story in The Royal Wedding Series? She let the characters work it out their own problems. She does not rush them. Rachel Hauck does well with the plot and her writing is wonderful as well.

Elli H Burton (1288 KP) rated Tell Me Who I Am (2019) in Movies
Oct 25, 2019
It is something so unique it wouldn't be believed if it wasn't true. This in itself is such an interesting premise but it's full of so many twists and turns by the end you're head is spinning.
The story is gripping, at times I thought I'm tired maybe here will be a good time to pause, go to sleep and start back up tomorrow but I couldn't switch it off. It makes you go from confusion, anger, sadness and rage in such a small amount of time.
What makes this so heartbreaking is that not only is it true, it is something I believe every person should watch. It touches on subjects that happen in peoples everyday lives and aren't talked about enough.
I sincerely hope people will watch this, appreciate these courageous men for their pure strength and if the story they tell is similar to something in your life, it will help you open up too.

Sarah (7799 KP) rated Reign of Fire (2002) in Movies
Apr 13, 2020 (Updated Apr 13, 2020)
Story wise it's a great idea for an apocalypse style scenario, definitely beats a zombie film any day. I'm surprised something like this hasn't made a resurgence after the popularity of the dragons in Game of Thrones. Christian Bale is always enjoyable as a lead character, although his London cockney accent does make me laugh. Matthew McConaughey has potentially been given a rather cliched character but he does have a lot of fun with it at least.
The effects and CGI are potentially a little dated at times, but that's to be expected with something that is now 18 years old. There are some cliched and cheesy lines and a few predictable and cheesy moments, but overall it's just a rather enjoyable bit of entertainment. The ending is a bit cheesy as well but I wouldnt have expected it to end any other way. It won't win any Oscars, but I feel like it's a film that's been fairly forgotten and underrated over time.