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Batman: Nightwalker - DC Icons Book 2
Batman: Nightwalker - DC Icons Book 2
Marie Lu | 2018 | Young Adult (YA)
7.0 (8 Ratings)
Book Rating
I saw this in my local Eason's one day and, thought that, even though it was advertised as DC Icons #2 (and I hadn't read #1) that I would give it a shot.

Now that I've read it, I'm going to make two main points:

1) Strictly speaking, this should be called "Bruce Wayne: Nightwalkers rather than "Batman: Nightwalkers". I get it, the Batman name has more 'pull' than the Bruce Wayne name, but in this he's only just turned 18 and has yet to take up the mantle of the Bat (despite lots of heavy foreshadowing).

2) Tied somewhat, perhaps, to point number 1 number: I found it kind hard to disassociate a teenage Bruce Wayne (proto-Batman) from the character as portrayed in the TV series Gotham. I'm sure I'm not the only one, which (perhaps) goes further towards explaining why this titled as Batman ...

As for the plot: I must say, I did find this largely intriguing, with the character of Madeline laying further groundwork (as it were) for who Bruce Wayne would later become. It was also interesting to see the early friendship between Harvey Dent (the future Two-Face) and Bruce Wayne explored further: it's just a pity, I felt, that you could see the 'twist' coming from miles and miles away!

justmissash (21 KP) rated Victoria in Books

Jun 23, 2019  
Daisy Goodwin | 2016 | Fiction & Poetry
9.3 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
For every girl, like myself, who once wished to be a princess or queen someday, this book is wonderful.
It starts as Alexandrina is looking towards her 18th birthday. Not to celebrate it but hoping that the present king will live long enough so she can be queen. Her mother and mothers possible lover are scheming together. They call her Drina and she hates it. She loves and wishes to be called Victoria. Her uncle, the king, finally passes after she turns 18 and she is crowned Queen. The story follows her challenges, fears, and triumphs as closely and intimately as possible. The story is honest and heartwarming and inspiring. She rises with grace and class to lead her country for a long time and surpasses the expectations of her mother and those around her. I loved the story and just how it was written. I feel like I know her now and I feel connected because of her feelings and emotions. I have not been on the threshold of becoming a queen but I do know what it feels like when others think they know best or have I'll intentions and want to release you from the chance to prove your greatness.
I received this book for free from SheSpeaks, but the opinions here are my own.
Paranormal Activity 3 (2011)
Paranormal Activity 3 (2011)
2011 | Horror, Mystery
5.6 (16 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Starting To Get Intresting
Paranormal Activity 1- hated it
Paranormal Activity 2- Better Than One.
This one- its starting to get intresting/good.

Let me explain- this one goes way back in time to 1988, and you watch young kate and her sister. I like this because it explains the beginning, were it all started from. Yes its still found footage, and people holding cameras and sometimes all of nothing, but i can say this one is good.

The Plot: In 1988 sisters Katie (Chloe Csengery) and Kristi (Jessica Tyler Brown) seem to be enjoying a normal, happy childhood at home. But when strange things start going bump in the night, their father, a wedding videographer, decides to use his cameras to discover the source, especially since Kristi appears to having conversations with an imaginary friend. While the cameras do indeed reveal a flurry of supernatural occurrences, the family is unprepared for the terror that awaits.

It is the third (chronologically, the first) installment of the Paranormal Activity series and serves as a prequel, mostly set 18 years prior to the events of the first two films. So basically watch this one first, than the second one than the first one, than the fourth one, than etc.

So it toke to third one of this franchise to actuallu get intresting/good.