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Ferris Bueller's Day Off (1986)
Ferris Bueller's Day Off (1986)
1986 | Comedy
Ok, I get that it's a teen classic.

I get that it's one of John Hughes 1980s movies.

I get that it was Matthew Broderick's break-out role, and that the 4th-wall breaking nature of the movie helped lay the groundwork for 'Deadpool' all those years later.

I DON'T get the appeal of the movie: for me, this was forgettable, with the lead character an annoying jerk (who, admittedly, does have one good line about how life is pretty short) only out for himself, and who pulls his girlfriend and his best friend Cameron along for no reason other than to show off to - he doesn't even have the gumption to check how Cameron is at the tail end of the movie.

I've heard about people saying how it is, essentially, a wish-fulfilment movie. My only wish is that I hadn't wasted my time watching it.
Trading Places (1983)
Trading Places (1983)
1983 | Comedy
The casting was done perfectly. (2 more)
The story follows the struggles that were present in the 1980s.
It's so funny, got a bit of classic humour and dark humour that fit in nicely.
Absolute classic
This definitely shows the classic struggle of different races and classes in america in the 1980s. It shows it in such a way that it's almost humourous that it was ACTUALLY like that back then. Eddy Murphy plays Valentine excellently, you really see the deep upset of the racist and prejudices he has always suffered but yet on the outside Valentine takes it in his stride. Winthorpe played by the legendary Dan Aykroyd has the same depths. Deep down you can see he is so intelligent and hard working but on the outside he's so spoilt and feels so entitled. Jamie Lee Curtis another fantastic actress plays Ophelia in such layers, a more complex clever fierce but vulnerable woman inside that you see glimpses of but outside she is rock hard and nothing touches her.
The writing is so well done it flows naturally, it doesn't feel forced at any point. The onscreen chemistry is on point, I feel the relationships between the cast mirrored the characters relationships. Apparently the cast weren't familiar with each others work so the relationships are built both on and off screen successfully.
The shots of the cities they are in were a wonderful way to transition from scene to scene giving the audience glimpses into the world they are about to dive into.
The story stands out to me, theres no way I could confuse this movie with anything else which is what I like to see in every movie I see.
Thoroughly recommend everyone have a watch of this, Eddy Murphy, Dan Aykroyd and Jamie Lee Curtis were completely unknown to me when I first saw it and I have grown to love pretty much everything they are in.
Pudge & Prejudice
Pudge & Prejudice
A.K. Pittman | 2021 | Romance, Young Adult (YA)
10.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Do you like Pride and Prejudice? Well, I have a love/hate relationship with the story as I love Darcy but want to clobber him at the same time! However, this retelling of the story… is extraordinary. From the first chapter, I was fascinated by Elyse and the way Allison Pittman immersed me in her story. Elyse and Billy Fitz (how cool are their names?!) played off each other so well, I loved their conversations, the letter passing in class, and how both cared so much about the people around them. Allison Pittman also did a great job telling interweaving themes that are so prevalent and realistic into the characters’ thoughts and actions, such as body positivity and being careful who your friends are. Elyse’s older sister Jayne, and Billy’s best friend Charlie, plus the other beloved characters’ help make this story truly unique and engaging.

I loved the setting (Northenfield, TX), the 1980s drama, and the emphasis on music. Plus, all the 1980s references throughout the story helped to shape thing into a funny, realistic, and heart touching retelling of the original. Yet, it stands out as one of the most memorable renditions of Jane Austen’s works, that I have ever had the pleasure of reading. It was also interesting to see how Allison Pittman took the 1800s classic and evolved it into a new classic.

Overall, I think any age group would enjoy this book especially if you enjoyed the original. I know it will be going down as one of my favorite stories this year. 5 out of 5 stars.

*I volunteered to read this book in return for my honest feedback. The thoughts and opinions expressed within are my own.

Lyricist. Writer. Activist.
What a life this man has had! He had a hard start, living in one of the least affluent areas of Birmingham (UK), and running away with his mother to escape a violent father. The 1980s saw race riots, miners strikes and demonstrations against police brutality. Zephaniah and his dub poetry were at the forefront. By the 1990s he was a household name, and not just at home in the UK - he travelled and performed around the world.
I really admire this man. He hasn't had an easy life: he was in borstal as a teen, lived a life of crime for a while and decided for himself that he didn't want to live his life as a criminal where he would most certainly end up dead. HE turned his life around. He stands by his beliefs as well. A brilliant, self taught man, who sets a sterling example for all.
The Sea Is Quiet Tonight: A Memoir
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
MoMo Book Diary recommends Michael Ward’s The Sea Is Quiet as a very emotional 5 star read. Michael truly honors Mark’s memory with this memoir.

“The Sea Is Quiet Tonight: A Memoir” tells a heartbreaking story that will have you hooked from the start. The author writes from the heart as he tells the wonderful yet brutally honest story of his relationship with his partner, Mark Halberstadt. Mark was the 100th person in Massachusetts to be diagnosed with AIDS. I was too young to fully understand the chatter about AIDS during the 1980s. Since then, I have read a number of articles and books on the devastation brought with an AIDS diagnosis – nothing has touched me in the way this memoir has. At times I felt that I was reading the author’s personal diary, it was so raw and honest. The characters were described perfectly and I felt that I knew them personally.

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