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Entertainment, Lifestyle
8.7 (589 Ratings)
App Rating
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Lots of content
Layout changes not most accessible (1 more)
Variety of content a little limited
Does exactly as it says on the tin
If you want Netflix on the go then download this app. With the ability to download certain films and tv programmes and enable you to watch whenever you want, you will be hard pushed not to find something to your taste.
Being a cineaste, Netflix doesn’t cater for everything. If you would like to see tv series from the 60s or 70s or a film pre-1980s, then you will find it difficult but for modern audiences, this is a treat.
The layout is a little wild for my taste in apps and it is not immediately accessible for fine tune searching but if you know what you are looking for, you won’t have a problem.
Netflix is pushing their own films and tv series more now (and not a bad thing because fortunately a lot of it is high quality) so keep this in mind if you are not yet a member and look on Smashbomb or other websites for recommendations on what to watch.

Ross (3284 KP) rated One Word Kill in Books

Dec 4, 2019  
One Word Kill
One Word Kill
Mark Lawrence | 2019 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
7.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Nothing original but a good read
Mark Lawrence has stepped out of the fantasy bubble into this loosely sci-fi trilogy set in the 1980s. 15 year old Nick is diagnosed with cancer and while undergoing chemotherapy starts to have strange visions and deja vu. A mysterious figure seems to be stalking him and his D&D friends, and he ends up planning a siege to help this person from the future.
The story is very short (a little over 200 pages on kindle), but is quite heavy on the 80s references and D&D gameplay. The story itself is nothing new but with a little more head-scratching time travel/parallel universe pseudo-science crammed in. The twists throughout the story are fairly predictable and cliched.
The dialogue also doesn't feel like authentic 80s teenager speech to me, a few too many Americanisms ("hey" instead of "hi", "do it, already" etc).
A reasonably enjoyable short book, but a little Stranger Things bandwagon-jumping to me. I'm not sure whether the other two books carry on the story or how, so I will be interested to see where they go from here.
Personal Services (1987)
Personal Services (1987)
1987 | Comedy, Drama
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Not many people get a film based on their life while they're still around: prostitute and brothel madam Cynthia Payne had not one but two released in the same year (this and 'Wish You Were Here') - makes one proud to be British. A typical story of rags to riches, embellished with a vast amount of kinky sex and tawdry etablishment hypocrisy - not entirely surprisingly, the women here are the tough and clever ones, the men who come to them are awkward, fragile creatures.

One of those off-beat comedy-drama films, with a strong sense of the seedier side of life, that the UK film industry went in for quite a lot in the 1980s. This one has a strong performance from Julie Walters, but the comedy often feels strained and it can't seem to quite decide how it's going to handle the more graphic material inevitably involved - straightforwardly, or in nudge-nudge style? Tends towards the latter. Passes the time reasonably well as a slightly odd piece of entertainment; may well also be of interest as an insight into the English psyche (God help us).
Someone to Watch over Me (1987)
Someone to Watch over Me (1987)
1987 | Action, Drama, Mystery
I doubt that many people would realise that this is one of Ridley Scott’s earlier films. From the opening scene you will notice a distinct Ridley Scott feel to it. The sweeping shot of New York’s Chrysler building could mirror a scene from the sci-fi classic Blade Runner.

Someone to Watch Over Me is a thriller in which a woman who witnesses a murder is sent to protective custody, there she falls for her bodyguard detective. It’s a fairly clichéd film in that it takes portions film noir as well as a classic love affair.

Tom Berenger plays the recently promoted detective who must control his desires for the women he is protecting. Claire Gregory played by Mimi Rogers is an innocent, sexy high class aristocrat who wants what she knows she cannot have.

It dips from thriller to love story and has interludes of high tension thrown in as an afterthought. The backdrop of a self obsessed 1980s America works very well and Scott’s direction is astute as it is clinical with great locations and camera shots. An average thriller but enjoyable nonetheless