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Revisions (2019)
Daisuke Toujima is a second-year high school student who was abducted when he was young. He was involved in a special phenomenon called Shibuya Drift with his childhood friends Gai, Ru, Marimari, and Keisaku. They were transferred to the center of Shibuya over 300 years into the future.
Daisuke Toujima is a second-year high school student who was abducted when he was young. He was involved in a special phenomenon called Shibuya Drift with his childhood friends Gai, Ru, Marimari, and Keisaku. They were transferred to the center of Shibuya over 300 years into the future.

The Craggus (360 KP) rated X-Men: Dark Phoenix (2019) in Movies
Jun 10, 2019
X-Men: Dark Phoenix (2019) offers us the chance to dine on ashes while flipping us the bird.
To the surprise of literally nobody, rising with an entirely unmerited sense of entitlement from the ashes of “X-Men: Apocalypse”, writer/ director Simon Kinberg has only managed to conjure a turkey from the flames....

CKD (37 KP) rated An Anonymous Girl in Books
Dec 7, 2018
I received this book from St. Martin's Press as an Advanced Reader's Copy. This book will be published on January 9, 2019 and I highly recommend you pick it up. The story centers around Jessica, a makeup artist in NYC. She stumbles into a "study" about morality and ethics where she becomes embroiled in a twisted relationship.

The Craggus (360 KP) rated Glass (2019) in Movies
Jan 30, 2019
Glass (2019) sets out to shatter the superhero paradigm. #Review
Closer in tone and intent to “Unbreakable” than its immediate predecessor “Split”, “Glass” sees filmmaker M Night Shyamalan returning to the world of comic book super heroics, not to homage or reimagine them, but to deconstruct them - especially their latest cinematic incarnations....

Jeremy King (346 KP) rated Cherry 2000 (1987) in Movies
Jun 22, 2019
Although there are some nice effects, the performances and the utterly ludicrous plot make this movie 5 out of 10. Maybe higher if i rated this in the 80s. What i love is how 2017 was apocalyptic and well the year now is 2019. Lol but i guess in the 80s they thougbt by now we would have WWIII

Bohan Reviews (215 KP) rated Burning (2018) in Movies
Aug 10, 2019
Steven Yeun (2 more)
The film lingers with you after watching it, leaving you questioning what exactly you just watched and attempting to piece together a clear understanding of the total film, which is an exercise that may prove impossible.
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Bohan Reviews (215 KP) rated Then Came You (2018) in Movies
Aug 10, 2019
Occasionally Funny (2 more)
One interesting character
Ken Jeong
Casting (2 more)
Maisie Williams feels a little hammy and over-the-top, but it's the uncomfortable dynamic between Asa Butterfield and Nina Dobrev that stands out as arguably some of the worst casting that I have ever seen.
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The Chocolate Lady (94 KP) rated The Girl Puzzle: A Story of Nellie Bly in Books
Oct 5, 2020
While it seems like Nellie Bly is a hot subject these days, not all novels about her, or that were inspired by her amazing work are the same. This new biographical, historical, women's fiction novel proves that, as you'll see from my review on my blog here.

The Chocolate Lady (94 KP) rated Paris: The Epic Novel of the City of Lights in Books
Oct 7, 2020
If you’re looking for a historical fiction novel set in Paris, Edward Rutherfurd’s novel is exactly that. Plus, you’ll learn about this amazing city through the stories of six families and over seven centuries. My newest #bookreview of this sweeping novel is on my blog now!