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    Video Game Watch

    This is not the future you dreamt of. The Galaxy is in chaos, planets go rogue, and...

    Vault (2019)

    Vault (2019)

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    Vault tells a story about a group of small time criminals in 1975 who attempt to pull off the...

Godzilla (2014)
Godzilla (2014)
2014 | Mystery, Sci-Fi
The cinematics and creature design in this movie is what really sells it. (0 more)
The fact that it is a Godzilla movie with little to no actual Godzilla. (0 more)
Godzilla (2014) Review
Contains spoilers, click to show
Godzilla (2014) was a really good movie, it had a lot action and a lot suspense. However it didn't really contain too many scenes with Godzilla, it had a lot of facial expressions from Aaron Taylor Johnson, and by a lot I mean the same expression. ? <- That one.
The whole movie, I believe was definitely a set up for Godzilla: King of the Monsters due out in 2019, though it could have used a little bit more "monster" in it. I liked it though, but it's missing some key elements to make it Godzilla, but once you get passed the obvious problems with it, it proves to be a really great film. The roar they created for this new take on Godzilla is by far my favorite aside from the 1999 Toho film. America has finally done Godzilla justice however, especially compared to the Matthew Broderick starring Godzilla in the early 2000's whom is now labeled as simply "Zilla." Great film to watch, get caught up before Godzilla: King of the Monsters hits theaters on May 31, 2019.
Toy Story 4 (2019)
Toy Story 4 (2019)
2019 | Animation, Comedy, Sci-Fi
Animation (1 more)
Simple story (0 more)
Fun for kids and adults alike
The animation is absolutely exquisite and probably the best to have ever graced the big screen. With this and How to Train Your Dragon: The Hidden World, animated films have never looked better and the bar has been set very high indeed. Everything from the glisten in Woody’s eyes to the rope-like fabric of Jessie’s hair is astounding and needs to be seen on the biggest screen possible. There are shots here that wouldn’t look out of place on your living room wall, they are breath-taking.

Of course, the main test of a good Pixar movie is how it makes you feel. And Toy Story 4 delivers heart and humour in spades with a witty script and beautiful send-off to these beloved characters. If Disney makes good on its promise that this IS the final part of a quadrilogy, then they’ve created something very special indeed. We may have lost two animated series’ in 2019, but boy did they go out with a bang.

Now pass me the tissues for god’s sake.

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    Daniel by Daniel O&#039;Donnell

    Daniel by Daniel O'Donnell

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    Daniel O'Donnell's recording career has now spanned almost 35 years and he continues to delight fans...