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Men in Black (1997)
Men in Black (1997)
1997 | Action, Comedy, Sci-Fi
I don't know what it is about this movie that just left me unsatisfied, but I just did not like this film. Will Smith and Tommy Lee Jones play an intergalactic crime-fighting duo. It definitely feels like Smith was the token black man in this film and as much as it was seen in the 90s and throughout other decades of film, it doesn't make it any more pleasurable to watch.

This film's plot just could not keep me engaged. I always end up really disappointed when the storyline is so promising and there is so much room to run and a shoddy plot comes out of it and the film or book or tv show, whatever the medium, ends up being lackluster. That's how I felt about this film.

Tommy Lee Jones's character was stiff and unlikeable so by the time the end of the film comes, you don't feel any type of way about how his character arc is resolved. I have a feeling the intention was to feel sad for him but also sad for Jay and it just doesn't happen like that. Will Smith's jokes were not funny and it's clear, once again, that his blackness was what he brought to this film. I find myself having a hard time reconciling the stereotype they put him in and the character he was supposed to play. I'm thinking they're one and the same.

Generally just disappointed in this film. Am I going to watch the next one? Yes. Will I probably regret it? Yes. I guess we'll see.
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