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Thir13en Ghosts (2001)
Thir13en Ghosts (2001)
2001 | Horror
Spooky Scary Ghost
Thir13en Ghost: is a remake horror movie that was distributed by Dark Castle Entertainment, that relased the remakes of The Haunting and House on Haunted Hill both terrible films. So how is this film, its not terrible, but not great.

The plot: A state-of-the-art remake of the classic William Castle horror film about a family that inherits a spectacular old house from an eccentric uncle. There's just one problem: the house seems to have a dangerous agenda all its own. Trapped in their new home by strangely shifting walls, the family encounters powerful and vengeful entities that threaten to annihilate anyone in their path

The main problem with this movie is that their dont explain the ghosts backstories and you have to look them up. Their are distubing and i wish the film explain them.

Other than that, i think the film is good and is better than the pervious dark castle films remakes.

I think this movie is underrated and should be watched.
Ju-on: Origins
Ju-on: Origins
2020 | Horror, Mystery
6.5 (4 Ratings)
TV Show Rating
atmospheric (0 more)
Sometimes a bit hard to follow (0 more)
Contains spoilers, click to show
Ju-on: Origins is the prequel to the original Ju-on The Grudge on Netflix.
The story mostly follows two story lines:
The first is of paranormal author, Yasuo Odajima and T.V. Hostess Haruka Honjo and follows Yasuo as he tires to find the cursed house to write about.
The second is Kiyomi Kawai who is taken to the house by two of her new classmates.
The series shows how curse of the house affects the two main characters but is also interspersed with snippets of the lives of other people who have lived in the house and flashbacks from the memories of other characters and, at times this can make the show a bit hard to follow.
Ju-on: Origins has an 'Amityville' vibe to it but more so, as in the original films the cures is not restricted to the house, meaning that, even if you get out you may not be safe.
The series is very atmospheric but , although there are ghosts it does focus more on the people who have lived in the house which makes this very grim in parts.
There was something familiar about some of the scenes in Ju-on: Origins, at least part of this is due to the original film, the scene where Kiyomi and her friends first go the house is slightly reminiscent of the school girl sequence in the first film although it does go in a different direction.
Now for some warnings. As i said Ju-on: Origins has some grim sequences. It's a Netflix series and, almost as soon as it went on (At least here in the UK) there were complaints about the auto start trailer which skirts around one of the main scenes which involves rape.
As well as rape there are murders (It makes 'American Horror Story; Haunted House' look tame) violence towards women, children, men (although i don't recall any animal abuse), sex and implied, possible incest so you have been warned
No One’s Home
No One’s Home
D.M. Pulley | 2020 | Thriller
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
145 of 200
No ones home
By D M Pulley

Margot and Myron Spielman move to a new town, looking for a fresh start and an escape from the long shadow of their past. But soon after they buy Rawlingswood, a foreclosed mansion rumored to be haunted, they realize they’re in for more of the same…or worse.

After a renovation fraught with injuries and setbacks, the Spielmans move in to the century-old house, and their problems quickly escalate. The home’s beautiful facade begins to crumble around them when their teenage son uncovers disturbing details of Rawlingswood’s history—a history of murder, betrayal, and financial ruin. The Spielmans’ own shameful secrets and lies become harder to hide as someone or something inside the house watches their every move.

As tensions build between the family members, the home’s dark history threatens to repeat itself. Margot and Myron must confront their own ghosts and Rawlingswood’s buried past before the house becomes their undoing.

Such a good book!! Full of mystery and suggestions of paranormal activity all written around historical events, places and people. I read mainly at night and in the dark so I got a few chills reading this. Such a well balanced and well executed book! You got drawn into all these characters lives!