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Every Day
Every Day
David Levithan | 2013 | Children
7.6 (13 Ratings)
Book Rating
Every Day is an amazing story about an entity named A, that gets to wake up in a new body every day. A doesn’t know if it’s going to be male or female, or the person’s ethnicity. A has to adapt to a whole new person every day. Until one day, A wakes up as Justin, a less than stellar individual. Enter Rihannon, Justin’s girlfriend, and A is smitten. Unable to think of anyone else A tries every day after to get back to Rihannon in some way.
I love how this book was written. I thought it was brilliantly done. I can’t imagine how hard it would be to write and develop so many characters while moving the story forward at the same time. Levithan does this with ease. A is a great character, easy to root for, but also easy to hate. I didn’t agree with some of the decisions that A made, but that didn’t detract from the story, for me.
Rihannon is a great character. My heart broke for her. I pitied her. She has this terrible boyfriend, then an entity who jumps bodies every day enters her life and piles onto her already heaping plate. Her family life isn’t the greatest either which we get to see a couple of times throughout the book.
This book is fast paced, the constant new characters keeps the experience fresh and the reader turning the page. I loved this book…Until the end. Then I was just angry. The way this book ended left me hurling expletives into the dim empty bedroom around me. I absolutely hated the way this book ended. There could easily have been another 200 pages of story. I know there is a companion novel but it’s written from Rihannon’s point of view. I need a continuation of A’s story. I need a second novel.
If you’ve read this book, please let me know what you thought of the end.

*Note: I just found out that there is a sequel called Someday being released on October 2nd of this year.

Rodney Barnes (472 KP) rated Captain Marvel (2019) in Movies

Mar 9, 2019 (Updated Mar 9, 2019)  
Captain Marvel (2019)
Captain Marvel (2019)
2019 | Action, Adventure
Female Hero Time! (0 more)
Favorite Female Hero
Contains spoilers, click to show
Captain Marvel was a needed addition to the MCU. My review is about the movie. All this anti feminism crap can take a back seat. This movie was a very good movie, I wouldn't say great but it fits in nicely though. I personally was thrown a curve when the Skrull were portrayed as a "peaceful"race of aliens. In the comics the Skrull were a conquering warlike race of aliens and the Kree were their rivals; who also were a bloodthirsty race of alien. The movie captured the character of Captain Marvel very well. I thought it was a little slow but at the same time I know the story has to be told. The silliest part is how they showed Nick Fury lost his eye....Scratched by an alien creature that looks like a cat. But overall I liked the movie. She has been called the mightiest Avenger and I truly believe that. The Hulk is my favorite Superhero and I think she can stand up against the Hulk...Captain Marvel will be needed to stop Thanos and any future threat that comes to the MCU.

Michael Kirk (1 KP) Apr 18, 2019

Nancy drew and Lara Croft are way better then captain marvel


Rodney Barnes (472 KP) Apr 18, 2019

I used to read Nancy Drew books quite a bit. I wish they would make a movie not designed for little kids

10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Just for reference - I will not be giving anything away in my review. Don;t wanna spoil it for all you potential readers. What I will say is: Wow.

As you can guess, The characters are a reaper, as in grim reaper... and a cop.

Well. I have a thing for cops ;) And Troy is soooo hot and domineering, yet with a caring side. As heroes go, he is perfect in my opinion.

Laney is a great heroine. She has a fantastic attitude and is incredibly sarcastic to boot. She is who she is, and if the other person doesn't like it? Tough. I love that about her. She's strong and independent, and to me feels very confident. What every woman aspires to be. Awesome sense of humour too.

Short read so I like that I can get through it in an evening. These sort of books are a god send to a mother of two - or a person busy via other reasons I guess.

Well written. Well thought out story line and left me wanting more. Loved it and would definitely suggest to others. <3
This is a great comprehensive book of Modernist poetry. There are many authors with a great selection of both the poetry and many technical essays.

I loved reading the biographies of the poets before diving into the actual poetry.

I had to get this book for one of my English classes in college, and it helped a lot with the understanding of the poetry. It was great because it included all of the footnotes that worked in tandem with the enjoyment of the poems.

I loved reading Langston Hughes the most. I had been introduced to a few of his poems, but this was the first time I had gotten to read so many. I love his style of writing in comparison to a lot of the other poets we read.

I can honestly say that TS Eliot is not my favorite Modernist poet, especially since it seems like each professor has us read at least one of his poems a quarter.

Overall, this is a super cool book to pick up, even if you aren't a huge fan of poetry, but want to be introduced to a lot of different styles.
Heartstopper Volume One
Heartstopper Volume One
Alice Oseman | 2018 | Young Adult (YA)
9.2 (5 Ratings)
Book Rating
This review and more can be found at my blog

A Romance Reader's Reviews

This was a recommendation on Goodreads after finishing Simon vs. The Homo Sapiens Agenda so when I saw it on Amazon today as a 99p deal, I just went and bought it. As a graphic novel, it's a quick read and I did find it very cute.

So Charlie is an openly gay young man in an English all-boys school. He's a really good runner and is invited by his form group seating partner, Nick, to join the rugby team as they are needing new players. The pair grow close as they spend time practising the game and talking in their form group and spend time around at each others houses. Charlie quickly falls for Nick but Nick's straight, right?

I did really like this. The storyline was engaging and I really felt for these two characters.

The artwork was a little strange at times but really detailed at others. I loved head on shots, the dog ♡, the trainers/converse near the end.

I would love to continue this at some point since it ended on a bit of a cliffhanger.

Antonio Banderas recommended 8 1/2 (1963) in Movies (curated)

8 1/2 (1963)
8 1/2 (1963)
1963 | International, Comedy, Drama
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"Why? Well, I think it’s an act of freedom, the whole entire movie, practically. They didn’t have a script. In 1962, which is the year when the movie was shot, I thought it was unbelievable that somebody would just go into an experiment like that. It’s still a very experimental movie, very emotional in a way. I like what he says about the human spirit and creation; in a way, crisis of a man confronting life, his past, his present and his future in a very formal way. I mean formal in terms of format, how the movie was told, not only in the content of the movie, which is amazing. Also in the way that he decided to just do it absolutely free, inventing new rules for telling a story and not going in a traditional way. I thought it was the masterpiece of Federico Fellini that most attracted me; I feel very proud that I know [what it’s like for] a guy like Federico Fellini, who got the balls to just jump into such believable, reflections of mirrors, you know, inside the movie."

I Do Not Trust You
I Do Not Trust You
Melinda Metz, Laura J. Burns | 2019 | Fiction & Poetry
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I Do Not Trust You caught my attention right away. I was drawn in by the whole history and archaeology aspect. Which is weird cause history is usually boring to me. I did find some parts to be a bore, but a majority of the novel made up for it.

It would have been nice to have a chart with the correct pronunciation of all the different character/ city names, as I stumbled over them a lot and that causes the reading to become slow and honestly a bit of a bore. The nice thing to see within the story was all of the character and story background/ development.

Throughout the novel, I did find a few grammatical/ sentence structure errors. But overall, I really enjoyed the storyline and the sassiness between Ash and M.

Reasons why I rated it 4 stars:
1. The story was captivating.
2. There were a few sentence structure/ grammatical errors.
3. There was a ton of background on not only the story but also the characters.
4. There’s magic!
5. Sassiness between MC’s was top notch.
6. It was fast-paced.

“He who hesitates is lost.”
The Viscount Who Loved Me (Bridgertons, #2)
The Viscount Who Loved Me (Bridgertons, #2)
Julia Quinn | 2006 | Fiction & Poetry, History & Politics, Humor & Comedy, Romance
7.9 (7 Ratings)
Book Rating
It's a vicious cycle, I watched Bridgerton, I needed more Anthony Bridgerton in my life so I read this book, now I need season two because I need more Anthony Bridgerton in my life.

I relate to Kate Sheffield in two ways
1. I also am the slightly less desirable older sister
2. I am in love with Anthony Bridgerton against my better judgement

If you told me that my first read of the year was going to be a regency romance I would have laughed in your face but the jokes on me I guess because I was so pleasantly surprised by this book and just how well it was written. Maybe all the old ladies who bought all the mass-market paperbacks from the charity shop I worked in had some points.
The Crow (1994)
The Crow (1994)
1994 | Action, Sci-Fi
I hate this movie.... I hate this movie.... I hate this movie.

Okay I grew up watching The Crow.. Even when I was probably too young to actually watch it, it was one of my dad's favorite movies and he always had it on so I've seen it more times then most and I just can not like it. I even tried rewatching it as an adult thinking maybe I just didn't truelly understand or appreciate it at a younger age and nope I am still not a fan.

I just find the movie so boring and I just don't like or care for any of the charaters in any way.

And the thing is for some reason everyone always thinks I love or would love this movie.

Lithium (759 KP) Nov 10, 2021

Boooooooooo. But you are entitled to your opinion.


Darren Fisher (2447 KP) Nov 11, 2021

And I thought I was the only one who didn't like The Crow...

Sanctum (Saving Setora #2)
Sanctum (Saving Setora #2)
Raven Dark, Petra J Knox | 2021 | Dystopia, Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
167 of 250
Sanctum (saving Setora book 2)
By Raven Dark and Petra J.Knox

Once read a review will be written via Smashbomb and link posted in comments

Once again, I find myself in a dangerous predicament.

Kidnapped by enemies of the Dark Legion, barbarians far more dangerous than my road warrior masters, escape remains out of reach. Even if I did get away, how would I survive, alone in the desert with Damien's men still searching for me?

With the barbarian crew preparing to take me to a distant icy land I know nothing about, I can't help but think of the masters I left behind - the road warrior pirates in leather cuts I shouldn't want. I know I'll never see them again. And even if they were to free me, what then? Would I want them as my masters?

Then at the last moment, I'm presented with something no slave has ever been given - a choice. A choice that could change my entire destiny and those of everyone around me or bring me headlong into a life I should never have trusted. I have a feeling everything is about to change, but will I survive long enough to see it?

I’m still so on the fence with this series! Yes it has hot men! Hot females! Hot sex scenes! BUT I’m not onboard with the female slaves and the demeaning manor in some of the scenes! Maybe setora can turn this place around?