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Twelve (The MORE Trilogy, #3)
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Well honestly, IÕm running out of positive things to say about these books without repeating myself multiple times. This is, without a doubt, one of the best series I have ever had the privilege of reading.

As with the other books, the transition is seamless from one book too the next. The skill of Ms Franklin in telling her tale is absolutely sublime and makes reading an absolute pleasure.

This, the third installment of the series, has phenomenal pace and passion throughout. It just oozes from the page in giant wonderfulness. The twists and turns from the very start of this story leave you with incredible whiplash as you try to figure out whoÕs who, whoÕs good and whoÕs playing a double role. IÕve rarely encountered a book which has you experiencing so many different emotions all at once, and itÕs just excellent.

Be warned if you do read this, the last 20% is literally impossible to put down. Even though I was falling asleep and utterly exhausted, I honestly could not stop reading. I actually slapped myself to stay awake and pinched my cheeks to make myself wake up. IÕm one of these grumpy guts if I donÕt get sleep, so itÕs very rare anything keeps me awake, but by jove this book did it (last one that managed that was Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows).

The revelations in this story came thick and fast, especially the final one (no spoilers here, but be prepared to pick your jaw up off the floor!) and I honestly did not want the story to end. In another first for a long while, I had an immense feeling of emptiness when I finished the book, and even now, several weeks after having finished it find myself missing Caleb and Ava. I need a spin offÉ.. please? ;)

Simply put, this was absolutely stupendous writing from the very start of the series and Franklin definitely does her plot and characters justice with this final installment. I honestly cannot recommend this book highly enough, and the series as a whole are firmly wedged on my favourites list, even ousting other popular ones such as Potter and True Blood to the top spot. And yes, itÕs 5 stars, but in all honesty, IÕd gladly give as many as I could because quite frankly, this book deserves every star in the sky! Well done Ms Franklin, this is phenomenal writing and I doff my cap to your amazing skills!

*This book was first reviewed on Lily Loves Indie as part of a blog tour, for which an ARC was received in return for an honest review*
The Rumour
The Rumour
Lesley Kara | 2018 | Crime, Thriller
7.5 (6 Ratings)
Book Rating
The Rumour by Lesley Kara [BOOK REVIEW]
The Rumour is Lesley Kara’s debut novel, a gripping book about what people are capable of doing when they feel threatened and exposed. A thriller about paranoia, fear and suspense unlike anything you have read before.

When Joanna moved into a small town, all she wants to do is be happy, with her son Alfie and her mother being beside her. Her son Alfie had troubles with bullies in the big city, and all his mum wants for him right now is for him to be happy and fit in the crowd.

And when a rumour starts hovering around that a woman that has killed a child a long time ago is living in the town, under a new identity, Joanna decides to share this rumour around with her friends, in hope that this will hopefully result in Alfie making some friends.

But what happens when a simple comment goes all wrong, and starts spreading like a virus? And what if this rumour happens to be true? What if there is indeed a killer living undercover in this small town, and is very upset and wants to punish those who share this rumour around? Starting with Alfie…


The Rumour was a thrilling read for me, as I haven’t read anything similar before. We see the story from Joanne’s point of view, but mostly, we see the story from a perspective of a mother.

We see a woman who is overthinking everything regarding her child, always asking herself twice whether she has made the right choice, and always wondering whether her child is safe.
And I am not a parent, but I can imagine that every parent over-worries about their children. Even at some point all of us would wonder whether this is normal, or we are just being paranoid again? And this initial moment has lead Joanne to become anxious and insecure, and feeling like something is wrong constantly.

I loved the plot around the child-killer, and how it slowly was developing throw a lot of characters.
I certainly did not expect that twist a few chapters before the end, and the final twist in the last chapters. This gave the story a whole new ‘’wow’’ factor, and I was really pleased.

I wouldn’t put it on my shelf of 5-star books, as I couldn’t get the biting nails moment. However, this books keeps you reading through, and I can’t wait to read more from Lesley. She is a great author.

Thank you to NetGalley and Random House UK, Transworld Publishers, for giving me an ARC copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

Hazel (1853 KP) rated Black Ice in Books

Dec 14, 2018  
Black Ice
Black Ice
Becca Fitzpatrick | 2014 | Young Adult (YA)
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
<i>This ARC was provided by the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review</i>

The author of the <i>Hush, Hush</i> saga, Becca Fitzpatrick, steps away from the paranormal genre with this brand new contemporary thriller, <i>Black Ice</i>. Britt Pfeiffer has persuaded her best friend, Korbie, to go on an adventurous backpacking trip in the Tenton mountains for their senior spring break. It immediately gets off to a bad start when the girls get caught in a freak snowstorm and stranded a long way from their lodge. Luckily they come across a cabin owned by a guy named Shaun who is there with his friend Mason. But it may not be the safe haven they hoped it to be. With her best friend’s life in danger as well as her own, Britt has to remain strong in order to save themselves; either that or hope that her ex-boyfriend will realize they are missing and rescue them.

Initially it was difficult to connect with Britt who narrates the entire story. She, as well as Korbie, is a rather annoying, spoilt daddy’s girl and equally annoying to read about. This did not set the novel up well as it appeared it was going to be about two whining teenagers, both used to getting their own ways, fending for themselves in the mountains. Once the girls were faced with a life or death situation, Britt’s character developed rapidly. She became more independent, clever and likable, which made the story a lot easier to read and enjoy.

<i>Black Ice</i> is a thriller containing a murder mystery, which links all the characters together but in ways that you would not originally expect. It is also a romance novel. Although Mason is perceived as a bad guy, Britt ends up falling for him, and he her, sparking a risky relationship.

Despite the shaky start, Fitzpatrick’s latest novel is full of exciting twists and turns. There is the high risk of death, either from murder or exposure to the elements. Also, with a breathtaking conclusion, it is exhilarating to try and work out who is good, who is bad and who has been murdering girls in the mountains.

Fans of Fitzpatrick’s previous works may be disappointed with the lack of the paranormal and fantasy creatures that she has become known for, however this is still an enjoyable book. Personally I preferred it to <i>Hush, Hush</i> which I admittedly did not care for. I confess that I did not expect to like this book, especially as the main character began as a very irritating person, but it does get so much better.
The Flame Never Dies (The Stars Never Rise, #2)
The Flame Never Dies (The Stars Never Rise, #2)
Rachel Vincent | 2016 | Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
<i>This ARC was provided by the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review </i>

Rachel Vincent’s first novel<i> The Stars Never Rise</i> introduced Young Adult readers to a whole new dystopian concept. The world as we know it has been invaded by demons who can possess the human body. After discovering she has the power of exorcism, seventeen-year-old Nina joins other teenage exorcists, including the disembodied Finn, who aim to rid their town of the parasitic creatures. However the totalitarian Unified Church, the rulers of what was once the USA, have been secretly taken over by demons and will stop at nothing to get rid of Nina and her friends.

<i>The Flame Never Dies</i> continues five months after the Anathema (the name the demons gave to the group of exorcists) escaped from the clutches of the Church. Whilst exorcising all the demons they come across, Nina and company are desperately seeking food and supplies to sustain themselves as well as nourish Nina’s heavily pregnant sister.

The story is fast paced and contains a multitude of climaxes and plot twists. Vincent omits all the mundane details resulting in a tale that appears to take place over a few days rather than weeks and months. With bombshell following bombshell it is impossible to get bored of reading or predict the final conclusion. The ending, however, is the only part of the novel that is a little disappointing. After such a build up, the speed and ease that the final burst of action takes leads to a slightly unsatisfying finale.

The key characters from the first book are all involved in <i>The Flame Never Dies</i> as well as a welcome selection of new and splendid faces. Vincent emphasises the importance of teamwork, the effects of love and the notion of hope through religious belief. Although unique, the beliefs expressed by some of the characters are not much different from the monotheistic faiths of today. As a result there is something in this book that almost everyone will be able to relate to.

<i>The Flame Never Dies</i>, in my opinion, is much more exciting and engaging than its predecessor, so if you loved <i>The Stars Never Rise</i> you can guarantee you will enjoy this too. Sadly the ending does not do the story justice, readers are left with no knowledge of how the characters survive the future, and, as this is a duology, no one will ever know. Yet despite all this, Rachel Vincent has created a fantastic piece of fiction that will no doubt be as popular as other books in its genre.
Dodger&#039;s Doorrway
Dodger's Doorrway
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Dodger’s Doorway, by Alessandro Reale, is a fantasy adventure story that explores retelling classic fairy tales and fables in unique and fun ways. The book follows main character Mark ‘Dodger’ Bishop, a teenager from our world who is tired of his life. While struggling with divorcing parents, and school bullies, and getting through his senior year of high school, Dodger finds a doorway to another world. This world is inhabited by the fairytale characters of our childhoods. Dodger meets Humpty Dumpty and Rumpelstiltskin and many more classic characters. Dodger is taken on an exciting journey which has its dangers and challenges. Along the way, Dodger must work to not only save Storyworld but work through his own fears and struggles.

Dodger’s Doorway is a fantastical adventure that makes for a super fun read. The melded fairytale worlds is a theme we have seen more and more of, which I love, and I think that Reale did a masterful job of combining the magical nostalgia of the characters we know and love as well as bringing in a unique twist and creating new life in this classic characters. I particularly liked the portrayal of Humpty Dumpty. I think that Humpty is a character that is often veered away from as being too hard or not interesting enough to expand upon, but Reale takes him and makes him into an exciting warrior, which I thought was very clever. Reale’s Storyworld combines the magical innocence and dark origins of the stories and characters he chooses which gives the story a real sense of danger and epic adventure that makes the book a quick and thrilling read. Reale took inspirational from a wide range of stories; from Hansel and Gretel, Jack and the Beanstalk, Pinocchio, Peter Pan, Alice in Wonderland, The Wizard of Oz, and many more. I loved the variety and enjoyed seeing Reale’s spin on the characters.

The book itself is well-written, and the arc works well to make for a book that is hard to put down. Dodger is a great character in that he has a lot of growth throughout the book and creates real feeling relationships with the fairytale characters he meets. I liked that Reale brought the book to a young adult read instead of a children’s book by playing with the dark sides of fairytales, as well as making Dodger a teenager dealing with very real young adult issues.

Dodger’s Doorway is an enchanting story with a lot of heart. I very much enjoyed reading it. If you are a fan of fantasy stories, particularly tales where characters find magical worlds, a personal childhood dream of mine and many others I am sure, then I would highly recommend giving this book a read!
Silvern (Gilded #2)
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Despite the fact it was a really bad idea to request a book for review back in late August/early September, I still did... for some books. (I promise I wasn't being bad – I only requested two!) Really, the worst thing that could have happened was for the book to be completely and utterly disappointing. Resulting in me marching up to Kahlan and demanding she not waste her time. Plus, I may save it with Twilight for throwing purposes later.

In this sequel to Gilded, Christina Farley brings us back to the mythological world of Korea, where Jae Hwa is on a mission to look for the White Tiger orb before the god of darkness does. After everything that happens in Gilded and the oncoming events of Silvern, Silvern also seems to reveal the ultimate question of the entire series: does Jae Hwa belong in the spirit world, or mortal world?

<i><b>Sometimes winning is everything.</b></i>
I personally think Jae Hwa as a character pressures herself too much. While having high expectations of oneself is a great thing, Jae Hwa seems to be all about wanting answers ASAP and being at the top. (Jae Hwa is strikingly similar to one of my classmates, personality wise. Should I ever meet Jae Hwa, we won't be friends for very long.) I also think Jae Hwa seems to be extremely self conscious of what Marc thinks of her. With the way Marc is jealous of Jae Hwa spending time with Kang-Dae, I see nothing too good in the future of their relationship should another hot guy comes around. (Ugh, is this the way boys are these days? If that's the case, I'm going to remain a single pringle, thank you very much.)

Silvern seems to have a similar plot at the beginning when compared to Gilded: an orb is stolen by a "bad" immortal and said immortal is building an empire with the orb. While no actual orb is retrieved from the immortal (there is one retrieved, but that's beside the point) and placed back in the Heavenly Chest this time, Farley seems to be giving a few hints at what may happen in the third book. (So not giving any hints away.)

Silvern certainly wasn't a disappointment and a waste of time. BUT... I still want to see those archery skills. Jae Hwa does use it more here than in Gilded, but practice rounds don't count (okay, she uses it once or twice that wasn't practice, but still.).
Advanced review copy provided by Skyscape for review
Original Review posted at <a href="">Bookwyrming Thoughts</a>
<a href=""><img src=""; /></a>
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
<b><i>I received this book for free from Publisher in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.</i></b>
Elwood’s debut novel focuses on three royal kingdoms (known as Houses) set in space: Fane, Galton, and Westlet. As the youngest daughter of Fane, Asa hopes to solve her family’s (and the House’s) problems and save her oldest sister from death by posing as her sister in a marriage to the heir of Westlet.

Much as the romance is completely unrealistic, at least I have a fondness for <i>Inherit the Stars</i>. The heir of Westlet has scars. Legit scars. Half of his face scarred. And that resonates with me because of all the love interests I’ve read (and that’s a lot)?

None of them had scars. <em>None</em>, much less half their face. (Okay, occasionally there’s a scar or two, but none of them are major enough to send most girls running away to side two of a love triangle, if any exists.) I think my only major problem with this ship is dear Eagle and Asa avoid each other like they have the plague. Being sociably close means they’ll make their plagues worse than it is. One minute they’re avoiding each other, the next they accidentally get close, and the next? I love you is thrown.

Not to be overly blunt and crude, but tell me they won’t get <em>extremely</em> close (like really, really close) in the next minute. Now if the ILYs mean, “I think I love you, but I have to know you better before I finalize that,” then maybe I’m okay. <em>Maybe</em>.

But Eagle has SCARS. I'm okay with this. VERY okay.

<em>Anyways</em>, awkwardness aside, <i>Inherit the Stars</i> reminds me of Victoria Aveyard’s <i>Red Queen</i>, especially when it comes to Lady Westlet. She’s a little cold, indifferent, and cares about power, but she’s a warm character who cares just a little about Asa as well as the good of her House. Lady Westlet isn’t black and white – she has a gray area about her that I really like.

For the most part, Elwood focuses a good part of the book on the political intrigue between the three Houses and the romance between Asa and Eagle. But while I’m not a fan of politics or books with heavy romance, I may stick around for the sequel.

<a href=""; target="_blank">This review was originally posted on Bookwyrming Thoughts</a>
Her Crown of Fire (Molten Crown, #1)
Her Crown of Fire (Molten Crown, #1)
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
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#1 <a href="">Her Crown of Fire</a> - ★★★★

<img src=""/>;

<b><i>Her Crown of Fire is the first book of the Molten Crown series.</i></b>

Rose Evermore is a girl trying to survive high-school. But she suddenly has dreams that can predict the future and she seems to be able to control fire.

Curious about the power she possesses, she finds herself in the fantasy realm of Lotheria with her best friend Tyson. When she arrives, she is welcomed as a fire mage at the academy, while Tyson is forced to hide in order to survive.

With a lot of plot twists and new power discoveries, Rose and Tyson are in trouble and have to find a way back home.

<b><i>I enjoyed this book, and I loved the characters.</i></b>

It is quite difficult for me to find characters I actually feel for in young adult fantasies, but I loved Rose and Tyson. Both characters were full of energy and wisdom. I especially loved the way Tyson developed into a man during his time in Lotheria.

Aside from Rose and Tyson, we also met many side characters which were instantly lovable, such as Laela, Orin and Amisha. They all had something about them that made them special, and I loved every scene that they were in.

I wish that the academy had a more welcoming feeling about it. But given the circumstances, I also loved the mystery and danger that is surrounding it. I loved the the scenes when they talk about their classes and magic, and I loved the runes class. It gave me a Hogwarts vibe.

I enjoyed reading this book, and I cannot wait to read the next book of this series. If you love young adult fantasy, magic, danger and adventure, followed by incredible friendships, you will absolutely love Her Crown of Fire!

<b><i>Thank you to the team at White Plan Publishing, for sending me an ARC paperback copy, in exchange for my honest review.</i></b>

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Glass (2019)
Glass (2019)
2019 | Drama, Thriller
This doesn’t need to be a long review; the film itself doesn’t merit a lot of reflection. But, I have set myself the task of recording every piece of cultural media I consume, and there is already a backlog. So, here come a few quickfire bits on things that I found less than impressive. There is some value in identifying why something failed. Especially, as in the case of Glass, when there was an expectation it might be quite exciting.

I am not the biggest M. Night Shyamalan fan, to be honest. I will give you The Sixth Sense and Signs (to an extent), but even those contain some dodgy direction, plotting and unforgivable dialogue that hasn’t weathered the test of time well. 75% of his output is so bad it becomes funny; I mean, The Happening and Lady in the Water – WTF!? And the less said about The Last Airbender the better. My favourite of his works would have to be Unbreakable, from 2000. At least there is a satisfying story arc and the “twist” makes sense. Often with him it is so preposterous or an non-event, it makes you wonder why he bothered.

Sixteen years later, and Split sprung a surprise by being not bad at all, largely thanks to James McAvoy’s performance as a man with multiple personality disorder – a striking, terrifying, turn that showcased his abilities as an actor superbly. So there was some anticipation that bringing those two film worlds together would yield something very interesting and at least fun. So, it is sad to say that, once again, he pretty much botched it.

Don’t get me wrong, it is watchable and entertaining, up to a point – that point being when the story tries to gel all its strands together in a cohesive new twist, and fails utterly to do so. McAvoy is yet again the standout. Here he pushes the split personalities at his command to a brain spinning degree, switching from one to the other effortlessly – I would much rather just have watched him talking and twitching for two hours, to be fair. Bruce Willis has little to do but brood, and Samuel L. Jackson becomes totally laughable as he strains with the script to find any grounding in real character, and descends into cartoon / pantomime villain very quickly, losing all validity carried over from Unbreakable.

It’s a shame, because there is an idea in there somewhere; this just wasn’t it. No doubt, he has left it open for further exploration with these characters, and will in time return to them. I just hope he takes his time to consider the script properly before diving headlong into another disappointment of cliche and bad plotting. I just feel sorry for McAvoy, who deserved much better.
Horse Girl (2020)
Horse Girl (2020)
2020 | Drama
5.0 (1 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Pacing Was One Problem of Many
In Horse Girl, Sarah (Alison Brie) finds herself confusing her dreams with reality as her visions start to become more and more real.

Acting: 10
I didn’t love this movie, but I did love Brie’s performance as Sarah. It’s an earnest performance and she did extremely well within the confines of the script she was given. With a solid supporting cast in tow, I enjoyed the acting all the way around.

Beginning: 5

Characters: 2
I wasn’t in love with Sarah’s character or at least how she was portrayed. Without giving away any of the story, I’ll just say I think her arc could have been delved into a bit more. In Horse Girl, it felt like the main issue was being skirted more than anything. I also felt like the other characters were just around for the sake of being fillers.

Cinematography/Visuals: 10
The movie is shot well from a visual standpoint. I love how the dreams blend seamlessly into reality and you have a hard time discerning what’s what at times. It’s those kind of things that keep you guessing and almost manage to salvage the movie.

Conflict: 5

Entertainment Value: 3
If I’m being honest, I was mostly bored throughout the movie. Sure there were a couple of moments that piqued my interest, but I think the movie showed it’s hand too fast by presenting the issue, then not really doing much to resolve the issue. I understand the theme of what the movie is supposed to represent, but where is the light in all of it? It felt like a movie descending more and more into darkness with no hope of getting out.

Memorability: 3

Pace: 4
Slow-moving to the point of being painful at times. I remember repeatedly checking the time hoping that things would eventually pick up. I found myself chasing storylines in my head that didn’t even matter. It felt slower overall because I continued to question the direction.

Plot: 3
The attempt to tackle this type of story could have been handled a lot better. If I compare it to another movie that comes to mind, you will automatically know what Horse Girl is about, but I will say said movie handles the topic like night and day compared to this movie. It lacked any kind of cohesiveness to keep me interested.

Resolution: 3
Ends worse than it started. It drained me of hope which is the complete opposite of a movie’s aim. It’s a shame as there were so many different directions they could have chosen.

Overall: 48
About fifteen minutes in, this movie starts to go downhill for me and never really rebounds. Instead, what happens next is a descent into madness that is neither fun nor hopeful.