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Kick-Ass (2010)
Kick-Ass (2010)
2010 | Action, Comedy, Drama
Kick-Ass starts out as a clever action movie with good humor interspersed throughout the first half, but by the second half the jokes trail off as the movie takes a blacker turn toward a mindless and confusing tale of morality.

Viewing this movie as a mindless action flick, it is impressive and at times humorous, albeit that humor, in the immersive first half, is deadened by the much darker scenes toward the end of the film. But if you’re trying to find a deeper message hidden behind the motivations and actions of the characters on screen, you perhaps would be better served by reading the comic first. The violence was surprisingly graphic for what started out as a clever and somewhat endearing highschool drama about not fitting in and trying to change the world for the better.

As the director of Layer Cake and Stardust, Matthew Vaughn has shown before that he knows how to do action and fantasy, and in this movie, the action scenes are tight and gripping and slightly surreal. You may even recognize a few cameos if you’re familiar with Guy Ritchie films.

Aaron Johnson, as the title character, brings a smart vulnerability to his part. As an overly ambitious, but well meaning comic book fan, his stabs at super-heroics were quite believable.

This movie may be titled Kick-Ass, but the most interesting character is Hit-Girl, played by Chloë Grace Moretz. Quite a few child actors come across as precocious, and Moretz is a welcome change. She shares some great scenes with Nicolas Cage, a vengeful father who has turned his 11 year-old daughter into a killing machine. Cage’s deadpan humor as Big Daddy matches surprisingly well with the giddy, foul-mouthed, black humor of Hit-Girl.

In a way, I may be doing the movie a disservice if I were to dwell on the plot holes, morality, and thematic elements of this movie which are clearly not the focused intent of the director. Not every movie is intended to be a deep and meaningful reflection on life, so in that regard, this movie is simply a blood-drenched charmer.
Godzilla (2014)
Godzilla (2014)
2014 | Mystery, Sci-Fi
The cinematics and creature design in this movie is what really sells it. (0 more)
The fact that it is a Godzilla movie with little to no actual Godzilla. (0 more)
Godzilla (2014) Review
Contains spoilers, click to show
Godzilla (2014) was a really good movie, it had a lot action and a lot suspense. However it didn't really contain too many scenes with Godzilla, it had a lot of facial expressions from Aaron Taylor Johnson, and by a lot I mean the same expression. ? <- That one.
The whole movie, I believe was definitely a set up for Godzilla: King of the Monsters due out in 2019, though it could have used a little bit more "monster" in it. I liked it though, but it's missing some key elements to make it Godzilla, but once you get passed the obvious problems with it, it proves to be a really great film. The roar they created for this new take on Godzilla is by far my favorite aside from the 1999 Toho film. America has finally done Godzilla justice however, especially compared to the Matthew Broderick starring Godzilla in the early 2000's whom is now labeled as simply "Zilla." Great film to watch, get caught up before Godzilla: King of the Monsters hits theaters on May 31, 2019.

Bubba Gee (147 KP) rated Breaking Bad in TV

Jun 23, 2019  
Breaking Bad
Breaking Bad
2008 | Drama
Characters, Writing, Casting (0 more)
The best ever
Contains spoilers, click to show
This is an epic journey of a nice guy gone bad as he simply has had enough of being shat on.
We start with a nice mild mannered high school chemistry teacher Walter White (played by Bryan Cranston) who pays his taxes has an average life and finds out he has cancer.
Through his brother in law, a DEA agent and all around asshole, Walter White discovers how with his knowledge of chemistry he can make the purest crystal meth on the street.
Enter Jesse Pinkman (played by Aaron Paul)
an ex student of Mr White and low level weed dealer.
Walter uses Jesse to connect himself to the local alberquerque criminal underworld and begins production.
Over the next few series Walter White evolves into his alter ego Heisenberg, a badass, producer, seller, murderer, and generally all around kingpin of New Mexico.
From dealings with other criminals to Mexican drug cartels and beyond,this is an epic tale of a good man gone bad with murder, revenge, international trafficking, twists and turns all along the way.
It really is an absolute credit to the writers and cast.
It also enforces that you shouldn't underestimate anyone no matter how insignificant they may seem.
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
A fast and entertaining read is always a plus for busy readers. Aaron J. French's Festival is just that: a quick, fun read, even if it does not appear so at first glance. Totaling 142 pages, I completed the book within 24 hours. Because of my current health issues, that's pretty impressive.

Festival begins on the slower side of things with flashbacks to Steve's abusive childhood with an alcoholic mother. His present-day girlfriend, though pretty, isn't much better. In a desperate bid to save their failing relationship, the two take an impromptu outing in search of a romantic vacation. They end up at Serenity Sanctum, a small campground and hot springs resort run by two women. The two quickly learn that they aren't alone. What begins as a dreadfully boring, typical last resort for a failing relationship quickly culminates in an action packed ending that fans of horror films like Teeth will love.

Though the plot is fairly intriguing, I must admit that the characters aren't anything special. At least, not the protagonist and his girlfriend. Cherie is far from perfect, as stated previously. Her alcoholism and her penchant for putting herself in risky situations undoes her, but Steve is no better. His misogynistic attitude justifies his blaming of Cherie for a past incident, which I won't go into detail. I don't like to give out spoilers, after all.

When I read books, I do it mostly for entertainment. On occasion, I may read something in hopes of gleaning something educational (such as non-fiction). Because of that, I don't tend to spend time looking for themes in a piece of material. That said, I would like to point my readers in the direction of <a href=""; target="_new">this excellently written review by Mike Thorn.</a>

Though I wouldn't place Festival among my favorite reads, it is definitely a book to look into. It's perfect if you only have a short amount of time and has enough of the occult in it to appease readers like me. I would like to thank Unnerving for providing me with a free copy for the purpose of unbiased review.

Jordan Binkerd (567 KP) rated Mercy Kill (X-Wing #10) in Books

Aug 15, 2019 (Updated Aug 20, 2019)  
Mercy Kill (X-Wing #10)
Mercy Kill (X-Wing #10)
Aaron Allston | 2012 | Fiction & Poetry, Humor & Comedy, Science Fiction/Fantasy
10.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Note: this review is transposted from my personal review blog, and so was originally written several years ago. I figured if I reposted it here, someone might actually read it….

NOTE: This novel is no longer canon following Disney’s acquisition of Star Wars. That’s not to say it isn’t good, just that it belongs to the old Canon - I prefer to think of it as an alternate universe.

Do you remember fondly the Star Wars novels of the 90s? Are you into Star Wars but a newcomer to the Expanded Universe? Do you enjoy your Star Wars with an undertone of comedy, so long as a certain floppy-eared terror is nowhere in sight? If so, X-WING: MERCY KILL may be a good book for you to check out.

Unlike most of the books being released set in the “modern” era of the Star Wars universe (44 ABY–i.e., 44 Years post-Episode IV), MERCY KILL lets you jump right in, more or less without knowing the situation to that point. A lot of the others you could read cold, but they wouldn’t make much sense. MERCY KILL, however, has little to do with the ongoing plot of the Expanded Universe. It’s rooted in recent events, but the setup is very simple and easily grasped. It would pay to know the characters from the X-Wing novels of the 90s, but even that is not really necessary. You could check out three or four articles on Wookiepedia and be fine–I did, just to refresh my memory.

So….here’s what you need to know. In the 90s, they published a series of comics and then novels based around Rogue Squadron, led by Wedge Antilles and a number of the X-Wing pilots from the films along with some new faces. These comics and the first four novels were written by Michael Stackpole, but after the fourth he dropped out for a while citing other commitments he had to work on. So they hired in Aaron Allston to continue the series. Allston decided to let the Rogues go off on their own adventures while he created a new team for his novels–Wraith Squadron, a team of X-Wing pilots who would work equally well as a ground-based commando team. The result was a cross between The A-Team and The Dirty Dozen, with some aerial action thrown in. For the purposes of this new novel, notable characters included Garik “Face” Loran, a child star turned soldier and the eventual commander of the Wraiths; and Voort “Piggy” SaBinring, a genetically-modified Gamorrean. There are a few other returning faces, but these were the better developed and you can probably get by just knowing them.

The Star Wars publishing event of the early 2000s was the New Jedi Order series, in which a race of extra-galactic aliens called the Yuuzhan Vong invaded the Galaxy Far, Far Away and sought to subjugate its people. They almost did it, and they changed the way Star Wars novels worked in the process. Characters–MAIN CHARACTERS–died. Chewbacca, Han and Leia’s youngest son Anakin Solo, and countless others fell to the military might of the invaders. There have been other upheavals since, most notably a second Galactic Civil War when Han and Leia’s oldest son Jacen Solo fell to the Dark Side. In the aftermath of that war, a conspiracy was formed to take over both the Galactic Alliance and the Empire and merge them together once again, recapturing the glory of the height of the Old Empire. This conspiracy failed, but it may not have been completely rooted out…..

In this book, Garik Loran is called out of retirement by the head of the Alliance military. He wants Loran to quietly look into rumors that an up-and-coming officer may have been connected to the Lecerson Conspiracy. Wraith Squadron is back in business! The resulting adventure is a fun trip, dealing both in nostalgia for those of us who read the adventures of the original Wraiths long ago and in action that newer fans can get into, all the while serving up Allston’s signature undertone of humor mixed with heart. I heartily recommend it. The one caveat I will mention for fans of the original books is that there is comparatively little aerial combat in this book. The plot doesn’t call for it, and I certainly didn’t really miss it too much, but some may be disappointed by that.

If you want more reading suggestions, the X-Wing: Rogue Squadron comics and X-Wing novels are quite good. If you wanted to enhance your experience with this book, I would have you read at least the novels, but you may not have the patience for all nine of the previous books. If not, I won’t hold it against you.

Content-wise, they keep the Star Wars novels pretty PG. Mild language, mild violence, mild innuendos…..nothing to worry about.

Original post:
A Dance of Cloaks (Shadowdance, #1)
4.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Hmmm ... I'm not really sure what to make of this one.

It is a fantasy novel, and so has your usual fantasy stereotypes of merchants, thieves (and assassins) and magical beings/clerics, with the main protagonists of this falling into the middle of those categories.

This is set primarily in and around one city, which has
 been suffering under a clandestine war between the various thieves' guilds and the wealthy merchants of it, and mainly follows Aaron Felhorn, who has been groomed from birth to be the heir to his father Thren - the leader of one such thieves guild. It doesn't focus solely on him , also including the daughter of one such wealthy merchant: if I'm honest, at one stage I thought it was going to turn into a Romeo and Juliet scenario (it didn't).

I also wasn't aware until I read the authors note at the very end that this was actually the second edition of an earlier story: a 'tidied up' and improved version, as it were. I also wasn't aware that this was also meant to be the back-story to a character previously introduced in another series (kinda like the Star Wars prequels in that respect!), so perhaps suffers from having to create a story to explain how the character becomes who he becomes - kinda like the Star Wars prequels had to explain how Darth Vader came to be!

Based on this novel alone, I'm not sure if I would have picked up any of the sequels, but with that knowledge in mind I may yet change my mind.
A Few Good Men (1992)
A Few Good Men (1992)
1992 | Drama, Mystery
Brilliantly done
I'm ashamed to say that until tonight, I'd never seen this film. I had thought it was just another monotonous and dull courtroom drama (despite knowing most people refer to it as a classic), however had I known this was written by Aaron Sorkin I would've watched it a long time ago!

The star of this film is by far Sorkin's script and writing. It isn't just a dreary by the bools legal drama, the script is spot on - it's whip sharp, witty and surprisingly funny at parts. This film keeps you hanging on every minute and guessing about the outcome. This paired with a truly phenomenal cast makes the movie a must see. I'm not the biggest fan of Tom Cruise, but he's an absolute star in this and displays a range I never thought possible from him. And then of course there's Jack Nicholson who manages to almost steal the show with his iconic line and speech, despite it really only being a minor part. And the rest of the cast too are really great, even Demi Moore who I've never thought much of either.

My only criticism of this film is that it may be overly long. Not massively, but at 2h15 I feel like it could've been cut down a little to around 2 hours without any real detriment to the story. But that said, this did pretty much hold my attention throughout and this is mainly due to Tom Cruise's performance and Sorkin's unbelievably brilliant script. If you're looking for a shining example of a courtroom drama, you can do no better than this.