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Ross (3284 KP) rated It (2017) in Movies

Nov 7, 2017  
It (2017)
It (2017)
2017 | Drama, Horror
7.9 (355 Ratings)
Movie Rating
More horror than the original (0 more)
Such a tease (0 more)
I'm a massive fan of the (widely slated) original TV mini-series and can't see past Tim Curry as Pennywise. However I found this to be a good alternative version. I would say it is more of a horror movie than the original version, and probably closer to the book (though it has been some time since I read that) and there is a lot less of a Stand By Me feel about it. All the child actors are excellent in this, especially Stranger Things' superbly named Finn Wolfhand as (Beep beep) Ritchie who here gets to have a lot more fun than he seems to on Stranger Things.
Bill skarsgard plays Pennywise well, at times appearing childish and just wanting to be friends, and then quickly switches to a blank mental stare.
The decision to make this two films was a brave one, though the story does lend itself well to doing so. I much preferred the 80s setting for the film with the kids being the victims and am not exactly awaiting the adult follow up with anticipation.
Flowers for Algernon
Flowers for Algernon
Daniel Keyes | 1966 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
9.1 (26 Ratings)
Book Rating
The characterisation of Charlie was superb throughout. (0 more)
Sensationally clever without being pretentious
I found this book on a blog recommending books for depression sufferers, although I'm not sure in retrospect why this book was on that list. The book is written in the form of progress reports written by the protagonist, Charlie, who starts off the book as an adult with severe learning difficulties, during a less enlightened era. Despite his rough treatment by a society that fails to understand him, he is thoroughly charming, warm and kind, but above all desperate to better himself by learning to write and read. When he is offered the chance to undergo groundbreaking experimental surgery that will elevate his capacity to learn, he jumps at the chance. Algernon is a lab mouse who has had the surgery already and is considered a genius (by mouse standards).

Although this is technically science fiction, I found it more a focus on society and the perceptions of intelligence and happiness. I grew such fondness for Algernon and Charlie, I found the ending truly heartbreaking.

I'm not normally a fan of the sci-fi genre, but I couldn't put this down.
The Devil's Backbone (2001)
The Devil's Backbone (2001)
2001 | Drama, Horror
A bit of a disappointment
I think that having seen the likes of Pans Labyrinth prior to watching this film built my expectations too high, meaning this was a bit of a let down. Don't get me wrong it isn't a terrible film, it has a lot of potential but it doesn't quite use it to the best it can be.

I think the plot itself and the entire setting are a very good idea, a ghost story mixed in with the Spanish civil war and an orphanage is a smart move. The problem is with the execution. Whilst the effects are good and there are hints of the supernatural, for me it wasn't enough. The plot unfolded much to slowly and needed a little more excitement and ghostly/creepy goings on to keep you entertained. The best parts of the film are with the boys, and it detracts a little when it moves to the adult characters who are sadly a lot less interesting.

Having watched this now, I can see the similarities between this and Pans Labyrinth. Its just a shame that Pan succeeds where this fails. There's so much promise here, it's just sadly not realised.
<u>Duchessina</u> was a fairly good young adult take on Catherine de' Medici. The historical details are flawlessly added, and while it's <i>too</i> sympathic towards Catherine, I understand the need for the heroine to be that way in this type of book. My only major complaint is the end, where there was too much left in the book to wrap up so quickly. I thought the whole book was just going to be the first twenty or so years of her life, which would have made the book more cohesive. Instead the last thirty pages were rushed with the rest of her marriage and then the historical notes after Henri II died.

However, I do appreciate authors bringing history to younger readers in the hope that they will want to read more about certain people and times. Especially in the case of Catherine de' Medici, whom I feel history was more vicious to than she deserved. She was a woman of her times and she survived as best she could. Was she a saint? No, far from it, but I don't believe she was evil either.

3.5 stars
Five Feet Apart (2019)
Five Feet Apart (2019)
2019 | Drama, Romance
Young adult film that makes you fall in love
Contains spoilers, click to show
What if you couldnt touch the one you loved? I havent read the book yet but I cant wait to read it, I thought the movie was great! Stella suffers from CF (cystic fibrosis) she likes to be in control. Will also has CF and he is very care free he knows life is short and wants to experience it outside hospital walls. Together they give each the thing they need to see life in a new light.

Since Will isnt eligible for new lungs cause of a bacteria, stella needs to stay at least 6 five apart so she doesnt get his bacteria. But with how this disease stole so much from them they want to take one foot back.

While on their date they are at a pool and it's such an intimate moment between them without any physical touching. I hope there is a similar moment in the book if not something that goes into more detail.

I highly enjoyed this film and I was engaged the whole time. Rooting for them so much hoping they would get their happily ever after.
Appalachian Reckoning: A Region Responds To Hillbilly Elegy
Edited By: Anthony Harkins and Meredith McCarroll
West Virginia University Press
NonFiction (Adult) Politics
Pub. Date 1 March 2019
Pages 432
<img src=""; width="80" height="80" alt="10 Book Reviews" title="10 Book Reviews"/>
<img src=""; width="80" height="80" alt="Professional Reader" title="Professional Reader"/>

I am not sure how to go about reviewing this book. This is actually the first book I have ever DNFed.
I decided to do this at 40%. I had a hard time reading this book because all it did was bashed Vance about his Memoirs. I have read Hillbilly Elegy and I never thought of things these editors are talking about. I have a hard time of people bashing someone memoirs. Memoirs are how people feel and from their point of view. I know by looking at the ratings on Good Reads I am the only one who feels this way. I really don't want to bash these editors so I will leave it at this. Sorry but I just couldn't continue.