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Andy K (10823 KP) rated The Exorcist (1973) in Movies

Oct 14, 2018 (Updated Oct 15, 2018)  
The Exorcist (1973)
The Exorcist (1973)
1973 | Horror
The best ever!
I remember when I was a kid sneaking into the living room and watching 10 minutes of The Exorcist from behind my mother's recliner when I was like 8. Even that 10 minutes messed me up for a long time as a kid. I would have dreams of my bed shaking and wake up sweaty and exhausted.

Not until I was an adult in my 30s did I truly appreciate the perfection masterpiece craft of the film.

Simple, slow burn storytelling. Not the scariest or goriest film ever made. More the idea of the film, how it transforms a young innocent girl into a satanic, cruel, vulgar monster which is the most visceral.

When it was released in 2000 with the "Version you've never seen" I happened to be working as a projectionist at the local theatre when I lived in Oregon. I always used to go into the theatre itself or turn the volume up while in the projector room so I could listen to it while I was doing other work.

It truly is one of my favorite films and is a tradition now I watch it every single October 31st.

Collide (Shock Me, #3)
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
*Disclaimer* I received this book from Barclay Publicity in return for a fair and honest review.

Wow! This book will take you on a rollercoaster of a journey. In fact, scrap that, this SERIES will take you for a ride. I'm not going to go into the story - that's what the synopsis is for and as this is book 3 in the series, you've probably already got some idea of what's happening anyway.

As for Collide, it is one step forwards, two steps back - that is the unfortunate love story between Donna and Ryan and I really, REALLY want them to get a HEA but I'm not totally sure they will. They both have a lot of secrets and life... plus Ryan's father... keeps getting in the way of them being honest with each other.

This story is woven with such skill and lots of other strands are highlighted in this book - for example, Rebecca and Randy to name just two, along with Gemma, David and Lynn plus others.

This is part of a series and each book does end with a cliffhanger so fair warning - you will be left gobsmacked and wanting the next book immediately. A brilliant addition to the Young Adult, Science Fiction, Paranormal Romance genres. Highly recommended.
Superman (1978)
Superman (1978)
1978 | Action, Drama
Gets better every time I watch!
After purchasing the new 4K edition of the original Donner classic, I had to rush right home and watch it immediately!

Having seen this film way too many times, it is impossible for me to be objective I have discovered. I can look past the film's faults and just enjoy the countless classic scenes which are still imitated in superhero films of today.

The cast is what makes the films special including Christopher Reeeve, Margot Kidder, Gene Hackman and even Marlon Brando.

It is too bad history never got to see a Superman II directed by Richard Donner. Who knows what that would've been. I'm sure it would have been amazing.

If you have ever seen the "made for TV" version, there is a LOT of additional footage there a lot of which is really good including the sequence near the end where Superman has to make his way underground to find Luthor's lair.

Reflecting on Superman now really shows me I remember it being epic as a kid and still leaves me in wonder as an adult. Very films can still do that.

And LOVE those opening credits... (bring back opening credits)

ClareR (5784 KP) rated Underdogs in Books

Jul 2, 2019 (Updated Jul 2, 2019)  
Chris Bonnello | 2019 | Dystopia, Fiction & Poetry, Young Adult (YA)
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
A big thumbs up for neurodiversity!
I liked this - it’s such a positive, uplifting book, set in a world where cloned soldiers have taken over the country. The seemingly only free humans (the rest of the population are crammed into overcrowded citadels) are all young people with autism, anxiety, PDA, developmental delays and ADHD (I may have missed some conditions!), and they are fighting to stay alive.

This story shows how these young people’s conditions affect them, and how they cope with them - how they use their conditions, which are seen as a weakness by many, to their advantage. Neurodiversity is so well described by the author, and it was really interesting to be in the heads of the main characters. I honestly think that this book should be read in schools (year 6 and above, it’s a bit too graphic in places for younger readers, I think). With more inclusive education in schools, I think that this book could help students to understand their fellow classmates. And really, as an adult I learnt something about them too.

I’ll be interested to read any other books that follow this, and I’ll be keeping an eye out!
Many thanks to The Pigeonhole and the author for serialising this book.
Pigeon English
Pigeon English
Stephen Kelman, Gbolahan Obisesan | 2015 | Children, Young Adult (YA)
6.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
It is funnt and tragic (0 more)
Nothing (0 more)
This is a great first novel
This is a must read. Written in first person and from the point of view of Harry, an eleven year old boy (If my memory serves me well) is the most intelligent and convincing narration I have come across. The novel is funny yet disturbing and the reader is told of the young boys own world but through the innocence of a (not quite mature enough to understand the world) boy. Present tense with analepsis allows the reader into the distance between his old life and his new life. Kelman's terrific talent of show not tell, and the young protagonists inexperience creates a sense of irony, as the adult reader see's what the child is too young to notice himself.
I am not going to go into the plot as I feel that this is something I do not want to spoil but believe me, Kelman's characters are fully fleshed out and the world they live in as real as any run down council estate in the UK. This novel surprised me, made me laugh and brought me to tears and has left a tiny book shaped hole in my heart. Well done Stephen Kelman
Belle's Discovery
Belle's Discovery
Tessa Roehl | 2020 | Children, Fiction & Poetry
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
As an adult reader I actually found myself quite enjoying this book! Don't get me wrong it was a very quick read but then the book is aimed at children so that is to be expected.

This tale of Belle as a child really stayed true to the character that we know and love in Beauty & the Beast. Belle knows she is different from her schoolmates and longs to have something in common with them. However, her original tendencies to learning and invention always shine through: a trait the other children label as odd.

I really appreciated the small nods to the famous Disney film throughout this book: the triplets in their different colour dresses and Maurice's familiar inventions make the reader comfortable in this provincial town and truly settle in to the story of Belle as a child.

Naturally the tale has to revolve around books and I would be disappointed if it didn't. The transformation of Belle into "the girl who could" mirrors that of the town's neglected bookstore and her childlike determination is inspiring.

Both the writing and the illustrations are perfect in this book. Sadly there is no mini gaston but that would have probably been too obvious and trite.

A great book for children (and big kids) alike.
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