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James Koppert (2698 KP) rated The Other Half of Augusta Hope in Books
Oct 25, 2019 (Updated Oct 25, 2019)
The Other Half of Augusta Hope
I read this book completely unbiased, I realised I didn't even read the blerb on the back, I just adored the shiny dragonflies on the cover and dived in. Some books are thrill rides, adventures, chilling or mysterious while some others give you characters who you adore and open your hearts to and never want to let go. This is the latter. I fell in love with Augusta Hope and felt her love and her pain. I am sad, now finished, I have left her behind. This is about a child turning to an adult, but it's not s coming of age, it has death without being mournful and love without ever being a romance. I think this is a book about the beauty of life and learning life and learning the lives of others. I know this review doesn't do much to explain the book to you so let me maybe just say this. This is one of those books that is a beautiful rare gem, that deserves to be read and kept and cherished and thought about for years after you have finished. I fell in love with Augusta Hope and the people in her life. I know you will too.

Natari (73 KP) rated Touch the Dark (Cassandra Palmer, #1) in Books
Jul 19, 2019
This is the first novel by my all time favourite author. I remember the first time I read Touch the Dark, and each reread has been as thrilling as the last. The pages couldn't be easier to turn if they turned themselves, the Cassandra Palmer and same-world differnet heroine Dorina Basarab series keep me hooked cover to cover, book to book. I recommend Karen Chance to anyone and everyone, including all the fun, lighthearted but sexy novellas and short stories too.
What I love most about Touch the Dark is that Cassie is genuine. She has no clue about anything, understands she is just a human in a vampire and mage world, but is still plucky and doesn't let herself stay down no matter how hard she gets pushed.
This was the first ever adult paranormal romance I had read, and it opened me up to the genre. But I have never found another series that is as sexy and not-awkward with both romance (genuine relationship building) and the steamy scenes.
Balance between romance and action and world building is perfect. It is a first in a series, so be aware of that. Committing to Cassie's story is the best decision you will ever make.
Enjoy the book, fall in love with the series.
What I love most about Touch the Dark is that Cassie is genuine. She has no clue about anything, understands she is just a human in a vampire and mage world, but is still plucky and doesn't let herself stay down no matter how hard she gets pushed.
This was the first ever adult paranormal romance I had read, and it opened me up to the genre. But I have never found another series that is as sexy and not-awkward with both romance (genuine relationship building) and the steamy scenes.
Balance between romance and action and world building is perfect. It is a first in a series, so be aware of that. Committing to Cassie's story is the best decision you will ever make.
Enjoy the book, fall in love with the series.

Lindsay (1727 KP) rated Rookie Privateer (Privateer Tales #1) in Books
Jul 1, 2019
If you are looking for a good space adventure. Rookie Privateer is one for those young adults to teens. It about a group of kids. Well one teen that is looking for his future. He is currently stuck working with his father. He know not much to making money.
He seem to attract attention when something happens when he with is friends. What happens then goes not to be an adventure for him and his friend. Liam want freedom will get it? His friend Nick is set up for life. They are becoming Earth Mars Citizens. Someone or something is attacking their home. Will Liam reach the stars or will he not. He and Nick will they find out what the real world has to offer. Things begin to change and it changes them as well.
Find out how this book end. The authors does really well on the plot of this story. It bring you along for the ride. I could not stop reading and wanted more. What will happen to Nick James and Liam Hoffen? I hope to find out more by reading the next book. I just got to find out when it will be out. Great for teens and young adult readers. If you are into space or thrillers this really good for you as well.
He seem to attract attention when something happens when he with is friends. What happens then goes not to be an adventure for him and his friend. Liam want freedom will get it? His friend Nick is set up for life. They are becoming Earth Mars Citizens. Someone or something is attacking their home. Will Liam reach the stars or will he not. He and Nick will they find out what the real world has to offer. Things begin to change and it changes them as well.
Find out how this book end. The authors does really well on the plot of this story. It bring you along for the ride. I could not stop reading and wanted more. What will happen to Nick James and Liam Hoffen? I hope to find out more by reading the next book. I just got to find out when it will be out. Great for teens and young adult readers. If you are into space or thrillers this really good for you as well.

Sarah (7799 KP) rated The Secret Garden in Books
Jul 1, 2019
A childrens classic
I'm ashamed to admit that I've never read or seen The Secret Garden. It passed me by as a child and I can understand why as i don't think the book lends itself to a younger reader with the language used. But as an adult, I thoroughly enjoyed this - all thanks to my Smashbomb secret Santa (book exchange).
This is one of the few stories with a child protagonist that I really enjoyed. Mainly because the child starts off as the usual stubborn stroppy brat, but the whole point of this story is to detail Mary's change in character. And boy does she change, and not only her but her cousin too. The character development in this book is brilliant, and whilst the plot itself is fairly basic but enjoyable, it's the characters that make this book. The writing itself is very good although not as good for younger readers as you'd expect. My only criticism is the Yorkshire characters. Whilst I'm used to the Yorkshire accent in reality, trying to read it in a book proves to be very trying and gets a little bit irritating after a while. Although it definitely does sound Yorkshire when you read it out!
Altogether a very good enjoyable and heartwarming read, that's also just about the right length for the plot.
This is one of the few stories with a child protagonist that I really enjoyed. Mainly because the child starts off as the usual stubborn stroppy brat, but the whole point of this story is to detail Mary's change in character. And boy does she change, and not only her but her cousin too. The character development in this book is brilliant, and whilst the plot itself is fairly basic but enjoyable, it's the characters that make this book. The writing itself is very good although not as good for younger readers as you'd expect. My only criticism is the Yorkshire characters. Whilst I'm used to the Yorkshire accent in reality, trying to read it in a book proves to be very trying and gets a little bit irritating after a while. Although it definitely does sound Yorkshire when you read it out!
Altogether a very good enjoyable and heartwarming read, that's also just about the right length for the plot.

LeftSideCut (3776 KP) rated Stranger Things - Season 3 in TV
Jul 9, 2019 (Updated Jul 9, 2019)
Season 3 of Stranger Things (much like season 2), takes a little while to take off.
Not only that, but there's a good handful of different story threads running at once, in different locations, that at one point, I was starting to feel that it may not land as well as it had done in the past.
Turns out, I really had nothing to worry about.
The overall narrative may feel splayed at times, but by the end, it all feels pretty slick, as Hawkins once again finds itself siezed from an otherworldly threat.
The cast shine as expected, with the usual suspects now experiencing the ups and downs of being a teenager, and the adult characters, having to deal with said teenagers.
It makes for a nice comedic and emotional dynamic, whilst exploring some nice story arcs.
Billy gets more to do this season which I personally found awesome, and I really enjoyed the unexpected connection's he had with certain characters.
The effects are looking better than ever, especially in the breathtaking final episode, but the whole season has some really striking visuals throughout.
This third season continues to remind why Stranger Things is ahead of the pack when it comes to this kind of television.
I'm already (im)patiently waiting for season 4!
Not only that, but there's a good handful of different story threads running at once, in different locations, that at one point, I was starting to feel that it may not land as well as it had done in the past.
Turns out, I really had nothing to worry about.
The overall narrative may feel splayed at times, but by the end, it all feels pretty slick, as Hawkins once again finds itself siezed from an otherworldly threat.
The cast shine as expected, with the usual suspects now experiencing the ups and downs of being a teenager, and the adult characters, having to deal with said teenagers.
It makes for a nice comedic and emotional dynamic, whilst exploring some nice story arcs.
Billy gets more to do this season which I personally found awesome, and I really enjoyed the unexpected connection's he had with certain characters.
The effects are looking better than ever, especially in the breathtaking final episode, but the whole season has some really striking visuals throughout.
This third season continues to remind why Stranger Things is ahead of the pack when it comes to this kind of television.
I'm already (im)patiently waiting for season 4!

Phil Leader (619 KP) rated IA: Invincible Assassin (IA #2.5) in Books
Nov 15, 2019
Following on from the events in IA: B.O.S.S. and it's shattering ending, this book sees the world of Naz and the Exclave through the eyes of Harvis Young. A friend of Naz who has his own mysteries, Harvis sees how broken Naz is and resolves to protect him - or protect the world from him.
Naz is bent on revenge and with his superhuman powers could do more harm than good. Harvis must act as Naz's conscience but is also sympathetic to his cause.
Billed as an 'IA Origin' story, this provides a lot of background on Harvis whilst also filling in the gap before IA: Union. This isn't really a stand-alone piece as very little of who Naz is and what he can do is explained and reading of at least the first two books of the IA series first is recommended.
Whereas the other books have been told from Naz's point of view, here we see him through the eyes of his friend as a conflicted and sometimes unpredictable young man, someone who needs to tame his nature.
It is hard to provide any more information without spoiling the plot. But as with the other IA books this is an outstanding and very different 'young adult' read and an essential part of the series.
Naz is bent on revenge and with his superhuman powers could do more harm than good. Harvis must act as Naz's conscience but is also sympathetic to his cause.
Billed as an 'IA Origin' story, this provides a lot of background on Harvis whilst also filling in the gap before IA: Union. This isn't really a stand-alone piece as very little of who Naz is and what he can do is explained and reading of at least the first two books of the IA series first is recommended.
Whereas the other books have been told from Naz's point of view, here we see him through the eyes of his friend as a conflicted and sometimes unpredictable young man, someone who needs to tame his nature.
It is hard to provide any more information without spoiling the plot. But as with the other IA books this is an outstanding and very different 'young adult' read and an essential part of the series.

Christine A. (965 KP) rated Lost and Found in Books
Jan 27, 2020
I was provided with a complimentary copy of this book so I could give an honest review.
Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card is one of my favorite books. Being offered the opportunity to read his latest, Lost and Found, is an honor and privilege. I know I am supposed to be unbiased when doing reviews but it was difficult in this case.
Lost and Found is not long, less than 300 pages, and flows wells so it is a quick read. In it, we are introduced to Ezekiel Blast who has a gift for finding lost items. He feels compelled to return his finds. Instead of being thanked, people accuse him of taking the items in the first place. He is friendless and an outcast until a girl walks up to him and asks "Are you really a thief?
This story is charming and engaging. The well-developed characters are endearing. It is being marketed as SciFi and Fantasy as well as Teen and Young Adult. I agree it is a Teen/YA book but, if anything, it is light SciFi and Fantasy. People who do not usually read SciFi and Fantasy will enjoy this story.
I believe I gave an unbiased opinion on this story especially since it is not a typical SciFi and Fantasy book.
This 200-word review was published on on 1/27/20.
Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card is one of my favorite books. Being offered the opportunity to read his latest, Lost and Found, is an honor and privilege. I know I am supposed to be unbiased when doing reviews but it was difficult in this case.
Lost and Found is not long, less than 300 pages, and flows wells so it is a quick read. In it, we are introduced to Ezekiel Blast who has a gift for finding lost items. He feels compelled to return his finds. Instead of being thanked, people accuse him of taking the items in the first place. He is friendless and an outcast until a girl walks up to him and asks "Are you really a thief?
This story is charming and engaging. The well-developed characters are endearing. It is being marketed as SciFi and Fantasy as well as Teen and Young Adult. I agree it is a Teen/YA book but, if anything, it is light SciFi and Fantasy. People who do not usually read SciFi and Fantasy will enjoy this story.
I believe I gave an unbiased opinion on this story especially since it is not a typical SciFi and Fantasy book.
This 200-word review was published on on 1/27/20.

Christine A. (965 KP) rated The Swallows in Books
Jan 30, 2020 (Updated Jan 31, 2020)
I was provided with a complimentary copy of this book so I could give an honest review.
Lisa Lutz's latest, The Swallows, introduces Alex Witt, a teacher with a past. She is hired at Stonebridge Academy and asks her creative writing students to answer innocent questions so she can get to know them. "What do you love? What do you hate? What do you want?" The answers surprise Alex. They are not innocent and reveal much more about the students and the school's activities than she expects. The students reveal online bullying and a private message board. She encourages the female students to fight back and fight they do.
While I have not worked at a boarding school, I have worked at urban schools. The online bullying and message board are all too real. So is the school's attitude that "boys will be boys". Lutz uses her characters to show the dark side of technology and teenagers. This is not a young adult book. It is a book for adults which is set in a school.
The writing in The Swallows is witty while covering dark topics. Lutz's word choices and writing style keep the book from being too dark.
I added several of Lutz's books, including the Spellman Files series, to my "want to read" list.
This 200-word review was published on on 1/30/20.
Lisa Lutz's latest, The Swallows, introduces Alex Witt, a teacher with a past. She is hired at Stonebridge Academy and asks her creative writing students to answer innocent questions so she can get to know them. "What do you love? What do you hate? What do you want?" The answers surprise Alex. They are not innocent and reveal much more about the students and the school's activities than she expects. The students reveal online bullying and a private message board. She encourages the female students to fight back and fight they do.
While I have not worked at a boarding school, I have worked at urban schools. The online bullying and message board are all too real. So is the school's attitude that "boys will be boys". Lutz uses her characters to show the dark side of technology and teenagers. This is not a young adult book. It is a book for adults which is set in a school.
The writing in The Swallows is witty while covering dark topics. Lutz's word choices and writing style keep the book from being too dark.
I added several of Lutz's books, including the Spellman Files series, to my "want to read" list.
This 200-word review was published on on 1/30/20.

Christine A. (965 KP) rated Good Girls Lie in Books
Jan 10, 2020
I was provided with a complimentary copy of this book so I could give an honest review.
J.T. Ellison's latest work, Good Girls Lie, is set in an elite boarding school which is set atop a hill in the small town of Marchburg, Virginia. The students are only the best girls who are hand-picked each year by the dean. However, it is not a young adult book. It is a thriller full of secrets, secret societies, lies, and a strict honor code that is not always followed.
In the beginning, I found it difficult to get into the book but I am glad I kept reading. Several reviewers described it as fast-paced but I disagree. It is a slow burn but it does definitely burn. The twists were both expected and unexpected but worked well.
It opens with a body being found then flashes back to learn the events that lead up to the death. It is not a new tactic but, with the story, it works well.
J.T. Ellison is best known for her Lt. Taylor Jackson series. The 8th book, "Field of Graves" was published in 2015. She has teamed up with Catherine Coulter to write "A Brit in the FBI" series. The 6th book in the series, The Last Second, was published in 2019.
This 200-word review was published on on 1/10/2020.
J.T. Ellison's latest work, Good Girls Lie, is set in an elite boarding school which is set atop a hill in the small town of Marchburg, Virginia. The students are only the best girls who are hand-picked each year by the dean. However, it is not a young adult book. It is a thriller full of secrets, secret societies, lies, and a strict honor code that is not always followed.
In the beginning, I found it difficult to get into the book but I am glad I kept reading. Several reviewers described it as fast-paced but I disagree. It is a slow burn but it does definitely burn. The twists were both expected and unexpected but worked well.
It opens with a body being found then flashes back to learn the events that lead up to the death. It is not a new tactic but, with the story, it works well.
J.T. Ellison is best known for her Lt. Taylor Jackson series. The 8th book, "Field of Graves" was published in 2015. She has teamed up with Catherine Coulter to write "A Brit in the FBI" series. The 6th book in the series, The Last Second, was published in 2019.
This 200-word review was published on on 1/10/2020.

Christine A. (965 KP) rated Foul Is Fair in Books
Feb 25, 2020
I was provided with a complimentary copy of this book so I could give an honest review.
It can be said about every book but, especially with this one, people are going to either love or hate Hannah Capin's Foul Is Fair. It is a dark novel of revenge, suicide, abusive relationships, murder, and a gang bang. Oh, and it is a Young Adult novel.
At a party thrown by one of the golden boys of St. Andrew's, the unthinkable happens. It turns out this was not the first time. This time, they picked the wrong girl. Jade has 3 close friends who will help her get revenge. The 4 of them are so close Jade refers to them as her coven. They do not practice witchcraft but their friendship is magical.
It is hard to make such dark themes enjoyable to read but Hannah Capin is able to do it well. If I had to describe this novel in 3 words I would say "dark but fun".
I found myself cheering for Jade and friends to succeed in exacting their revenge. The twists and turns are twisted and gritty. I enjoyed the narrative tone and humor used throughout. Golden boys beware! Something wicked this way comes.
I added Hannah Capin to my "authors to read" list.
This 200-word review was published on on 2/24/20.
It can be said about every book but, especially with this one, people are going to either love or hate Hannah Capin's Foul Is Fair. It is a dark novel of revenge, suicide, abusive relationships, murder, and a gang bang. Oh, and it is a Young Adult novel.
At a party thrown by one of the golden boys of St. Andrew's, the unthinkable happens. It turns out this was not the first time. This time, they picked the wrong girl. Jade has 3 close friends who will help her get revenge. The 4 of them are so close Jade refers to them as her coven. They do not practice witchcraft but their friendship is magical.
It is hard to make such dark themes enjoyable to read but Hannah Capin is able to do it well. If I had to describe this novel in 3 words I would say "dark but fun".
I found myself cheering for Jade and friends to succeed in exacting their revenge. The twists and turns are twisted and gritty. I enjoyed the narrative tone and humor used throughout. Golden boys beware! Something wicked this way comes.
I added Hannah Capin to my "authors to read" list.
This 200-word review was published on on 2/24/20.