The Pantomime Book
Paul Harris and Roy Hudd
In this, the first everand still the onlypublished collection of pantomime sketches and gags, actor...
The Last Dragon
Fort Fitzgerald is determined to uncover the truth, but a new student at school and the secrets he...
The End of Olympus (Pegasus #6)
Emily and Pegasus face their greatest challenge yet when they venture back to Earth to save a friend...
Tall Tales
The second book in a new trilogy of twisted fairy tales from New York Times bestselling author James...
Keefe in the spotlight! We’re back in the human world for an action-packed adventure starring Lord...
Tim McGuire (301 KP) rated The Gentlemen (2020) in Movies
Mar 3, 2020
The Chosen One
Fort and his friends face more perilous ancient magic as they race towards the final battle to save...
Worlds Apart
Owen and Bethany try to find their way back to each other after the fictional and nonfictional...
Forbidden City
In this third installment in the New York Times bestselling series from Edgar Award winner James...
HerCrazyReviews (247 KP) rated Aladdin (2019) in Movies
Aug 27, 2019
One of the things I enjoyed the most was the fact that we get to see a lot more bonding happening between Jasmine and Aladdin. In the original film we get to see them connect mostly through the ‘Whole New World’ scene. What I thoroughly enjoyed about this film is that we get to see them courting and interacting more. “Prince Ali” is trying to make up for his failure of a first impression and is trying to open himself up to Jasmine. I loved that they decided it was important to include extra scenes like this because they do fall fast for one another and this makes their love seem all the more realistic.
Regarding the cast, when I first heard that Will Smith would be playing Genie I wasn’t a huge fan. When I first saw him in the trailer my initial impression was not a good one and while it took a little getting use too I now think he plays a wonderful Genie. While Robin Williams will always be my number one when it comes to Genie he (for obvious reasons) was not available for this remake and Will Smith did a wonderful job following in his footsteps. I feel like the main criticism this movie is receiving is the way Will Smith acts as the Genie and I will admit it isn’t the same but they are two different people with different directors. Of course they are going to act differently!
While it may not be one of my favorite movies I do not necessarily think it is as bad as most people are making it out to be. I do think it could have been better as the green screen in some parts wasn’t great. I feel like they definitely could have done better here but maybe the budget was limited? For the most part I felt like the CGI was standard but not standout in any way. I know some people are upset about changes made but while Disney was remaking their own movie it is good to change up some things as what is the point in watching if it is the exact same script? Overall, it was okay. Simply that. Nothing more or less.