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Awix (3310 KP) rated Unsane (2018) in Movies

Mar 26, 2018 (Updated Mar 26, 2018)  
Unsane (2018)
Unsane (2018)
2018 | Drama, Horror, Thriller
I use my phone for making phone calls and as an alarm clock, but Steven Soderbergh has started using his to make feature films, which if you ask me is just showing off. Unsane is just such a movie, a typically polished piece of genre entertainment. Slightly damaged young woman seeks psychiatric support, finds herself incarcerated in a mental institution against her will. Is she hallucinating the presence of her former stalker, or are things even worse than they seem...?

Apart from Soderbergh's usual breezy skill as a film-maker, the best reason to see Unsane is Claire Foy's excellent performance, which really carries the whole movie (though she is well-supported by Amy Irving, Juno Temple and others, and there's a great cameo from Matt Damon too). The opening sequence of the film is also impressive in its finely-judged ambiguity. However, the film tips its hand much too soon and quickly becomes monumentally implausible (to the point of absolute absurdity). Worth watching, but you really, really have to cut the film some slack in the plotting department.

Kaylin (39 KP) rated Don't Breathe (2016) in Movies

Feb 17, 2019 (Updated Feb 17, 2019)  
Don't Breathe (2016)
Don't Breathe (2016)
2016 | Crime, Horror, Thriller
Stephen Lang is excellent as the old man (2 more)
Pretty decent acting throughout
Has a genuinely tense atmosphere
Some parts are definitely unbelievable (0 more)
When's it's good, it's good...
Don't Breathe is an interesting case of a horror movie. It's a home invasion movie, but our main character is not the home owner, it's the people who have broken into the house.
Our main character's, Rocky, Alex, and Money, have made a living breaking into houses. They are able to accomplish this due to Alex's father having the codes to all the alarm systems. Rocky is trying to get her sister out of their abusive home and Money promises her a big payout from this blind old man's house. Rocky agrees to one last job but things do not go as planned.
Don't Breathe has a pretty solid premise and delivers on a lot of it's scares. My main problem would be the twist which I'm not going to spoil for you here, but I'll say it's pretty unbelievable and took a lot of enjoyment out of the movie for me. All and All I'd say give it a view.
With Malice
With Malice
Eileen Cook | 2016 | Mystery, Thriller, Young Adult (YA)
9.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
I was walking in the library and saw this book, With Malice by Eileen Cook, sitting on the endcap. I recognized the author's name as being one I had on my "want to read" list for "You Owe Me a Murder". It was not for this book but decided to give it a try especially since it is listed on Amazon as "'for fans of We Were Liars and The Girl on the Train".

I am so glad I did. This book was suspenseful from the start. Jill wakes up groggy and annoyed at the alarm clock until she realizes the beep she hears is hospital equipment. She was in an accident and does not remember the accident or the weeks before it. Was she responsible for the accident? Was it an accident? How can she figure it out if she does not even remember anything about the months before it?

With Malice is a fast-paced, well written, YA, mystery/thriller in which the main character does not leave the hospital bed for much of the story. The story keeps you guessing and trying to figure out what happened the same as Jill. We learn the story as she remembers.

Review published on, Smashbomb, Goodreads, Twitter, Amazon, and Barnes and Noble on 2/20/19.

Matthew Krueger (10051 KP) rated The Possession (2012) in Movies

Dec 4, 2019 (Updated Dec 4, 2019)  
The Possession (2012)
The Possession (2012)
2012 | Horror, Mystery
6.8 (8 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Whats In The Box???
The Possession- came out in 2012 is anethor very good horror movie that hardly no one talks about and knows about. It came in 2012, and i forgot that this movie came out in 2012 cause 2012 was a big year for movies and was directed by Ole Bornedal, who you may say? Well he directed Nightwatch a danish thriller film in 1994 than he remade it in 1997 and started Ewan McGregor, Patricia Arquette, Josh Brolin and Nick Nolte. It was written by Bornedal and Steven Soderbergh. And i will review that movie at somepoint. Cause the movie is really underreated and a good horror movie. And well thats pretty much it, that he directed. So whats this film about than...

The Plot: When their youngest daughter, Em (Natasha Calis), becomes strangely obsessed with an antique wooden box bought from a yard sale, parents Clyde (Jeffrey Dean Morgan) and Stephanie (Kyra Sedgwick) see little cause for alarm. However, Em becomes increasingly unstable, leading the couple to fear the presence of a malevolent force. To their horror, Clyde and Stephanie learn that the box contains a dybbuk, a dislocated spirit that inhabits -- and ultimately devours -- a human host.

This is a really good movie, its scary, thrilling, horrorfying, spooky, creepy and overall a underrated horror jem. Plus you have Jeffrey Dean Morgan in it and thats a plus.

Like i said this movie is really good and a must watch.
Halloween II (2009)
Halloween II (2009)
2009 | Horror
The sequel to Rob Zombie's divisive Halloween remake suffers in the same way that it's predecessor did, in that when all is said and done, I'm just not a fan of his style within the Halloween template. This one actually doubles down on the nastiness, and is effectively one big misery simulation. None of the characters are likable, and yet, none of them deserve the horrible ways they are killed off (probably).

A huge BUT though...I actually think that Halloween II is slightly better... I will still stand by my opinion that this version of Michael Myers is the scariest. Even more so in this one. Rob Zombie's Myers is remorseless and brutal, and of course, absolutely fucking massive. There's some really nice shots of him as well, especially in the opening hospital scene.
I also quite liked the random music video-esque sequences. It's something different, which is usually cause for alarm bells in this franchise, but it kind of works here.

Halloween II is not even close to being in the top tier of the series, but it does feel like it carries more weight than its predecessor. The practical make up work is pretty outstanding (and grim) and it rounds off Zombie's duology well enough that a third was thankfully out of the question. Ultimately, it serves as yet another reminder of how messy and unsatisfactory this series can be when it strays too far from the original.

ClareR (5589 KP) rated Ghosts in Books

Feb 21, 2021  
Dolly Alderton | 2021 | Contemporary, Fiction & Poetry, Romance
7.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Ghosts was a great listen. I liked the character of Nina - she seems to be a great friend and a good daughter who wants to help both friends and family when she can. This doesn’t always seem to be reciprocated though. Nina is a successful food writer and owns her own home; the only thing missing in her life is someone to share it with. After the break up with her boyfriend, Joe, who she stays best friends with, Nina decides to try a dating app called Linx. She meets Max through the app, who is a handsome, enigmatic accountant. He announces on their first date that they will get married - and that’s where alarm bells started ringing for me, like the old cynic that I am.

Nina’s parents are lovely people, and her dads worsening dementia is heartbreaking. Her Mum is a bit of comic relief at times, changing her first name and joining clubs - but the reasoning behind her actions are understandable. She’s a lot younger than Ninas dad, and watching him forget more and more must be frightening and upsetting for her.

This book had me experiencing ALL the emotions - it’s funny, sad, worrying and infuriating. I laughed aloud whilst listening, had a bit of a cry, and shouted at Nina at one point (it was a Max thing and I was wearing headphones 🤷🏼‍♀️). The narrator was the exact right choice and it helped that the writing was really engaging too. It’s a really good book - and I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend it.
Annabelle Comes Home (2019)
Annabelle Comes Home (2019)
2019 | Horror, Mystery, Thriller
At first, the start of the movie didn't make much sense to me. A middle aged couple purchase Annabelle and on their way home their car breaks down, they witness what Annabelle can do but yet they're still willing to get back in the car with the doll and take her home! I'd have been burning that thing but hey ho! Anyway, it turns out this couple 'the warrens' collect possessed artifacts and keep them under lock and key, and Annabelle is no exception, the Warren's lock her away in a glass cabinet and have her blessed every week to keep the evil away.
One day a friend of the Warren's babysitter comes over to hang out, keen to see the cursed artifacts, and when she's left alone she goes wandering into the locked room where she comes across Annabelle. She unlocks the cabinet to prop her back up after she falls forward and is scared by the kitchen smoke alarm causing her to flee back to the kitchen leaving the cabinet unlocked. Low and behold Annabelle falls out of the cabinet which I found pretty amusing. After that, strange things start happening such as a child asking for annabelle to come out and play, people seing ghosts and annabelle appearing in random places, nothing overly scary really. The movie finally gets going after about an hour with a few jump scares, evil ghosts and a rabid wolf to name a few, but it was over quicker than it started and in quite an abrupt way too.
King of the Mountain (Love at Lake Clyde #1)
King of the Mountain (Love at Lake Clyde #1)
Aiden Ainslie | 2023 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
quite the betrayal I saw coming.
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

I liked this, I liked it a lot.

Clifford is racing in his final Tour de France, he needs total focus on winning. Meeting the lost student in Paris throws him, but Gabe pushes buttons he didn't know needed pushing, at least, not for a long LONG time. Can they see it through, for Clifford to win his final tour and then be with Gabe?

I found this quite an easy read, but I needed that right now. It flows and ebbs, as does the relationship between Clifford and Gabe. The big gap in the time line was necessary, I think, for them to fully recover from France, and be open to moving on.

That things were conspiring against them was obvious, but just how far that conspiracy and plan went was quite the betrayal. I liked that I saw that coming, to be honest. Something was said, and I had alarm bells ringing, much as Clifford did but I put the pieces together faster than he did.

I liked how things sorted themselves out, in the end.

It was, like I said, an easy read. Some steam and smexy times, some drama and some emotional times.

If I reading things correctly, this is the author's first book under this name. I'd like to follow them as they hone their craft.

4 very good stars

*same worded review will appear elsewhere
The Neon Demon (2016)
The Neon Demon (2016)
2016 | Horror
A diamond in a sea of glass
Number 1 in my #top10 favourite films of all time is 'The Neon Demon'
Not only my #favourite film of all time #theneondemon is all my #passion, my #addiction & my #love for cinema as well as everything that #inspires me, excites me & drives me in life all crammed together into one cinematic masterpiece. In fact this film is so #perfect & such an #obsession of mine I think about it on a daily basis & even have my phone & alarm clock themed around it. Directed by #nicholaswindingrefn (the greatest director of all time) & just like #OnlyGodForgives #neondemon is visually immense, beautiful, intimidating, full of mystery & #emotion. Every scene is rich & stylish with clearly a lot of care/thought put into every single one wether it be the colours or placement of everything it contains. This film invokes & awakens so many emotions with me every single time I watch it & every time it ends I feel I've learnt something new about not only the film but about myself too. With next level acting & such an unnerving yet spellbinding soundtrack 'The Neon Demon' almost sends sends shivers down my spine & catapults me into a hypnotic state of immersion still to this day. I doubt any film will ever replace this film as my top spot & although its slated by pretty much everyone the sheer depth of it & the #horror, #inspiration, courage, enlightenment & joy I personally get from it makes me feel so alive that if I met #nwr I think I'd just burst into tears of gratitude.
#neon #drive #beauty #beautiful #arthouse #art #thursdaythoughts #ellefanning #ryangosling #modeling #model #fashion #filmcritic #glamourous
Trouble in Paradise (Paradise, #4)
2.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I am not entirely certain that I want to publicly acknowledge having read this book. The blurb is not only poorly written, but inaccurate. The cover art - is that art? I'm not sure what or who it's supposed to depict, and after reading the book I still couldn't describe the four main characters in terms of anything but sexual characteristics, and even then, all three men might as well be one guy copied a few times, what with all the huge, throbbing, hard, chiseled, tan, and muscled going on.

I probably wasn't supposed to demand any kind of real plot or continuity out of erotica, but I'm contrary that way. We meet a woman who has worked all night in her garage. We're told she has exceptionally good hearing as she takes off her iPod headphones. Shortly afterwards, we learn that some THING has been stalking her - wait, she worked all night in an unlocked place without an alarm system, wearing headphones that block her oh-so-good hearing, despite supposedly being all anxious about a killer who is after her? I don't buy it.

I frequently felt that this might be an excerpt of a larger work, or from a series of stories that readers are expected to be familiar with. Decent authors know how to repeat key information without boring returning fans so as to help new readers get their footing. Is that just not done in erotica?

Yes, I'm probably being too critical. But if it doesn't work for wanking, it should work as story. And it didn't work for either, for me, at least.