I watch & rate the latest cinema releases.
Worcester, United Kingdom
September 16, 1985
Joined: May 13, 2019
I watch & review the latest cinema releases.
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Neon's Nerd Nexus (360 KP) created a post
Jun 26, 2022

Neon's Nerd Nexus (360 KP) created a post
Nov 6, 2021 (Updated Feb 23, 2022)

Neon's Nerd Nexus (360 KP) earned a new badge
Oct 25, 2021

Neon's Nerd Nexus has earned the Video Game Reviewer Badge.

Neon's Nerd Nexus (360 KP) rated the Playstation 5 version of Guardians of the Galaxy in Video Games
Oct 25, 2021
This game is absolutely fantastic and a contender for one of my favourite games of this year. In fact I actually prefer Starlord in this game to how he's portrayed in the films. I guess it's also safe to say Im really enjoying this game as I've played it solidly now for two days, I'm only on chapter 8 and there's apparently 16 chapters so I'd say if that's true it's a pretty meaty game. I'm honestly having and absolute blast with it and if you are a fan of the characters, the world and the lore you really should pick it up for sure. Id say is a cross between The Order a light version of Mass Effect and Tales Of Arise If you need a comparison and more importantly it's nothing really like the recent Avengers game. It's not overly challenging however on medium anyway unless you let enemies overwhelm you (I've died roughly 4 times I'd say) but that's not bothering me at all because it's so much fun and if you want more of a challenge you can crank it up. Graphics are awsome, voice acting is great and the humour is on point, controls are responsive and characters have a nice weight to them and overall it's an incredibly polished game that's clearly had a lot of love put into it by huge fans of the source material. The soundtrack also kickass and really does add to it alot really getting you going when it all kicks off action wise. Ive only had 3 really annoying bugs one where I got stuck in the floor and had to restart, one where a character was stood on a bar with his head in the roof and the other where a tutorial message got stuck in the middle of the screen but reloading sorted them. Like I said earlier however it's the lore, environments, characters and creatures that have mainly pulled me and it's a joy to explore the different detailed areas (even though they are quite linear experiences) and it's absolutely crammed to the teeth with dialogue, collectables, costumes and little details everywhere from the films and comics. The end of the day it's quite a casual affair but to me that doesn't matter I'm just loving spending more time with these characters and essentially living in a rich and dense sci-fi world (it's almost like a Star Wars game at times and is better than any of the Star Wars games we have had so far if I'm honest). An absolute must buy for any sci-fi or Guardians fan.