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Sarah (7798 KP) rated Flight (2012) in Movies

Oct 13, 2018  
Flight (2012)
Flight (2012)
2012 | Drama, Mystery
Watchable but very lacking
For a film by Robert Zemeckis, I was expecting something with a lot more heart and a little less predictable.

The problem with this film is that the main character Whip isn’t particularly likeable. Whilst Denzel Washington does his best and does bring some odd moments of likeability, it’s very difficult to connect with this film when Whip is not a very good person. Of course everything turns out the way you’d expect from the outset but this just makes for a bit of a dull watch. Kelly Reilly is sorely underused and her character just seems to have been thrown in a little haphazardly, making little of her and her journey. The visual effects of the crash itself are very good and the soundtrack is great, although it does throw back a little too much to Forrest Gump. The whole film drags and does get a little talky and dull. It also seems to be putting out a strange message about the effects of alcoholism, and yet how a pilot saved a flight whilst he was drunk and high.... very odd.

It’s the type of film you’d watch once and it’s bearable enough to watch to the end, but not one you’d go out of your way to watch again.