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The Walking Dead  - Season 6
The Walking Dead - Season 6
2015 | Drama
Rinse and Repeat
Contains spoilers, click to show
Season 6 of The Walking Dead is really not too dissimilar from season 5, once again presenting us with a couple of amazing episodes, a handful of good ones, and then a whole lot of filler.

Once again a season of two halves - the first half of season 6 is mostly about a stupidly massive hoarse of zombies moving towards the Alexandria safe zone, and the groups efforts to herd them away.
For the most part, it's pretty good and where the strength of season 6 mainly lies.
An early highlight comes 2 episodes in, where Alexandria is attacked by a group called The Wolves. It's a sucker punch to the face, and the action is tense and the stakes feels high, proving that TWD can still pack a punch when it wants to.
Another highlight is the mid season finale 'No Way Out', another tense episode with some shocking and unexpected moments. The amount of work that's clearly gone into the huge zombie horde is impressive for sure.
However this episode also marks an important negative point for me - the relative ease in which the horde is dispatched is the moment where the walkers no longer felt like a threat, and from here on out, they've seem like more of an inconvenience.

The second half of the season slowly introduces us to The Saviours and teases their leader throughout, the now infamous Negan - a much loved villain straight from the comics.
This second half is once again, fairly boring, as the characters slog from one place to the next.
TWDs insistence on character focused episodes rarely push the right buttons. (There's an episode fairly near the beginning that focuses on Morgan that just switched me right off).

Negan arrives properly in the closing moments of the season, and leaves an immediate impression, although the finale ends on a cliffhanger (a lot of fans were pissed), giving us no time at all to see much of him (but don't worry, the show completely over compensates for this during seasons 7 and 8...)
Season 6 is also where the infamous 'Glenn fake out death' happens, which also rubbed a lot of viewers up the wrong way.

Overall, my thoughts on season 6 are mostly positive, but maybe that's because TWD is about to enter it's most testing seasons...
The Walking Dead  - Season 7
The Walking Dead - Season 7
2016 | Drama
Contains spoilers, click to show
Season 7 of The Walking Dead opens with a hard to watch bang, and one of the most infamous scenes from the comic series.
The introduction of Negan is suitably bleak, gory and unexpected, delivering a throat punch of two main character executions.
It is made clear that Rick could very well be out if his depth. It's a strong and terrifying opener, but it unfortunately does not set the tone for the rest of the season.

As I've mentioned before, TWD settled into a formula - a season would tend to consist of a couple of outstanding episodes, a handful a good ones, and then passed out with a lot of filler.
The main problem with season 7 is that after the opening episode, the remaining episodes all feel like filler. For the first time since it's beginning to, I found myself bored with TWD.
The plot remains very samey for the most part, with Rick and co. gathering supplies for Negan to avoid anymore culling of the cast.
Meanwhile we're introduced to new communities in the shape of The Kingdom and Oceanside, and it becomes clear early one that the four communities (including Alexandria and Hilltop) will unite to take on The Saviours, but it takes an excruciatingly long time to get there.
The side plot of Daryl's capture is dragged out for way too long and becomes testing.
The side plot of Eugene's reluctant turn to The Savior's is dragged out for way too long (it doesn't actually get resolved until the end of season 8!)
It all just feels like a bit of a slog.
We're also introduced to a group of survivors lead by a woman called Jadis, who are so f*cking pretentious, that they made me want to stop TWD altogether.

Its not all bad. My personal highlight of the season is probably Negan himself, a character that a lot of people didn't like. His jokey demeanor works well against all the seriousness, and to be honest, I'm just a fan of Jeffrey Dean Morgan in general.

Overall though, season 7 is thoroughly average, and unfortunately, it's not quite the low point of TWD. The main positive here is that it reminded me just how good the first few seasons were.