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2013 | Card Game, Medieval
You own a restaurant located on Hanamikoji Street in one of Japan’s most famous Geisha districts. As a way to drum up business, you have begun to hire Geishas as entertainment for your patrons. Skilled in traditional music, dance, and art, Geishas are highly respected entertainers in Japan. However, a rival restaurateur is trying to hire the same Geishas as you! In an attempt to win the favor (and talents) of these elegant women, you begin collecting items related to their chosen art forms with the hope that these gifts will keep them at your establishment!

Hanamikoji is a 2-player game where players are competing to win the favor of the 7 Geishas. In a game of literal give-and-take played over several rounds, you and your opponent will alternate taking 4 actions to play and trade cards. The first player to win the favor of 4 Geishas, or to earn at least 11 Charm points, is the winner!

For as simple as it seems, Hanamikoji requires a lot of strategy. The cards in your hand are hidden from your opponent, but half of the actions taken each round require you to reveal cards from your hand and allow your opponent to take a certain number to their side – a traditional “I split, you choose” mechanic. You have to strategize which cards you can afford to give up, at the risk of letting your opponent win a Geisha, with the goal of winning a higher-valued Geisha instead. At the same time, your opponent will be revealing cards from their hand for you to take to your side. Your strategy is always changing based on not only the cards in your hand, but the cards that your opponent reveals to you.

One thing I really like about this game is that winning the favor of a Geisha in one round is not final. If I win a Geisha in one round, but in the next round my opponent has the majority for that specific Geisha, I lose her favor and she goes back to neutral. So not only am I trying to win over more Geishas each round, I have to actively be protecting those I have already won. The same can be said for the reverse – even if my opponent wins a Geisha in one round, I can negate that in the next round. The favor of the Geishas does not reset at the end of each round, nor is it unchangeable in future rounds. Anything can happen, and that makes for a surprisingly exciting game.

Although this is a competitive game, I find it to be kind of calming to play. It is simple, yet strategic, and the artwork is beautiful. In my experience, once you understand the gameplay and actions, it plays quickly and quietly. If you’re looking for a quality 2-player game, give Hanamikoji a try! Purple Phoenix Games rates it a graceful 10 / 12 (Bryan and Josh have not yet played it).

Sensitivemuse (246 KP) rated Quietus in Books

Feb 28, 2018  
Vivian Schilling | 2018 | Fiction & Poetry, Thriller
1.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Was off to a great start, then goes downhill
Contains spoilers, click to show
***Possible spoilers you have been warned***

I was absolutely into the first half of the book. I loved the dark setting, the dark descent of madness for poor Kylie and trying to figure out what is happening to her and her world. The mood and the setting is dark and meant to be so, this part is excellent and sets the tone of the book. You get the eerie creepy feelings and the writing style is good enough that it could be played out like a movie in your head.

So Kyle as a character is all right. She has her flaws, her marriage has flaws but I’ll be honest to say I really did like her and Jack together. You knew they had major flaws and issues that should have been resolved but they just never got around to it. But their chemistry was excellent and you could feel their love even though sad to say, it was going on a path that just wasn’t meant to be. Although their relationship wasn’t that great to begin with, love was never a problem and they looked and seemed great together but it just wasn’t meant to be.

So let’s get to the plot. It started off on the right foot. Lots of creep factor. The plane crash incident well done. Kylie’s recovery, and the slow descent to what looks like madness (but isn’t) and the book tries to explain this to you while you read. Okay. I can handle this. I wanted to know what happens next.

Then we come across this incident in Kylie’s past that’s coming back to haunt her (see what I did there? Har har) okay. It’s pretty traumatic, and well you did send the guy to death because of a crime he committed so I get it.

Julius though….This guy was a grown man while Kylie was a little girl when he died and all of sudden he’s going all creepy touchy feely and managed to induce this semi wet dream/alternate reality sequence with present day Kylie while she was on public transportation. Yeah. Ok. And stop calling her Kylie Rose. It’s annoying but also creepy in a Pedo kind of way.

So after being introduced to Julius the incubus ghost wannabe the plot just slides down the hill and it becomes almost a chore to read through. I can’t believe this book has to be 608 pages as we already know what’s going on with Kylie and her crew about 200 pages in. It gets too descriptive, too mushy and it attempts to do some sort of surreal thing about life after death yadda yadda yadda.

I tried to like it. I can’t. If you cut the book in half and redid the ending so it wasn’t one long dreary part then the book would have been much better and more enjoyable to read. But this falls so short and it’s unfortunate the theme had promise and even the characters had potential.
Martyrs (2008)
Martyrs (2008)
2008 | Drama, Horror
7.5 (10 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Entertaining In a Crazy Way
Sometimes it helps to watch a movie with another person to get an extra perspective on what makes a movie special. I’ll admit, I would have reamed Martyrs on my own merit, but I definitely looked at it differently once I got an alternate opinion from my wife who watched is as well. The movie follows the story of two friends Anna (Morjana Aloui) and Lucie (Mylene Jampanoi). Lucie finds herself looking out for Anna when Anna can’t stop seeing an apparition that makes her do terrible things. Anna’s got a secret that no one believes, including Lucie who has her doubts.

Acting: 10

Beginning: 10
In the beginning we see Anna running away from what can only be seen as an abusive situation. She’s cut up and bleeding. It doesn’t take long to be drawn into her story and want to know more about what happened.

Characters: 6
I appreciated the depth of Anna’s character. She has issues, layers of them. You feel bad for her and terrified of her at the same time. The other characters, however, left a bit to be desired. We don’t really get a deep dive into Lucie’s situation, only that she has this need to take care of Anna. Outside of these two, the rest of the characters definitely fall a bit flat.

Cinematography/Visuals: 8

Conflict: 6
There are some truly tense moments in Martyrs, but a good portion of the movie feels more like torture porn. The action comes in brief pockets and isn’t always effective when it does happen. There were some solid sequences that were truly terrifying, but overall things could have been better.

Entertainment Value: 7
This movie succeeds with intrigue and originality. If charisma alone was enough to pass a movie, my overall score would be a lot higher. I enjoyed the mystery of it all which held my attention throughout the film. Will Lucie get to the bottom of what’s going on with Anna? Is Anna telling the truth? You really don’t know what to expect.

Memorability: 5

Pace: 9

Plot: 5
I think Martyrs eventually becomes a victim of it’s own trope as it focuses too much on leaving you in the dark and not necessarily pushing a legit story. I definitely feel there are certain elements that could have made the story a lot better, but I’m hesitant to dive in too much for fear of ruining the story. The plot progression is mediocre at best and leaves too much to interpretation.

Resolution: 8
For what it’s worth, Martyrs has absolutely one of the craziest endings I have ever seen. If you would have told me at the start of the movie that the road would have led there, I wouldn’t believe you. The shock factor is definitely there.

Overall: 74
Had the story been stronger and a bit more character development considered, Martyrs might have had more success with me. As it stands, I consider it an interesting enough film to watch at least once. it will keep you guessing right up until the end.
Wolfenstein: Youngblood
Wolfenstein: Youngblood
2019 | Shooter
The latest game in the popular Wolfenstein series has arrived with
Wolfenstein Youngblood and it is a departure from the prior games in the
series. The series originated on early computers with Castle Wolfenstein
and Beyond Castle Wolfenstein before emerging years later as an early
First Person Shooter Game. The success of the series has endured with this
now being the fourth release in the series since Bethesda took control of
the series.
Unlike prior games in the series, BJ Blazkowicz is a minor character and
players will plat as either Soph or Jess; his teenage twins. Like the
prior games in the series, the Nazi’s are in control and in this alternate
version of the 1980s; the twins must work with one another to complete
various missions with the Resistance in order to save the day.
The game requires players to play in a Co-Op mode with either another
player or the A.I. controlling the other sister. This is tricky as if one
dies; the game ends and you also must repeat the entire level as there are
no checkpoints and saves.
I strongly suggest playing with another player as thanks to the Buddy Pass
option; you can play with a friend who has the Trial Version of the game
or be randomly matched with another player. The trick with being matched
with another player is that you do not have control over which missions
you will play and I have played far more of the “Brother 2” level than I
wanted to.
The A.I. also has issues with doing things like going full bore into a
large mass of enemies with low health when you are in need of aid. The
smart move would be to withdraw, help heal your sister, and regroup, but
this does not happen. It can be very frustrating to be deep in a level and
lose it due to issues like this.
There were also some annoying crashes like when I was in the final battle
with the Uber Boss and had to repeat several levels to return to where I
Thankfully the game looks great and the action is as intense and brutal as
any in the series. There are numerous weapons which can be upgraded via
Silver coins that players collect and they will be needed as the enemies
are abundant and the Mechanized units can really end your game fast.
There are also special weapons players can obtain as well as gun
emplacements which really help turn the tide of the battle.
In between missions’ players can hang out in headquarters and explore as
well as take on additional side missions and interact with various N.P.C.
While some may take exception to the new style of play, the characters,
and other issues; the game is attractively prices at $29.99 and seeing how
Bethesda has been providing updates on a regular basis; this is a
Wolfenstein game that fans who exercise a bit of patience and adaptation
can warm up to as I did.
3 stars out of 5.
What If...
What If...
Corrina Joy | 2019 | Romance
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
What I liked best was all the different dimensions that Joy visited while trying to find what was missing from her life. (0 more)
It never explains what happens to Joy's family (0 more)
Honest Review for Free Copy of Book
What If… by Corrina Joy is one woman’s story as she explores her ‘what if..’. A word of warning though, this book is full of both happiness and heartbreak. Depending on the reader’s current emotional state and lifestyle this book could be very depressing or uplifting.

Joy Chambers feels like there is something missing in her life. Her husband is a hardworking man but puts money and sports above caring about her. He doesn't pay attention to her or her needs and lets her take care of the house and children alone. The crushing loneliness of her marriage mixed with her longing to feel true love and joy again propels her to take a half-hour break at the beach. This is so that she can emotionally let go before returning to her daily chores. A random wave knocks her into the water where she hits her head and comes across her “magical little relic”.

Upon twisting this relic Joy gets transported to a different dimension where her life is significantly different. There is one common theme in each dimension that she visits, Jerry. Unconditionally but was unable to be with him in her original dimension. For some reason on another each one of Joy’s visits is cut short and so is her time with Jerry. How Joy’s story ends is completely up to the reader thanks to two very clever options for endings by the author. Both of the endings are extremely different but as the book says “Her destiny is in your hands...”

What I liked best was all the different dimensions that Joy visited while trying to find what was missing from her life. I did notice one thing that may or may not have been true. It seemed to me that each ‘dimension’ was really just a different time period in the same dimension or the world. As if Joy only changed dimension once and visited important points in that dimension. What I did not like was in the first chapter Joy explains her life to the reader. She talks of just existing, not living, and an unnamed husband who does not seem to care for her or emotionally support her, and their children. After she finds her magical little relic they are not mentioned again. I can not help but wonder about Joy’s feelings about leaving them behind, especially her kids. What becomes of them?

This book is directed more towards adults. Specifically, those who find themselves wondering what their lives might be like if they had done things differently. At the same time, this book is just as enjoyable for everyone else. I rate this book 4 out of 4. This book was beautiful. Over its 188 pages, Joy finds what element in her life she needs in order to feel whole. The final twelve pages or so consist of two alternate endings (an amazing and unusual concept) so the reader can decide exactly how Joy’s life turns out.
The Flash  - Season 3
The Flash - Season 3
2016 | Action
Predictable (0 more)
Contains spoilers, click to show
This season was painfully predictable. It had so much potential but with clumsy wording, all of the surprise twists were almost immediately obvious.

I am not a huge fan of shows that take a couple of seasons to build a world and characters, and then in some small twist of fate completely change the characters, and their lives. I think Fringe was one I hated the most but it made it so much more poignant and upsetting, which is why I stuck around was completely absorbed by that show - The Flash doesn't achieve this love.

I understand that they would want to tackle the Flashpoint story arc at some point but the way they handled the fallout of this was somewhat straightforward in this season.

The introduction of a single new character, and a single new villain in the first half of the season, made it hard to ignore who it would be 🤷🏼‍♀️
For the latter half of the season they quite literally told you who it was, a few times at that, and plainly showed you how easy it would be for that character to become the main villain.

The dreaded musical episode (and usual loose Supergirl crossover) was included in this season. It is rare enough that a show can achieve a truly plausible storyline that you want to follow with musical numbers, and this one was a non-start for me, honestly you could probably skip it, as there is hardly any story progression, and you'll catch up soon enough in the next episode.
Musical episodes I've enjoyed previously: Buffy (the OG, and mother of so many genre specific episodes) or Scrubs.

   ****Real spoilers from here****

By the last episode I was just watching to get to the end of the season, and am hoping that the team will get back to doing what they do best, which is adapting to new metas and dealing with these.
There is so much potential for alternate Earth storylines, and I would love to see Cisco and Wally have some more complex stories, and character layering.

As I had kind of stopped caring by the end of the last episode I actually wanted Iris to die, and was genuinely shocked and seriously annoyed that she didn't.
So bravo to the team for making me care so little I didn't see the obvious final twist, as again they gave you all the clues, shown in a quick series of flashbacks, just to show you how little you cared that you missed it.
But I also have to commend them, as it was more heartbreaking than what we assumed was the inevitable.

Fingers crossed that the writers will break their usual Flash formula, and come up with some more original content in the coming seasons.

The Flash formula:
Work as a team >> secrets/lies >> mistrust, can't possible forgive >> someone does something stupid on their own >> big impassioned speech >> team comes together >> side character (which deserves more) gets killed, or worse >> kinda saved the day >> rinse and repeat until the end of time!!
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    United Airlines

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