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Here (On the Otherside, #1)
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
First off, this book was nothing like I expected! Going by the cover and by the synopsis, I thought it was going to be a ghost book (which is why I downloaded it in the first place). However, it has no ghosts in it. It's about a parallel universe/alternate reality.

Saying that, I did love this book. I found myself staying up at night just to read the next chapter. The characters are well formed and so is the plot.

There is a love triangle which is kind of annoying since they seem to be in every book at the moment. I also found Julia a bit annoying at the end of the book which I won't elaborate on because of spoilers.

However, for the most part, this book does make you believe that an alternate reality could exist. I'd definitely recommend this book to all fans of YA.
Cars 3 (2017)
Cars 3 (2017)
2017 | Animation, Comedy, Family
The feel good factor. (0 more)
Very good animated film
Contains spoilers, click to show
Usually in my opinion the first film in a series is the best. I feel that's true for the cars series. However this is still a great feel good film. Great for kids and adults. I love the addition of more characters and more environments beautifuly tweaked from reality to fit in to the alternate world of cars. It fits well with real life, with the retirement of all the race cars and the new intake of youth. Very entertaining with an underlayer of life lessons.
Piece of Dragon
Piece of Dragon
Laurel Chase | 2018 | Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Individual characters and strong female lead! (0 more)
Amazing first book in the series!
The guys are all so individual and amazing. Completely different from any characters in any other book I've read. Laurel has created this fabulous alternate reality that I could only wish to be a part of. Carlyle is this beautiful strong female lead and you can really tell Laurel loves her character as you read the story. This book sets the tone for the whole series and if you've read the other books, you will know she just keeps up the standard the whole way through.
Mostly Harmless
Mostly Harmless
Douglas Adams | 2016 | Fiction & Poetry
8.7 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
The fifth (and final) book in Douglas Adam's <i>Hitch-hikers Guide</i> 'trilogy', this is a book that I have read many feel should never have been written.

This is a lot more serious than the previous novels, with the overall tone a lot darker than before: for example (and very early on) Arthur Dent is back to wandering the universe, after having the love of his life whisked away from him while traveling through Hyperspace while, in an alternate reality, Tricia ('Trillian') McMillan regrets not going off with Zaphod Beeblebrox. I have to say, as well, the novel also ends on rather a down-beat note!

Merissa (11704 KP) rated Hunted (Dark Reflections #2) in Books

Apr 6, 2023 (Updated Apr 10, 2023)  
Hunted (Dark Reflections #2)
Hunted (Dark Reflections #2)
Dean Murray | 2014 | Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Bound took you into the alternate reality of Sanctuary's shifters. Hunted shows you Adri's story where her father and sister didn't die.

The best thing about these books is that you see and recognise characters from the Reflections series. Some parts may change but some, like in Adri's case, her core remains the same. The worst thing about these books is that I recognise a name and can't help but think about what sort of character they were in the 'other' reality. I say the worst thing but this is in no way a bad thing as it keeps the story fresh and very entertaining.

This book kept me turning the pages, unwilling to put it down until I had read 'just one more chapter'. You would think that I should know by now not to start one of Dean's books in the evening as it always ends up with me going to bed late!

Good luck to Adri with her training and I can't wait for her and Alec to meet in this reality. Highly recommended to Dean Murray/Eldon Murphy fans.
* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *
Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
September 10, 2016

Sarah (7798 KP) rated Priest (2011) in Movies

Oct 8, 2018  
Priest  (2011)
Priest (2011)
2011 | Action, Fantasy, Horror
7.1 (34 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Stylish but badly executed
This film was such a disappointment. On paper the premise of priests versus vampires sounds like it could be fairly promising, but sadly in reality they just don’t manage to pull it off. Some of the set and costume design is quite good and the cgi is a lot better than I ever would’ve thought on something like this. However the plot is horrendous. It doesn’t make a massive amount of sense and has a very short run time to fit in any explanation. The ending too is also over far too quickly. It touches on how a alternate dystopian future would look if governed by the Church, and this for me was the most interesting part of this entire film. The problem is that they barely touch on this side which is such a shame.

David McK (3204 KP) rated Backwards (Red Dwarf #4) in Books

Jan 28, 2019 (Updated Sep 17, 2019)  
Backwards (Red Dwarf #4)
Backwards (Red Dwarf #4)
Rob Grant | 1996 | Humor & Comedy, Science Fiction/Fantasy
7.2 (6 Ratings)
Book Rating
The third Red Dwarf book, picking up from where the previous entry ('Better Than Life) left off, with Dave Lister on earth in an alternate reality where time runs backwards.

More so than either of the previous two books, this novel has a plot all of its own, with that plot containing elements of the TV show on which it is based. Nowhere is this more obvious than in the final portion of the book, which takes the episode 'Gunmen of the Apocalypse' as it's basis. The novel also has a role to play for 'Ace' Rimmer, tracing how his life differed from Arnold Rimmer's back to a single event in his childhood.

Written by only one of the two authors responsible for the previous books, this is also not quite as funny as either of those books.
Tongues of Serpents (Temeraire #6)
Tongues of Serpents (Temeraire #6)
Naomi Novik | 2010 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.0 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
On paper this book ticks all the boxes for one that I should like: Alternate history, historical setting and dragons.

Unfortunately the reality for me fell well short fo what I felt could be acheived. This is the first book by Novik I have read and perhaps starting at number 6 means I am missing something, but this just failed to gel.

The concept of the dragons being a reality and influencing history was one that was easy to grasp but so very little was done with it. The dragons themselves are quite dull - far from the spectacular beast of legend they have little interesting to do and virtually no personality. There is also not a great deal of plot strung out very thinly involving a chase across Australia, but it takes so long to get going and the chase is repettitive and didn't capture my imagination.

There are some sparks of good ideas here - the smuggling, the political issues in Sydney (caused by the governer - a certain Captain Bligh) - but they end up undeveloped and drowned by the plodding narrative which doesn't seem to want to examine anything that doesn't involve the dragons.

The central idea may have promise in other books of the series, just not this one. Sorry Naomi

Rebecca Billcliff (2409 KP) rated the Xbox 360 version of Fallout 3 in Video Games

Nov 11, 2019  
Fallout 3
Fallout 3
The open world (0 more)
Can not get enough
Played this first after falling in love with Skyrim, and the beauty of an open world RPG.
The wit and references in this game make it a great play for anyone a little nerdy.
This game rewards the explorer! The one hunting in every corner of the map, finding all the hidden gems Bethesda has to offer.
The idea of an alternate reality where the world has fallen to nuclear animation is both interesting and terrifying. It is well though out, exciting and heavy on the details. I love How you have to search through locations, such as the vaults, to hunt for clues on what has happened.
There are so many quests, location and unique items, it will take a long time to play though.
I am now on my second go around, forgot how hard a full bobble head collection is to acquire, but I will do it again!

Sarah (7798 KP) rated Black Mirror: Bandersnatch (2018) in Movies

Dec 28, 2018 (Updated Dec 28, 2018)  
Black Mirror: Bandersnatch (2018)
Black Mirror: Bandersnatch (2018)
2018 | Mystery, Sci-Fi, Thriller
A brilliant concept
Black Mirror is one of those series that is very divisive, people either seem to love it or hate it. I absolutely adore it. I love the bleak, technology driven alternate reality based stories, it’s fascinating and a worrying insight into what our future could become. I only found out yesterday that they were releasing this feature length standalone on Netflix, and when I found out it was a ‘choose your own ending’ type story, I couldn’t have been more excited. And it really does not disappoint.

The choose your own adventure style is flawless. I was worried it’d be clunky, slow or disrupt the flow of the scene, but it really is immaculate. The scene carries on while you choose, and choosing is simple, although you do have to be quite quick. It starts off with a few innocuous choices but then soon descends into ones that are a lot darker, and in some cases a lot funnier too. When you get to whatever ending you’ve reached, it allows you to go back and change some of your choices to see how the outcome would’ve differed, exactly like you’d do if you were reading a choose your ending Goosebumps book - flicking back and choosing a different option. On watching some of the alternate options, I soon realised some of the ones I’d picked were the best choices!

The plot itself is interesting and relevant, and also very meta as the story goes along, which for me really helped involve me as a watcher. There are some very bleak, gruesome and funny moments in this, which is really exactly what you’d expect from Charlie Brooker and even gets you questioning your own reality. Fionn Whitehead is great as Stefan, after this and Dunkirk he’s sure to do well. My only negative is that the story seemed to unfold very slowly in parts, but this could have all been down to the choices I made.

This is a fantastic concept for Black Mirror, and I’d love to see it used in other parts of the series. Albeit very sparingly, as it is something that could get old quite quickly if overused. But for Bandersnatch, it was a delight to watch, and take part.