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Aquaman (2018)
Aquaman (2018)
2018 | Action, Sci-Fi
Jason Momoa makes Aquaman a cool superhero. (2 more)
CGI is beautiful.
Amber Heard is gorgeous here with her red hair.
The story is all over the place. (1 more)
Acting is a bit cheesy in some parts.
Made Aquaman cool, but not without its flaws.
To be honest, I've never viewed Aquaman as a major character in the DC Universe. He was always that weird cousin that everybody just kinda puts up with and halfheartedly oohs and aahs when he tells a dolphin to pull a rope. So, firstly, props to Jason Momoa for bringing the grit and toughness to this superhero. He makes Aquaman cool, if for the first time ever. Also, the movie is beautiful. The fight scenes are well shot and the CGI makes every land a picturesque landscape of color and flash. Also, Amber Heard is absolutely gorgeous in this movie. Her red hair and outfits pop every time she's on the screen. The story, however, is kind of all over the place. How do they stop pollution? Isn't it a bad thing to let someone die? What are these people's motives? The film feels like its a bit too long as well. Did I enjoy the experience of the movie? Yes. Would I watch it again like I would other current superhero films? No. Still, great job making Aquaman a cool and valuable character again in the DC Universe.
Spiral (2007)
Spiral (2007)
2007 | Drama, Mystery
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Mason isn't exactly your everyday joe. He's an artist. A sketcher and a painter, but he's also incredibly quiet and tends to keep to himself. He has an office job where he tries to sell car insurance, but he doesn't exactly fit in with others. His only friend(if that's what you want to call him) is Berkeley, the boss. Berkeley comes off like he cares about Mason, but his compassion is overshadowed by the fact that he's a prick. Things start looking up for Mason as he meets Amber. After seeing Mason's sketches and getting to know him a little better, she decides she wants him to paint her. Mason's...odd side starts to reveal itself as he won't let Amber see his sketches. "There are rules," he says, "You can't see it until it's done." As Amber gets closer to Mason, what can he be hiding? Why is he such an "enigma," as Amber put it? Why does he keep having disturbing dreams about another woman?

Where do I start? I actually really liked this. I was expecting to as Adam Green and Joel David Moore were both involved with Hatchet, which is a guilty pleasure of mine. While Hatchet is half comedy and half gorefest, Spiral is more of a dramatic thriller that builds towards the ending. Spiral, while being low budget, is shot in superb fashion. The way its shot is actually its charm. I love the way the camera gets shaky during the scenes where Mason seems like he's going to lose it or when he finally does. Joel David Moore is also in top form here. His talent truly shines in this role. Everything from his body language to the way he chomps his teeth when he gets nervous, he sucks you in. You wind up feeling sorry for Mason even though you know he's twisted in some way. Witnessing his character unveil how dark really is is just amazing. The other actor I was really impressed with was Zachary Levi. I wound up becoming a fan of his with Chuck, but I've never seen him like this. He's basically a prick with a heart(even though that side of him is really only shown to Mason). While his role is a little small, he's still able to steal a few scenes...especially in the last half of the film. The other element that really adds to the film is the jazz music used. It fits perfectly with Mason's personality. Jazz music accentuates Mason's insanity that nothing else could. I really have nothing bad to say about the film.

This may surprise a few people, but Spiral is actually quite enjoyable. The acting is top notch and it's written incredibly well. For a movie that went straight to DVD, it's quite surprising how good it actually is. Even if you hated Hatchet, you should give Spiral a chance as it's a completely different kind of film.
The Ward (2010)
The Ward (2010)
2010 | Horror, Mystery, Thriller
The ward brings back john caperter but is it too late.
Contains spoilers, click to show
I like the ward, dont get me wrong but its a good movie. It mess with you mind with twist and turns thought the movie. John carpenter comes back into the directors chair after almost 9 years gone after the failure of ghost of mars. John carpenter comes back into the pschological theme. This movie could of been more. Their are good parts in it, good jump scaries and amber heard was good. Other than that it was bad. Like i said it could of been more.

Horror fans should watch it, because in my mind it is a underrated horror film. Directed by a horror icon.
Black Rabbit Hall
Black Rabbit Hall
Eve Chase | 2016 | Fiction & Poetry
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I liked the book, but I didn't love it. Told in alternating voices and time-lines, first-person for Amber in the late 60's and third-person for Lorna circa 2000. Amber's voice definitely had the edge as Lorna's felt more distant, probably due to being in third-person, so her story didn't have much of a punch for me. Also, her connection to Black Rabbit Hall felt too pat, too obvious, and not surprising in the least. One thing, as silly as it might seem, that bothered me was the casual mention of texts and wi-fi. Easy to overlook in this day and age, but they just weren't common in the late nineties/early aughts. Otherwise, it was an easy, if predictable read.
Dead End (2003)
Dead End (2003)
2003 | Comedy, Horror, Mystery
7.3 (8 Ratings)
Movie Rating
The Comedy (0 more)
Highway to Nowhere
Dead End- is a funny movie, i dont think it was meant to be funny, but some of the comedy comes out of nowhere. Its a excellent horror movie as well.

The Plot: When a family en route to a Christmas Eve gathering decides to takes a shortcut down a wooded road, an eerie sequence of events signals trouble ahead. After nearly colliding with an oncoming car, father Frank (Ray Wise) picks up a ghostly hitchhiker (Amber Smith) and her infant child. With the sudden appearance of their new passengers, the route becomes dark and treacherous -- and the family's numbers rapidly begin to dwindle in a series of seemingly connected, grisly roadside accidents.

Its a excellent horror flick.

Darren Fisher (2447 KP) Dec 29, 2020

I like road trip films. Spot on review. First time I watched it, it came on like a fever dream and although not a perfect film by any standards, it did pull me in. Repeated viewings have been just as enjoyable. Certainly better than most of the pish that was around at this time. At least it tries to do something different.

Pawsitively Poisonous: A Witch of Edgehill Mystery #1
Pawsitively Poisonous: A Witch of Edgehill Mystery #1
Melissa Erin Jackson | 2019 | Mystery, Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
For Fans of of cozy mysteries with a paranormal twist, this one is definitely for you!
I had actually read the 2nd book in the series first for review and enjoyed it so much that Melissa sent this one to me also.

The cover alone would have been an instant buy for me, the silhouetted witch against the bright green is so eye catching it literally screams out to you pick me up and read me (You know you want too)!

With Melissa being a professional pet sitter you just know that this would have a nod to pets, and she certainly did not disappoint. Edgehill is a small quirky town whose identity revolves around cats. With everything from the business names to the town fair having a cat related theme and name.

The characters are spot on and you cant help but fall in love with the main Protagonist Amber Blackwood and yes, she is a witch, from a long line of witches who keep their identity secret, for good reason!

Being a cozy mystery you are dragged into a plot line that keeps you on the edge of your seat and has you invested in the characters right through to the end. This leaves you wanting more and I can guarantee that you will move straight on to the second book in the series as you are left with so many unaswered questions about Amber and her family.

So if you are looking for a quick, quirky, fun read you should definitely go and grab yourself a copy!

Melissa sent me my copy of Pawsitively Poisonous for free in exchange for an honest review

ArecRain (8 KP) rated Amber Fire in Books

Jan 18, 2018  
Amber Fire
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I received a complimentary copy in exchange for an honest review.

This is a shorter story and definitely reads like one. The author does not waste time with unnecessary character or world development, instead diving right into the story. The reader learns what they need to along the way with enough plot to keep the story interesting.

Overall, I enjoyed the story. The lead Amber, seemed to have a good head on her shoulders with brain she actually used. Jareth is your typical alpha male and I found his race more interesting than him as a character. The only part I truly did not like about this novel was their first sexual encounter. It felt more like an angry interrogation taking away from the heat of the scene.
The Moonlight Dreamers
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I won a copy of this book over at Maximumpopbooks in exchange for an honest review.

I really enjoyed this book all about friendship.It was a cute, fun and heart warming read and I enjoyed the twists and turns along the way.

Amber is sick and tired of being treated differently at school, she is not one to conform. All the girls at school are obsessed with beauty, fashion and boys! All she wants is to have a proper conversation with someone her own age about her interests and not to be judged on her views. Inspired by her favourite author Oscar Wilde she plans to start a group called the Moonlight Dreamers, where she can find like-minded people, others who have dreams,others that are different and can talk about anything in the group without being taunted. Four girls join the group but they couldn’t be more different.

Amber,Sky, Maali and Rose couldn’t be more different. Amber is being bullied at school, the main reason being that she has two dads, also she is not getting on with one of them and is leaving her quite stressed. She tries to de-stress with writing on her blog and starting the Moonlight Dreamers. Sky is still grieving for her mother, trying to become a poet and perform in front of others whilst her dad is canoodling with a celebrity. Maali is trying to get the courage to speak to boys so one day she will find her soul mate and Rose is sick and tired of being told what to do by her mother and feeling pressurised by her boyfriend. These girls were so different from one another,we had different religions, race and backgrounds. There was also so much creativity from poetry, writing, art and baking.The diversity in this book was amazing. As soon as I had read that Amber had two dads I knew that I was going to enjoy this book, I have never read anything where there have been same-sex parents and loved that Siobhan Curham added it into the book. There were parts in the book where I was so worried for some of the characters that I was reading as fast as possible to make sure they were alright.

    " Yes: I am a dreamer. For a dreamer is one who can only find his way by moonlight, and his punishment is that he sees the dawn before the rest of the world.”

The book is mostly about developing friendships, families and identity. I liked that this book had no romance in it and it wasn’t needed as there was so much going in on with the girls lives that you were focused on their individual issues. The book was fast paced with a short paragraph or two from each of their point of views. There were also different formats used such as texts, emails and notes from blogs which made the book read quicker.

This book was so honest and relatable,the problems that Teenagers go through at school such as not fitting in, bullying,boyfriends,sex etc etcera. Parents are being……well… Parents!,you know what it’s like when your young, your parents are insufferable, embarrassing and doing everything in their power to make your life hell. I think this book will be great for teenagers and very influential, I personally would have loved a secret society when I was at school.

The ending was really heart warming and wrapped up nicely. My favourite characters from the book are Rose and Maali, I would say this book is for younger YA readers from 13+

I rated this 4.25 out of 5 stars

Louise (64 KP) rated In Bloom in Books

Jul 2, 2018  
In Bloom
In Bloom
Matthew Crow | 2014 | Children
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Well here is my review. I never write reviews as I get a bit tongued tied!

I was lucky enough to win a free copy of Matthew crow's `In Bloom` from the good reads giveaway.
I have never read anything from this author before,so I didn't know what to expect,but I can tell you I wasn't disappointed.
The story is told by fifteen year old Francis Wootton who has recently discovered he has leukaemia. Francis is very intellectual and grown up for his age,this could be due to his dysfunctional family( gay brother,absent father,mad grandmother).
During Francis treatment he meets Amber and their love blossoms,crow covers love,relationship,bravery and hardship within this book
I think this book would be classed as young adult,and very much reminds me of sue Townsend's Adrian mole.
I will be looking out for more books from this author.
The Sun in Her Eyes
The Sun in Her Eyes
Paige Toon | 2015
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This is my fourth or fifth book by the author and I have to admit my least favourite. I even liked [b:Thirteen Weddings|18280725|Thirteen Weddings|Paige Toon||25752669] better and that didn't even have the ending I wanted but the story and characters got to me more.

I can't say I felt anything for Amber, maybe the fact that she was already married from the start and in a somewhat good marriage with Ned made me a little uncomfortable with what was going on with Ethan. If Ned hadn't been in the picture I would have been all over the Ethan and Amber storyline. Revisiting first-loves is fine by me, but not necessarily when you're quite happily married. If she'd been unhappy, sure.

As for the letter that Doris sent her asking to meet so she could hear the message her mum wanted to give her, I was a <s>little</s>, make that a lot disappointed by that. I was expecting some big secret or something...

Despite not enjoying this as much as the others it has made me want to go on a Paige Toon book binge so I've hunted out all the ones I have but not read yet and will be reading [b:Pictures of Lily|7134057|Pictures of Lily|Paige Toon||7396938] first before moving onto [b:Lucy in the Sky|1032295|Lucy in the Sky|Paige Toon||1018573],[b:One Perfect Summer|12064651|One Perfect Summer (One Perfect #1)|Paige Toon||17032024],[b:The Accidental Life of Jessie Jefferson|18114638|The Accidental Life of Jessie Jefferson (Jessie Jefferson #1)|Paige Toon||25441913] and [b:The Longest Holiday|16000770|The Longest Holiday|Paige Toon||21762175]