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Cube (1997)
Cube (1997)
1997 | Horror, Sci-Fi
7.6 (31 Ratings)
Movie Rating
The Traps (0 more)
Inside The Cube
Cube- holy shit this movie was good, i liked it alot. I never seen it before, but heard about it. I heard many things about it, like it was a cult classic, a great twisted psycholgoical horror film and has traps. Than i was confused because i thought their were talking about Saw, the first one. Nope their are two different movies but about the same thing basically. Saw is also a cult classic, a great twisted psychological horror film and has traps. So thats aint cofusing at all.

The Plot: Without remembering how they got there, several strangers awaken in a prison of cubic cells, some of them booby-trapped. There's onetime cop Quentin (Maurice Dean Wint), scientist Holloway (Nicky Guadagni), young math genius Leaven (Nicole de Boer), master of escapes Rennes (Wayne Robson), autistic savant Kazan (Andrew Miller) and architect Worth (David Hewlett), who might have more information on the maze than he lets on. The prisoners must use their combined skills if they are to escape.

Its a cult classic and must watch horror film.

Kathryn Bigelow recommended Murder! (1930) in Movies (curated)

Murder! (1930)
Murder! (1930)
1930 | Classics, Drama, Mystery
(0 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"All of Hitchcock — I don’t think I can even identify a particular film. After I transitioned out of the art world into film, I was doing a graduate degree at Columbia University and I took a class with Andrew Sarris, who I think is one of the treasures of the film world. We looked at an overview of Hitchcock during the two-year course, starting with his silents. And there are some extraordinary silent movies of his; I’m not sure how readily available they are, but there’s a phenomenal film — I think it’s called Murder! — and it’s silent, but it’s as tense as Psycho or The Birds or Notorious or Rear Window. [Editor’s note: Hitchcock’s 1930 film Murder! was one of his first talkies, but his 1927 silent, The Lodger, is one of his most celebrated. Both were released jointly to home video in 2002.] It’s a silent film, but it’s Hitchcock. All of his signatures, all the signifiers, everything we’ve come to know and love about Hitchcock, they’re all in play."

Damsel Distressed
Damsel Distressed
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
4.5 stars.

This book turned out quite nice. It's almost inspirational for the bigger girl (which I am). How Gen overcame all the struggles she'd faced in her life. I've been feeling all of her highs and lows with her because I think she's going through something we all face but hers has been harder with her finding it hard to deal with the death of her mother.

I could tell that there were feelings of more than friendship between Grant and Gen, and he was a really great friend to her, as were the rest of the group, even Andrew when we finally got to know him.

I also liked Evelyn, she tried her best to make Gen feel like part of the family after Gen's dad married her and she grew on me a lot throughout the story.

Admittedly I was only going to give it four stars but I think the amount of times I cried or nearly did means it got to me, so I bumped it up half a star.

A nice big-girl romance.

Morgan Sheppard (926 KP) created a post

Jun 8, 2021  
‼️ ARC sign-ups are going on now for To Catch a Dream! ‼️

If you would like to request a copy, please fill out the form:

With good friends and a new job and, twenty-six-year-old Caitlin has it all. Strong, independent, and content with her life, Caitlin isn’t looking for love.

Smart, sexy, and sweet, Will is everything a girl could want. He also makes Caitlin want things she was certain she could live without.

Life isn't always simple though, and Caitlin has decisions to make. Her ex-boyfriend, Andrew, is still hanging around and causing trouble. Not only that, but Cat refuses to choose between a new man and her two best friends.

With her heart on the line, Caitlin must decide if she's prepared to take a chance or play it safe.

To Catch a Dream is a sweet contemporary romance with sensual moments. It also contains some strong language.

#ARCReadersWanted #StreetTeam #CallingAllBloggers #Reviewers #ReviewersNeeded #ARCReadersNeeded #Contemporary, #Romance,
Knock at the cabin (2023)
Knock at the cabin (2023)
2023 | Horror, Mystery
7.3 (8 Ratings)
Movie Rating
When M. Night Shyamalan's name comes up on something, my brow furrows and I purse my lips... I'm never quite sure how to feel.

Eric, Andrew and Wen, take an idyllic trip to a peaceful cabin. But that peace is shattered when the knock-off Guardians of the Galaxy show up.

First thing I want to say, despite it being an M.NS film, it doesn't have the usual dubious tangent in it. I suspect we can put this down to the fact it's based on source material, namely The Cabin at the End of the World by Paul Trembley.

I wanted to see what I could talk about without spoiling the film at all. The synopsis is fairly vague, but intriguing. Then I rewatched the trailer, and from that, I could probably talk about the majority of this hour and forty minute film. The latter basically telling everything makes me wonder how it wasn't spoiled for me going in.

Knock at the Cabin boils down to a look at personal faith in the face of terror, for those on both sides of the incident.

While the majority of the story is set in the isolated cabin, we're shown flashbacks to Eric and Andrew's life. Heartbreak, trauma, joy, vengeance, it has been filled with so much, and that being peppered into the main story really helps to shape how we see their separate personalities and reactions.

The acting is an interesting one. The nature of the situation means that everyone is feeling a massive cycle of emotions... and somehow that works.

The group dynamic of Eric, Andrew and Wen was incredible, with Jonathan Groff and Kristen Cui being the standouts. I don't know that I would have been on board with Ben Aldridge as Andrew if it hadn't been for the pairing with Groff.

Opposite them, we get an interesting mix of characters who are led by Leonard... I am so proud of Dave Bautista right now, this was an amazing performance. I love him doing comedy (My Spy is still probably my favourite), but this was a great change of pace, he channels the character's profession into the situation so well... 5 stars for Bautista, no notes.

The other three bring up the rear with some chaotic energy. I just cannot unsee Ron Weasley though. I know he's been in other things since then, but I haven't happened across any of them, and as such, he was entirely distracting. It wasn't a bad turn, but it did overwhelm Nikki Amuka-Bird and Abby Quinn's roles for me.

M. Night Shymalan does his cameo and throws in his usual colour references for the regular viewers. I won't go into that, as it definitely constitutes spoilers, but it might not be something that's common knowledge, so absolutely worth a Google afterwards.

IMDb lists Knock at the Cabin as horror, mystery and thriller. Thriller, check. Mystery, a stretch. Horror, in my opinion, completely inaccurate. Having "horror" over everything about this film put people off watching it, and that's a great shame.

I was left with one big thought after seeing this, and that's that somewhere, in a remote cabin, a group of people have been playing this game for the last 3 years.

Originally posted on:
Between the years of 1869 to 1939 more than 100,000 poor British children were sent across the ocean to Canada with the promise of a better life. Those who took them in to work as farm laborers or household servants were told they were orphans–but was that the truth?

After the tragic loss of their father, the McAlister family is living at the edge of the poorhouse in London in 1908, leaving their mother to scrape by for her three younger children, while oldest daughter, Laura, works on a large estate more than an hour away. When Edna McAlister falls gravely ill and is hospitalized, twins Katie and Garth and eight-year-old Grace are forced into an orphans’ home before Laura is notified about her family’s unfortunate turn of events in London. With hundreds of British children sent on ships to Canada, whether truly orphans or not, Laura knows she must act quickly. But finding her siblings and taking care of her family may cost her everything.

Andrew Fraser, a wealthy young British lawyer and heir to the estate where Laura is in service, discovers that this common practice of finding new homes for penniless children might not be all that it seems. Together Laura and Andrew form an unlikely partnership. Will they arrive in time? Will their friendship blossom into something more?

Inspired by true events, this moving novel follows Laura as she seeks to reunite her family and her siblings who, in their darkest hours, must cling to the words from Isaiah: “Fear thou not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am thy God”

My Thoughts: This was an interesting compelling book to read. It is honestly hard to read about children being taken away from their families by those who feel they are making the children's lives better when in fact the children are treated like slaves. This is the hard part of the book to read, but the fact is, is that this was actually happening during this time period. The author has done a tremendous job of bringing the truth out in this novel. Like every story that has hardship in it, this one does have a little hope. I certainly look forward to reading the second book in this series.
Cross My Heart (A Legacy of Faith #2)
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Can two broken paths lead toward God’s redemption?

When Ashley Showalter and Ben Henning meet on Ashley’s horse rescue farm, they quickly discover how much they have in common. Both were raised by single moms. Both want to help where they see a need. And both work with horses in the Boise valley. Ben needs Ashley’s help and expertise after starting an equine therapy barn on his great-great-grandfather’s farm—and the more time they spend together, both Ashley and Ben have the feeling that there could be something more between them.

They also carry the burden of past experiences that may drive them apart if the truth is ever revealed. Ben is a recovering alcoholic with five years of sobriety behind him, while Ashley’s brother is an opioid addict residing in court-ordered rehab. Holding fast to the belief that addicts can never be cured, Ashley has promised herself she will never walk knowingly into the chaos created by addiction. Ben knows that with God, all things are possible—but will Ashley find it within herself to give love a chance? Or will her brother’s mistakes and the pain of her past jeopardize her future with Ben?

Cross My Heart threads together a contemporary love story with the heartwarming tale of Ben’s great-great-grandfather, Andrew Henning—reminding us that God’s Word is timeless and that His promises are new every morning.

My Thoughts: This is such a wonderful story. The readers will love the story of Ben's family history and the wonderful woman Sashley who is all about rescuing horses. This is a story of healing, it's also about rescuing or saving those who are in a bad situation whether they be human or equine. God loves us so much that He sent His son to die on the cross for us. We are to love as He loves us and I do believe that is shown in this story. The way Andrew Henning took in 3 children to love on them as his own. It's about Ben's recovery and the forgiveness of his friend.

This story will win the hearts of its readers, I truly enjoy horses and the equine therapy is a wonderful idea for those who are hurting in any sort of way.

I look forward to more from Robin Lee Hatcher.
The Walking Dead
The Walking Dead
2010 | Drama, Horror
Starts brilliantly, but now starting to drag...
I love zombie films, so a zombie (or walker as the "z" word is never mentioned) tv show really appealed. And to begin with, The Walking Dead really impresses.

The first season is such a good debut, Andrew Lincoln does very well as Rick - can hardly believe it's Simon from Teachers. The visual and physical effects are fantastic and the walkers are truly scary. Character development over the initial few series too is very good and you come to care about a lot (and hate a lot) of them. The first maybe 5 series I can't really fault too much. There's dips, but it always come bouncing back with some shock deaths or interesting characters like the Governor.

The problem is with the last couple of series. Everything has become a bit too samey - meet a hostile group, become scared & abused by the group, people get killed and then Rick's group manages to overcome them. The walkers have pretty much taken a back seat. Personally I think they should try and end the series soon instead of dragging it out too far.
Spider-Man: Homecoming (2017)
Spider-Man: Homecoming (2017)
2017 | Action, Adventure
Good but completely unnecessary
We've had 3 versions of Spiderman and 6 films in the space of 15 years. That's not good. Despite the few years in between, it's beginning to feel like Spidey is rarely off our screens. And I'm getting a little Spiderman-ned out.

Which is a shame, as I actually think Tom Holland is the best Spiderman yet. A teenager in high school is by far the best portrayal and Holland does very well. There are some funny moments and it feels a little more lighthearted than some of the other recent Marvel films. My main issue is the constant need to promote and set up the other Marvel films, to the point where this film feels like entirely made for this purpose only. Did we really need another Spiderman film? No, not really and especially not one to act as a link between other films. Its far too long and really not needed.

This is the film they should've made instead of the ones with Andrew Garfield, back then it may have been more acceptable & not just a blatant Avengers plug.

Erika (17788 KP) Apr 6, 2018

I had the same feelings exactly! It was such an unnecessary movie.

This story is filled with so many emotions! Grace's life has been filled with so much heartache. When she finally finds her nephew, she is determined to keep him in her life, at any cost. The need to protect him and reunite her family drives Grace to a place she never thought she would go. But is she really just running from forgiving herself for the past?

Andrew Easton has spent his life serving to please others. But what about his own dreams and desires? Will he sacrifice everything he longs for just to please his family? Or will he stand up for himself and take the path for the future HE wants?

There are so many interesting characters in this story. The layers of personality are lovely. Virginia is one of my favorite people and I am so glad we get to follow her story too!

Set in the beautiful city of Toronto, it is wonderful to get a new perspective of history in the early 1900s.

I received a complimentary copy of The Best of Intentions from the publishers. I was not required to write a positive review. All opinions expressed are mine alone.