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Danielle (6 KP) rated A Little Life in Books

Jul 25, 2017  
A Little Life
A Little Life
Hanya Yanagihara | 2016 | Fiction & Poetry
8.0 (5 Ratings)
Book Rating
Queer relationships (3 more)
Character driven
Insanely engrossing
Beautifully written
Million trigger warnings (0 more)
Read this months ago and I'm still crying over it
oh my god. this fucking book. IT MADE ME CRY THREE TIMES. AND I'M NOT ONE TO CRY OVER BOOKS.

I loved this book. It was so incredibly engrossing and heart wrenching. I am surprised that I liked this book though because most of the themes in this book (mental health issues, self-harm, self-deprecation, that pretty much all the characters in the book were men) would typically have me going "ehh, this wasn't for me".

As the reader I felt like I was in the same boat as Willem and Harold where we were all in love (in some fashion) with Jude and we all just wanted to shake him and be like "talk to us, Jude! it's okay!".

I also found this book to be unbelievable only because I am doubting how good humanity could be. Like I found it unbelievable that Jude had people like Willem, Harold, Andy, Richard who all just unfaltering were there for him over and over and over again. How did they just not give up on him? Regardless, I think I also loved the book for these same reasons that I found unbelievable.

Also, the cover of this book is just so fucking perfect. I would have the book on my desk at work and I would always flip it over so I didn't have to look at how heartbreakingly sad the man looked on the cover. Then I found on the back sleeve that the photo is titled "Orgasmic Man" and ughhhh it's all just so perfect for this story.

As a huge Devils Wears Prada Fan I was so excited to read more of my favorite character from that book, Emily's, story. And this did not disappoint! Emily is basically the star of this book and rightfully so. She is hysterical, and witty, and we all wish we had a friend so honest and straightforward, don't we?

After her run with Miranda, Emily is off on her own doing some 'Olivia Pope - Scandal" type work. And it suits her well. BUT there's some young competition (coincidentally named Olivia) in town that is threatening to steal most of Emily's high-profile clientele. Along with her childhood friend Miriam, drowning in all things mom-life suburbia, and Karolina, an ex-model Emily knew from her Runway days who has found herself in a bit of a scandal herself, this threesome of women bands together to overcome some serious life obstacles.

I thought the story was written really well and happily read it in two days - the plotline was pretty solid and kept me intrigued throughout - I was mad, I was sad, I laughed... and oh, did I mention Miranda?!?! Yep, shes back, too! There's even a cameo from Andy!

I enjoyed When Life Gives You Lululemons. Although I can't help but feeling that Miriam bored the hell out of me. Karolina a bit as well, but her story kept me on her. So, it's safe to say Emily clearly and deservedly took the spotlight on this one. Although, I find it extremely hard to believe Emily Charlton went to summer camp, would ever wear sweatpants, or, especially watch sappy crap on TV like This is Us, Emily is still the character we all know and love - and I still want to be her BFF!
Meddling Kids: A Novel
Meddling Kids: A Novel
Edgar Cantero | 2017 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.1 (15 Ratings)
Book Rating
Ever wonder what happened to the Scooby Doo gang when they grew up? It wasn't exactly a question I ever thought I needed an answer to until Edgar Cantero decided he needed to give his unique twist on what that adulthood could have looked like. In his beautifully bizarre (bizarrely beautiful?) novel, Cantero introduces us to the Blyton Summer Detective Club, a group of 4 teenagers and their dog who spend their summer vacations solving mysteries in idyllic Blyton Hills. We're familiar with the team: there's Peter, the jock; Nate, the nerdy outsider; Andy, the tomboy; Kerri, the smart one; and Sean, the faithful Weimaraner. After their final case in the summer of 77, involving a masked fortune hunter trying to find the buried treasure of Deboën Mansion, the kids suddenly hang up their spy gear and retire from mystery solving.

Jump ahead thirteen years, and those same crime solving sleuths of young are now disillusioned 20-somethings trying to make their way thru life, not really understanding where their lives went wrong. Peter is dead (even tho Nate still talks to him), Nate is institutionalized (he talks to a dead guy, after all), Andy is a wanderer with a somewhat criminal past, and Kerri is a bartender in a seedy bar, who is also taking care of Tim, Sean's descendant. There was something about that last case, the one they all can't stop thinking about, that wasn't quite right, that is at the root of their problems. When Andy finally decides that enough is enough and they need to go back to Blyton Hills to face these demons and reopen that last case, the group gets together one last time to try to bring sense and closure to that final, haunting case.

Of course, it's not as easy as just a guy in a mask, and as they face down eco-villainous corporations, primordial monsters, ecological disasters, and something that defies description, they begin to come to terms with what has been haunting them over the years. This sounds wildly simplistic as I type it out, and I'm leaving it that way. It's not simplistic in the slightest, but the joy in this book is in the details and following along with the BSDC as they uncover one clue after the next, taking them on a whirlwind ride that makes you unable to put the book down until the very last page.

Much like his previous novel The Supernatural Enhancements (which I am a huge fan of as well), Cantero takes his time with the story, creating a slow build that eventually spirals into this wild adventure, making unexpected twists and turns in the narrative so you never really are sure that you know what's going on. His characters are exactly who they appear to be, rifs of the Scooby gang, but he doesn't make clichés of them. These characters are all their own and as individual as can be. Eagle-eyed readers will also notice fun callbacks to the Scooby cartoons.

So, if you're looking for something with a little mystery, a little horror, with some supernatural hijinx thrown in for fun, you can't go wrong with Meddling Kids. And if you like this, be sure to check out Cantero's The Supernatural Enhancements as well.
War for the Planet of the Apes (2017)
War for the Planet of the Apes (2017)
2017 | Action, Sci-Fi
Story (3 more)
Woody Harrleson
Nothing (0 more)
Cesar's trillogy concludes in fitting style
Contains spoilers, click to show
The final instalment of mat Reeves planet of the apes prequel trilogy comes to a close in style with what I must say is a spectacular performance from Andy Serkis.

He once again portrays Cesar who is looking for a new home for the apes as the last remainig Human army are hunting them down and trying to wipe them out. After a cesars family is slane he takes the fight to the army.

This film doesn't take the easy route and zigs where it should day which makes it a compelling watch throughout.

The true stars in the film have to be the effects and animation crew. The scenery was breathtaking and the work on the apes was spectacular.
In fact all the apes were cgi and the "main ones" were all mo-capped using actors. The actors behind these guys really shone through which is an impressive feat on its own.

Woody Harrleson once plays a great foil for cesar, in the menacing yet relatable commander. Woody brings a real gravitas to a role which some actors could have turned into a cartoon villain.

All in all the final prequel or cesars story was a fitting end to a series of movies that have been compelling and full of excitement.
Little Monsters (2019)
Little Monsters (2019)
2019 | Comedy, Horror
Shes so cute tho...
387. Little Monsters. Nope it's not a remake of the Fred Savage 80s flick. Instead this is the 'Life Is Beautiful' for the zombie genre. And it was pretty sweet! We meet Dave, a down on his luck musician, broke up with the girl, band broke up, has to live with his sister and her young son. (Dave reminded me of a Andy Dwyer type, Park n Rec fans? Anyone, anyone?) To pull his weight around his sisters house, he takes his nephew, Felix, to school, and there he meets and is instantly infatuated with Felix's teacher Miss Caroline, with reason, she's played by Lupita Nyong'o!! One thing leads to another and Dave finds himself as a chaperone for the next field trip to the local zoo, which just happens to be next to a military research facility, which so happens to be suffering from a zombie outbreak at the time. As you may have guessed these zombies find their way to the zoo, and yep hell breaks loose. However, the kiddos are completely oblivious to this thanks to Miss Caroline convincing them its all just a game! It was a very well done comedy zombie flick. Rounding out the cast is Josh Gad playing a kids tv show host, he is great! Worth the watch!! Filmbufftim on FB
Sticky Fingers by The Rolling Stones
Sticky Fingers by The Rolling Stones
1971 | Blues, Country, Rock

"I'd been into music for as long as I can remember, from being four years old. My dad bought me a record player when I was 11, and I went out and bought three albums: I had those Beatles double albums, the red and the blue, '62-'66 and '66-'70, I bought those, and I also bought Sticky Fingers by the Rolling Stones. That was the first Stones album that I bought. I actually wore it out, and parts of it became unplayable, even with halfpenny pieces on top of the stylus. For me, the Stones, when they pulled away from the Beatles' influence and became their own thing, it started with Beggars Banquet. It's those four albums - Beggars Banquet, Let It Bleed, Exile and Sticky Fingers, I think are the greatest years of the Rolling Stones as an individual, this is what we do, we're not following the Beatles any more. And they did it with such glory that I could easily have chosen [another] one of those four albums for the same reason. Once again we seem to be talking about unsung heroes, one of the great things about those Stones albums is the brilliant engineering by Glyn Johns; I think Andy Johns was involved as well, but the engineering on those records is just awesome, awesome, awesome."

Lionhearts: Part Two Box Set
Lionhearts: Part Two Box Set
Elizabeth Coldwell | 2019 | Erotica, LGBTQ+, Paranormal
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
nice easy reads.
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of these books.

Into The Arena

Cesare has been banished from his pride after his uncle cheated in a leadership fight. Finding work on a food truck headed from a for set seemed too good to be true. Finding Hayden as the star AND his fated mate, made Cesare think that maybe he wasn't supposed to win the fight at all. But Hayden has a stalker, and things turn deadly. Can Cesare keep his human mate safe, and will Hayden accept Cesare's lion half?

This is book 4 in the Lionhearts series and I have not read the other books. I did not feel I was missing anything, and so will say these are stand alones, with interconnecting characters, rather than a follow on series.

I liked this one. It did not blow me away, but right now, personally, this was JUST what I needed to read.

It's well told, with both Cesare and Hayden having a say. There is enough history for each of them, but not enough to be overwhelming in a short book. Well, I say SHORT, but it's still 176 pages! Didn't feel like it though!

I loved that we got some of the stalker too! They have their say in a couple of places, and I do love getting into the mind of the baddie! Did NOT see who that might have been, or rather, I had an idea, but was way off base.

It's quite sexy. There is a scene with Hayden getting down and dirty with his boyfriend BEFORE he and Cesare meet. Then Hayden and Cesare get down to it really quickly after meeting! Not sure how I feel about the first, but loved the second.

Nice easy read, and just the thing to pass a wet sunday afternoon, while nursing a very real hangover!

4 solid stars

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**

Pride Under Fire

Book 5 in the Lionheart series, and there is a pop up from Cesare and Hayden (book 4) which was nice!

Connor punched his commanding officer, and is shifted out to a town in the middle of nowhere, that needs a full time fire fighter. Andy is a detective in said town. Andy is human, Connor is not. Can Connor keep his mate safe, while the town burns around them?

Again, an easy read, that was just what I needed!

Connor knows he did wrong, punching his superior, but he won't apologise. Being shipped out was probably the best thing that happened to him, since he meets his mate. But Andy is human and lions don't mate with humans, do they?When there are several fires in town, in abandoned buildings, both Connor and Andy have to investigate. Then the bodies start piling up, and they know the arsonist has to be stopped , and soon.

There were several throw away comments that made me put the clues together for who the arsonist was very early on, and it was great to see it unfold the way I thought it would.

Again, the guys get down and dirty very early on, and I did like that here.


The general way the story goes is almost identical to book 4, Into The Arena. It's very VERY similar in that the human half gets taken, and the lion half comes to the rescue, mostly in the same way too!

Still, I did enjoy this as much as book 4, and I did read them back to back.

4 stars

Animal Passions

This is book 6 and for ME, the weakest of the three I've read.

Here's why:

It follows an almost identical plot line to the other two. Human half has sex with *someone* then goes off and meets mate. Mate and human get down and dirty right quick (did not like that here!) danger threatens human, lion reveals himself. human is taken by *stalker/arsonist/psycho editor assistant* and lion comes to the rescue. the end.

So, I'm sorry, but no, this one did not work for me. I only gave it 3 stars because I DID finish it, and it was touch and go for a while.

Maybe if I had NOT read them back to back, this one would have worked better, but I did read them back to back, and this is how I feel. And I'm all about the book feelings.


3 stars

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**

Neon's Nerd Nexus (360 KP) rated Toy Story 4 (2019) in Movies

Jun 21, 2019 (Updated Jun 21, 2019)  
Toy Story 4 (2019)
Toy Story 4 (2019)
2019 | Animation, Comedy, Sci-Fi
Toy Story 4 takes the series to the deepest places of the human psyche yet & as a result makes this instalment the darkest & hardest of them all to stomach as its themes are so relatable & current. There were moments in this film where i found myself looking down from the screen deep in thought about my own life, thinking back to mistakes I'd made & friends I've lost along the way. Toy Story 4 had successfully hit me hard in my heart & mind using ways & on levels no animated film has managed before & although this made me extremely sad I left the cinema fulfilled, happy & with a new outlook on life. Themes of finding a purpouse, not knowing who you are, suicided, relationships, letting go, moving on, finding happiness, feeling lost, cofidence, depression, self worth are all brought up here & gone into with such depth I was wondering if this film was actually intended more for adults than kids. What got to me the most is the stuff on relationships which is portrayed with Woody's hanging on to Andy & still not being able to let him go & move on, its extremely tuff to watch & although animated every inch of his pain is felt. Theres such a lot here about feeling lost in life & wanting a purpose which does get extremely heavy but the film also teaches & up lifts showing that as long as you keep your friends around you the world is a big exciting place with so much to do & see that wasting time being hung up on the past is silly. Also the stress of being a parent & how toys are also a crucial part of a childs up bringing, seriously its ridiculous how much theyve crammed in here. Amination is staggering from the insane dust particles, lighting & water effects to the textures of the plastic pixar out does every animated film that came before it. Sound design is also top tear with a moment of silence at one stage so on point it literally took my breath away. Comedy is also perfect with jokes hitting constantly & theres actually quite a bit of horror this time around which is done better than most horror films of today. I also loved seeing how Woody has progressed as a character too he has a deep sadness about him but also takes way more risks with being seen which also adds great tension. I simply can not recomend you see this film enough.

Movie Metropolis (309 KP) rated War for the Planet of the Apes (2017) in Movies

Jun 10, 2019 (Updated Jun 10, 2019)  
War for the Planet of the Apes (2017)
War for the Planet of the Apes (2017)
2017 | Action, Sci-Fi
The Great Ape-scape
Six years ago, I didn’t think I’d be telling you that a remake of the classic Planet of the Apes and its sequel would go on to be one of the finest double acts since The Two Ronnies, but that’s exactly what has happened.

Now, the final part of this incredible trilogy, War for the Planet of the Apes is out and ready to conclude an incredible half decade of cinema. But is it as good as its predecessors?

Caesar (Andy Serkis) and his band of loyal apes are forced into a deadly war with an army of humans led by a ruthless colonel (Woody Harrelson). After Caesar’s band of apes suffers unimaginable losses, he wrestles with his darker instincts and begins his own quest of revenge. As the journey finally brings the two rivals face-to-face, Caesar and the colonel are pitted against each other in an epic battle that will determine the fate of both of their species.

I have to say, I was a little concerned the finished product would be as tongue twisting as its frankly ridiculous title (a problem that has blighted the entire series), but it ends up being a stunning and heart-warming finale to a franchise filled to the brim with memorable moments.

The motion capture used on Andy Serkis to create Caesar has to be seen to be believed. If you thought predecessor Dawn was good, you haven’t seen anything yet. His hair moves with subtle believability and his movements are so fluid, it’s easy to forget you’re watching a film and not a documentary.

But this incredible technology isn’t used solely on our main protagonist. Fan favourite orangutan Maurice returns and newcomer “Bad Ape” captured by Steve Zahn provides the flick with a much-needed eccentric, shining a little light in one of the bleakest feature films of the last half decade.

The human characters, naturally don’t fare so well. Woody Harrelson is his usual charismatic self but feels a little caricature like. His colonel just doesn’t feel particularly believable. Likewise, Amiah Miller’s turn as Nova, whom Maurice adopts as his daughter, seems to be merely used as a plot device, though she does partake in some of the sweeter moments.

As with its predecessors, War is a slow burner with the action interweaved into the plot rather than the other way around. In principle it works well, though the pacing towards the middle of this 140-minute behemoth is a little off.

Nevertheless, the action is filmed beautifully. In fact, the whole film is stunning. Beautiful wooded landscapes and open deserts are juxtaposed with the dark concentration camps used in the latter half. One sequence in particular, behind a gorgeously realised waterfall, is one of the best action scenes of the entire year.

Masquerading as a blockbuster, this is a film with a much deeper message about messing with nature. Brutal and emotionally testing, War for the Planet of the Apes is brave in its choices and all the better for it.

Three films in, it would be easy for director Matt Reeves to rest on his laurels and rely on the positive reaction to its predecessors, but thankfully he has climaxed on a high. It’s not perfect, and not an easy watch by any means, but for a threequel, you can’t really get much better.
It (2017)
It (2017)
2017 | Drama, Horror
7.9 (355 Ratings)
Movie Rating
The best way to describe the most recent adaption of Stephen King's It, is that it feels like a ghost train.
It's one scene after the next of spooky imagery and mild jump scares - it's not overly terrifying, but it's an enjoyable time.

I didn't find It to be particularly scary - there were parts here and there that were uncomfortable (the old woman in the background of the library scene - no focus on her whatsoever, but it gave me chills) and of course, the already infamous scene at the beginning with Georgie is hard to watch considering the age of the child.

But it's lack of all out terror is not a bad thing - the movie can concentrate on a hugely important aspect of the original book - the friendship shared betweens The Losers Club.
The young actors in this are great, all hugely believable, and likable, as they set off on their quest to stop Pennywise and his reign over the town of Derry.

In a world transfixed with Stranger Things, the atmosphere of It treads familiar turf, the 80s setting hitting the right nostalgic spots.

Bill Skarsgård makes a great Pennywise. He doesn't try to copy what the great Tim Curry did in the original TV movie, he makes it his own. He's not quite as sinister as Tim Curry, but he's damn entertaining, and his costume and make up make for a creepy enough clown.

I'm really looking forward to the upcoming Chapter 2, to see if Andy Muschietti can pull off the ending as well as he pulled off the beginning.