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Geostorm (2017)
Geostorm (2017)
2017 | Action, Mystery, Sci-Fi
The 90's are back
I’ve got to start by telling you I wasn’t holding out much hope for Geostorm and that’s for quite a few reasons. Firstly, Gerard Butler’s career has been on a bit of a slide recently.

Last year was particularly rough for the Scotsman, with London Has Fallen and Gods of Egypt receiving less than 2 stars here at Movie Metropolis. Secondly, Geostorm has had one of the most turbulent productions of any blockbuster in recent memory.

It actually completed main shooting in 2014 but after a negative audience reaction, it’s release date was pushed back numerous times and costly reshoots were drafted in to sort out the presumed mess. Now, in Autumn 2017 it’s arrived. But what’s it like?

After an unprecedented series of natural disasters, the world’s leaders banded together to create an intricate net of satellites to control the global climate and keep people safe. But now, something is wrong: the system built to protect the planet is attacking it, and it becomes a race against the clock to uncover the real threat before a worldwide geostorm wipes out everything and everyone along with it.

Sounding like something straight from the SyFy channel, Geostorm’s premise is utterly ridiculous but disaster movies have never been particularly well-known for their deep, meaningful and accurate storylines. In fact, some of the very best films in the genre, Deep Impact, Armageddon, Volcano wrestled with significant plot holes – audiences don’t care about that when they can watch the planet getting destroyed.

Morbid, right? Most definitely, but the same applies here. The special effects are so darn good, as a tidal wave obliterates Dubai, and the action interspersed at the right intervals, that the lack of cohesive plot and at times hideous and expositional dialogue really doesn’t matter.

The cinematography by director Dean Devlin (in his first feature film) is really rather good. It’s not ground-breaking but considering 95% of the movie is CGI, he works with green screen well and the script’s twists and turns make it a damn sight more interesting than the majority of 2017’s blockbusters.

“Geostorm channels those brilliantly camp disaster movies from the 80s and 90s beautifully.”
Gerard Butler is actually very decent, but there is a lot more talent on offer here than you would first expect. Ed Harris is always dependable and Andy Garcia plays a President similar to Morgan Freeman’s turn in 1998s Deep Impact. It’s cheesier than a Dairylea triangle, but that’s exactly how disaster films are meant to be.

Geostorm channels those brilliantly camp disaster movies from the 80s and 90s beautifully. Dante’s Peak, Earthquake and Volcano can all be felt here. It takes itself a lot less seriously than 2015’s San Andreas, and has a decent sense of humour to boot.

The scenes on-board the International Space Station are a little dull and to be fair, for a film titled Geostorm, there could be a little more ‘storming’ going on, but it’s a fun, throwaway film that requires nothing but your mind to switch off.

Overall, despite a ridiculously turbulent birth, Geostorm is an honest film. Sure, it’s premise is plagued by plot inconsistencies and the characters aren’t fleshed out enough for us to care about their fates, but it’s a rollercoaster ride of special effects and disaster, which I’m not ashamed to say, I really enjoyed.

Lee (2222 KP) rated It: Chapter Two (2019) in Movies

Sep 6, 2019 (Updated Sep 6, 2019)  
It: Chapter Two (2019)
It: Chapter Two (2019)
2019 | Horror, Thriller
The cast are spot on, particularly Bill Hader (0 more)
Too much CGI and reliance on disappointing jump scares (0 more)
Bloated, messy at times, not quite as good as chapter 1 :(
It's fair to say that IT Chapter 2 has been one of my most anticipated movies this year. The trailer, which I've probably watched just as many times now as I watched the Endgame trailer, gives me goosebumps every time, and I couldn't wait to rejoin the losers club for another battle with Pennywise the clown. I was lucky enough to secure tickets to the immersive IT experience in London last weekend, adding further fuel to my excitement, and I decided to book the double bill showing of both chapters at the cinema in order to fully enjoy the complete story. Watching chapter 1 up on the big screen again proved to be just as enjoyable for me as the first time I saw it. Sadly though, I feel that chapter 2 didn't quite measure up to chapter 1.

It's now been 27 years since the events of chapter 1. One night, at the Derry funfair, a prolonged and brutal homophobic attack takes place, seemingly serving no other purpose than to provide us with a lengthy setup for the return of Pennywise. Yes, the clown is back and looking for revenge. It falls to Mike (Isaiah Mustafa), the only member of the losers club still living in Derry, to call on the others, to tell them they need to come home and to fulfill the oath they all pledged as children - no matter where they are, if "It" ever comes back, they'll come back to finish it. They all take the call they never thought they'd get and immediately their lives feel the impact - Bill (James McAvoy) is now a famous writer and suddenly starts to regain his stutter, Beverly (Jessica Chastain) clearly hasn't managed to escape a life of abuse, Ben (Jay Ryan) has managed to shed a lot of weight, Richie (Bill Hader) throws up before going on stage to perform stand-up, Eddie (James Ransome) simply refuses to believe what he's hearing. And Stanley (Andy Bean), well he fully appreciates the horror that lies ahead of them all.

The adult versions of the losers club are all perfectly cast, and just as entertaining in adult form as they are as children. Any reviews you read for this movie will no doubt mention Bill Hader as adult Richie, and all praise for him is well deserved. Just as Finn Wolfhard stole the show as the young, wise cracking and potty mouthed Richie in chapter 1, so does Bill Hader here. But the entire adult cast is all simply spot on.

They all meet up at a Chinese restaurant in Derry, gradually recalling forgotten events from their childhood over a meal and falling back into old friendships once again. We get multiple flashbacks of them all as teenagers, new scenes that help to flesh out the story-line, and these continue throughout the entire movie. It's a real nostalgic joy to revisit these younger versions again, and to immediately see how each flashback moment ultimately affects them as adults. The threat of Pennywise constantly lingers though, and they know they have work to do.
They go their separate ways, remaining in Derry but taking time to reacquainte themselves with the town and their own personal history there. Mike has a theory on how to defeat Pennywise once and for all, but first they must face him individually - grow stronger and more confident so that they can hopefully overcome him together as a team.

Unfortunately though, Pennywise never really feels as much of a threat as he did in the first movie. The slow brooding, creepy scares that worked so effectively then are all but lost here. There certainly are still a handful of those in chapter 2, and those do work extremely well, but they're simply outnumbered by a constant barrage of jump scares and CGI monsters. I lost count of the number of times we got a random CGI creature rapidly approaching us and the over-reliance on CGI is noticeably jarring, even more so in the final act. The use of practical, psychological scares is sorely missed and the whole thing is nowhere near as scary as chapter 1.

The run-time clocks in at 2hr 50, compared to a tighter 2hr 15 for chapter 1, and it really notices. Admittedly, the Stephen King source material is pretty hefty anyway (so I hear), but at times this just felt bloated and messy in its interpretation, too much being thrown at you and not enough of it sticking. That CG heavy finale I mentioned is also way too long, and really drags. It's a shame because I really enjoyed the introduction of the adult losers and the interweaving of their lives with the flashbacks from 27 years earlier. There's talk of an extended cut being out there and potentially being released. Personally, I would prefer a much leaner, shorter cut.
2010 | Abstract Strategy
This has happened to me a few times recently and I am starting to rethink my entire approach to board games. You see, I set a game in front of me, look at it, open it, read the rules, and then set it up to play. But on these few occasions recently I read the rules and think to myself, “This will be ok I guess.” But then I play it. I play it and then fall head over heels in love with it. Such has happened again, folks. This time with a game I didn’t know existed, didn’t know I would be receiving, and still don’t know how to pronounce. This is Mijnlieff (mine-leaf maybe?).

Typically I explain the theme here and what players’ end goals are. Mijnlieff is a two player abstract strategy game that has no real theme, though the art style uses lots of leaf iconography and the color scheme is very Autumnal. The winner of Mijnlieff is they who score the most points at the end of the game by constructing the most (or longest) sets of 3 tiles in a row.

DISCLAIMER: We were provided a copy of this game for the purposes of this review. This is a retail copy of the game, so what you see in these photos is exactly what would be received in your box. I do not intend to cover every single rule included in the rulebook, but will describe the overall game flow and major rule set so that our readers may get a sense of how the game plays. For more in depth rules, you may purchase a copy online or from your FLGS. -T

To setup each player will choose a color of tiles (or I guess just one player chooses and the other is stuck with the unchosen), and the back of the game bag is placed on the center of the table to act as the game board. Decide the starting player and the game may begin!
On a player’s turn they must place one of their tiles on one of the leaf symbols printed on the bag (the leaf symbols mean nothing other than to show where to place tiles). Easy. The first player will place their very first tile on one of the outermost leaf symbols to begin the game. The second player will then place their tile on the board depending on which tile was just placed by their opponent. You see, in Mijnlieff players cannot just place tiles willy-nilly, no! The tile immediately placed dictates where the next tile may be placed.

For example, if an opponent had just placed the N/S/E/W cross tile (Straight), then the next tile may only be placed on one of those leaves pointed at by the cross. Similarly with the diagonal cross (Diagonal) for diagonal leaves. The leaf tile with a solid circle around it (Puller) instructs the next player to place their tile on any leaf space that touches the original tile, even diagonally. Conversely, the leaf tile with a broken circle (Pusher) means the opposite: the next tile may be placed in any space that is NOT able to touch the original tile.

Players have access to two tiles of each flavor and they are attempting to rid their hand of tiles and create the most lines of three or four tiles for one or two points respectively. Once one player rids themselves of all their tiles the next player may lay just one last tile in an attempt to score more points. Whichever player earns the most points is the winner and, undoubtedly, will wish to play again immediately afterward.
Components. The version I was sent is the most recent XVgames Bagstracts edition in the fancy brown bag. The bag is great, and not only carries the components but doubles as the game board. I mean, I have not really seen that anywhere else. What a great and versatile component. The tiles are all very nicely painted wooden tiles with very clear iconography, which is much appreciated. The rulebook is fantastic and explains the game splendidly. Also included is a set of modular 2×2 mats that can be assembled in ANY fashion to create personalized game boards. I think this is a wonderfully-produced game with excellent components. The art is minimal but effective, and it has orange as a main color, so I applaud that choice as well.

The gameplay is what I would like to rave about here. My wife and I enjoy abstract strategy games together, but I have never seen her be absolutely magnetized to a game as much as she is to Mijnlieff. Right away, the first day I asked her to play it with me we ended up playing it eight or nine times that day. And you know what? We both really were jonesing to play some more. The game is relatively quick, with games lasting around 10 minutes each, but the neural exercises happening whilst playing is such so fantastic.

None of the tiles’ actions are difficult to understand, but each time a tile is placed my mind is racing with possibilities for my next turn. I do not suffer from Analysis Paralysis (AP), and my wife usually takes her times, but I do sit and think a bit more playing Mijnlieff. Sometimes you just need to play a tile to block the other player. You see, if you lay a tile and your opponent is unable to lay a tile legally according to your tile’s actions, then you get to place another tile ANYWHERE on the board. This could lead to a cascade of several tiles being laid on a turn, and THAT is what makes this simply an amazing design.

I now have four titles by designer Andy Hopwood that I will be reviewing, and if any of them are as thoughtful, beautiful, and well-designed I may have found another designer to add to my list of favorites. Purple Phoenix Games (plus my wife) give this one an incredibly respectful 11 / 12. I think what could make this game better is blinged out components. Everything in this bag is great, but Mijnlieff screams for high quality components and just sparkle everywhere. If you need a thinky abstract for two players from a smaller publisher and designer, I plead with you to grab a copy of Mijnlieff. I find it to be a superior design, quick-playing, and just hits all the right spots for my wife and me. And once you receive your copy we can record ourselves pronouncing the title and sending our recordings to the designer for him to choose the closest butchering.
It: Chapter Two (2019)
It: Chapter Two (2019)
2019 | Horror, Thriller
Contains spoilers, click to show
Saw this before starting my shift the Saturday of opening weekend. I would have rated this higher if it hadn't hurt my fanboy feelings as much as it did, but I am of two minds about this movie.

Visually, it's stunning. The differences in the color palette between the teenage and adult version of the Losers Club and the tunnels beneath the house on Neibolt street was great, just like in the first movie. Andy Muschietti did a great job capturing the frenetic dread during the final conflict with Pennywise. The acting is great. And I'm very pleased at how effective the movie is with horror in the light, instead of relying o the dark for tension.

The dialogue is fun and Bill Hader knocked it out of the park. I enjoyed the departure from the source material in regard to the specifics of the final confrontation, which changed the specifics, but managed the retain the theme and feeling of the book's conclusion.

Now the bad:

At times, It: Chapter Two felt like a high concept comedy starring Bill Hader. Now I understand and appreciate the character of Ritchie and his wisecracking timbre, but at times, it felt a bit much and took me out of the tension of the story.

I wasn't a huge fan of some of the characterisations of the adult versions of the characters. Specifically, Eddie and Mike. For Mike, one would have thought that given the he is the entire reason the the Losers reunite, he would have had some kind of plan better than "get everyone together and hope that's enough." The way he tries to convince them all to stick around and fight It seems contrived, considering that the film very much moves away from the idea of Bill being the leader of the group.

As far as Eddie, I felt like it was a missed opportunity with regard to him facing his fears. In the novel, adult Eddie is still very much ruled by his own fears. It didn't feel like a very big moment for him to overcome his fear in the movie, because there is very little prove-up for his fearfulness as an adult.

There were certain things I wasn't very much of a fan of, like the abbreviated inclusion of Henry Bowers, and the decided lack of a cosmic Turtle, but all in all, it was an enjoyable movie, with a couple of legitimately creepy scenes on it.

Movie Metropolis (309 KP) rated Black Panther (2018) in Movies

Jun 10, 2019 (Updated Jun 10, 2019)  
Black Panther (2018)
Black Panther (2018)
2018 | Action, Drama, Sci-Fi
Is the MCU all out of surprises?
The Marvel Cinematic Universe has become one of the most successful movie franchises ever made, and it’s easy to see why. Featuring incredible actors, up-and-coming directors and that trademark sense of humour, each film in the MCU has something to offer.

That doesn’t mean they’re perfect however. The MCU has a distinct lack of decent villains, strong female characters and characters from ethnic minorities. In the run-up to this year’s Infinity War, Black Panther aims to turn what we know about Marvel on its head. But has it succeeded?

After the death of his father, T’Challa (Chadwick Boseman) returns home to the African nation of Wakanda to take his rightful place as king. When a powerful enemy suddenly reappears, T’Challa’s mettle as king – and as Black Panther – gets tested when he’s drawn into a conflict that puts the fate of Wakanda and the entire world at risk. Faced with treachery and danger, the young king must rally his allies and release the full power of Black Panther to defeat his foes and secure the safety of his people.

The opening sequence of Black Panther is an absolute treat as the audience are given a brief history of Wakanda and the tribes from which it grew. It’s a great montage to kick off a film that’s packed with stunning visuals and gorgeous landscapes, even though some of the special effects are left wanting at times.

Cast wise, this is one of the strongest entries into the MCU. Chadwick Boseman absolutely embodies the young, naïve yet warm T’Challa beautifully and it’s nice to see his character given some reference points after his sudden inclusion in Captain America: Civil War. Elsewhere, Lupita Nyong’o is always a pleasure to see on screen and her love interest to Boseman keeps him grounded over the course of the runtime.

For me the standout character is Danai Gurira’s Okoye, leader of a group of female warriors ordered to protect Wakanda and its king no matter what the cost. She’s certainly not to be messed with and gets a pleasing arc throughout. The script also seems to work best when she’s on screen.

When it comes to the bad guy, director Ryan Coogler (Creed) gets it nearly spot on. After dozens of, shall we say, lacklustre villains, the MCU receives its best yet. Michael B. Jordan’s Killmonger is, despite his ridiculous name, absolutely brilliant. Menacing and oddly charming in equal measure, he does away with the tradition of bizarre villain motives in the MCU. In fact, his motives throughout feel entirely believable and the film feels more grounded because of this.

Coogler does a good job at creating a bustling and vibrant world, even if the special effects can sometimes bring you out of the illusion
Martin Freeman’s Agent Ross is a strange addition to the cast, simply because his character isn’t essential to the plot. Freeman is always a magnetic presence but he really doesn’t have all that much to do. Finally, Andy Serkis reprises his role as arms dealer Ulysses Klaue and is great fun.

Looking at Wakanda itself, Coogler does a good job at creating a bustling and vibrant world, even if the special effects can sometimes bring you out of the illusion. It certainly feels more real than the hollow golden towers of Asgard (something thankfully fixed in last year’s Thor: Ragnarok), and Wakanda is a great addition to the many locations the Marvel Cinematic Universe has created.

So, I’ve mentioned disappointing special effects twice in this review and whilst they aren’t terrible, there are a few occasions where they are a little poor – especially evident in the film’s finale. For all his exciting filming style, Coogler’s shot choices occasionally jar with the uninspiring and lifeless CGI. Some of the landscapes also feel like a brochure for Disney’s upcoming The Lion King live-action remake.

I think it’s time to talk about film politics, because as much as Black Panther is a great addition to the MCU and a fine solo movie in itself, the legacy it will leave on the industry will be absolutely huge. With a majority black cast, strong female characters and a black director, it’s progressive and incredibly brave in its choices.

Any less of a story, director or cast wouldn’t have made it work and despite some poor CGI and slight pacing issues at the start, Black Panther is one of the best solo Marvel movies in years. Bring on Infinity War.
Warlords (Tau ming chong) (2010)
Warlords (Tau ming chong) (2010)
2010 | Action, International, Drama
6.3 (3 Ratings)
Movie Rating
General Pang Qing Yun is the sole survivor of his entire battalion. The Ching army was taken out against Taiping rebels in Hechuan. Pang meets a woman and spends the night with her while she leaves before he wakes up the next morning. Some bandits ride into the town Pang is in. One of them, Jiang Wuyang, notices Pang and challenges him. Pang makes short work of Jiang. Jiang, impressed with Pang, introduces Pang to Zhao Er Hu. Pang follows Jiang and Er Hu back to their village where he notices that same woman he spent the night with. Her name is Lian and she's Er Hu's wife.

The village is very poor and in desperate need of food, so they decide to attack a passing food convoy. In the midst of the battle, Pang saves Jiang from certain death. The bandits successful, they bring food back to their families. Kui troops, the imperial army, invade the village and usurps the food that they stole. Now without food or money, the bandits are starving and unsure of what lies ahead for them. Pang suggests to Er Hu that they should join Lord Chen's army as they could earn wages for their families and actually have something to be proud of. Questioning Pang's reasoning since he abandoned his army once before, Jiang suggests that Pang, himself, and Er Hu take a blood oath. The pact made them blood brothers on that day.

After joining the army, their 800 soldiers go after Shu City, which has an army of 5,000. They somehow manage to get the upper hand and with the help of 1,500 imperial soldiers, they get a victory. It'll be the first of many for them as they move up in rank rapidly. With plans to overthrow Suzhou and then Nanjing, the capital, they have their work set out for them. The brothers soon begin to fall apart on their rise to the top though. Er Hu tends to be loyal with his word and his brothers no matter what as Pang will sacrifice anyone and even make deals with his enemies just to win while Jiang is stuck between them.
Let me just start this by saying, I loved this movie. The battle sequences are stunning, the cinematography was brilliant, and the acting was pretty much right on the money. The Warlords took everything I loved about Mongol and made it just a little bit better. Jet Li deserves a mention. After seeing Unleashed and Fearless, it was nice to see him actually show his acting chops. So I've wanted to see him show those off again. Luckily, he did a great job in this as he showed just about every emotion in this film at some time or another. His fight scenes were also incredible, but that comes to be expected with just about any film he's involved in. I think Andy Lau deserves a nod, as well. His character is just so passionate about being honorable and loyal that when things go wrong, his reaction is just explosive. He has some really powerful scenes where he's fighting for what he thinks is right, but I can't really mention with spoiling anything. There is a scene where he's having dinner and there's play going on that's mocking him, Pang, and Jiang. He begins to laugh, which leads to him crying uncontrollably, and then he begins laughing again. He just managed to pull it off flawlessly and I was incredibly impressed.

The battle scenes didn't pull any punches either. Blood flies across the screen as limbs roll on the ground. It's truly fantastic. They were truly the highlight of the film for me as the first half of the film doesn't seem to let up from the battlefield. The film is also extremely colorful. Every scene is stunningly vibrant. There are also so many memorable scenes from the film and half of that is due to how they were shot. There's a scene where Er Hu runs into this coliseum where there are just hundreds of dead bodies lying on the ground and the camera kind of spins around him capturing his emotions and the devastation that lies around him. It's truly something worth seeing for yourself.

The Warlords is one of the best feudal Japan films I've ever seen. If you were a fan of films like Mongol: The Rise of Genghis Khan, The Last Samurai, or Seven Samurai, then I highly recommend this.
Red Dawn (2012)
Red Dawn (2012)
2012 | Action
6.6 (9 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Back in 1984 in the late stages of the Cold War, the movie named “Red Dawn” was released. It starred several young actors and actresses who went on to a variety of success including Patrick Swayze, Charlie Sheen, Jennifer Grey, and Lea Thompson. The film follows a group of high school students who fight to defend their town, families, and country after an invasion of Soviet and Cuban forces occupies mainland America.

Despite being delayed for nearly 3 years due to financial issues, the new version of “Red Dawn” has arrived and also features an impressive young cast of future stars. Chris Hemsworth has gone on to find fame as Thor while Josh Hutcherson has found fame playing Peeta in “The Hunger Games”. The fact that this movie was filmed before either of those actors appeared in their signature roles allows the studio to now benefit from the increased name recognition of the cast.

Instead of a California town, the new film is set in Spokane, Washington where thanks to news clip segments at the beginning of the film, we understand that the country is involved in numerous conflicts around the globe and some question whether or not we have enough forces to secure our borders. Enter Jed Eckert (Hemsworth), who’s just returned home on leave after serving combat duty in the Middle East. His younger brother Matt (Josh Peck), is a quarterback at the local high school team and he bears resentment toward his brother for leaving shortly after the death of their mother. Their father is a well-respected member of the force and does his best to ensure harmony between the brothers as well as their local community.

The brothers are literally shaken awake by an airborne assault as North Korea lands troops throughout their community. Unsure what is happening, Jed, Matt, and several of their friends managed to escape into the wilderness and devise a plan for survival. Further complicating matters is the fact that Matt’s girlfriend Erica (Isabel Lucas), has been taken prisoner. Jed, with his military background quickly assumes control of the group, but Matt finds himself distracted from following orders and missions whenever he sees an opportunity to pursue Erica’s freedom.

The group calls itself “The Wolverines” after the local football team, and engages in a series of hit-and-run tactics against the invading forces. The plan is to make the occupation so costly that they will eventually give up. While they do have initial success, they soon realize that they are fighting against substantial odds not the least of which is their own internal conflicts and agendas as well as diminishing supplies.

When a recon group from the military under the command of Col. Andy Tanner (Jeffrey Dean Morgan), arrives and tells the Wolverines about a device that may hold the key to their victory. The two sides must team up in an all-out assault on enemy headquarters in an effort to save the day.

While the film has plenty of action, the leaps of logic and common sense it requires the audience to take are astronomical. I understand that for a film of this type you must suspend a lot of reality in order for it to work. I’m not supposed asked questions about the logistics of the enemy’s plan and their actions. Suffice it to say that I could think of at least a dozen factors that were not brought into play. While the enemy may indeed have the ability to shut down various electronics and defensive capabilities which enabled the invasion. That does not explain where the military outside of the combat zone is, why our allies and remaining military are not dropping bombs and nukes on North Korea in retaliation, and scores of other inconsistencies. It is essentially left to our imaginations as to why this is not happening and we’re just supposed to accept on blind faith that there’s a good reason for this even though the recon unit manages to infiltrate Spokane in a helicopter and makes mentions of Missouri to Arizona as being free of any enemy influence.

The best thing I can say about the film said if you are willing to overlook the abundance of plot holes and logic gaps, as well as some at times stiff acting and dialogue, there are some enjoyable action seems to be found. The young cast works well with one another and often gave a very energetic and physical performance.

If you are a fan of the original, you may enjoy this film from a nostalgia standpoint, otherwise leave your common sense behind, sit back and enjoy the ride.
Toy Story 3 (2010)
Toy Story 3 (2010)
2010 | Animation, Comedy, Family
Just Plain Awesome
The gang is back in full form for Toy Story 3 as Andy heads off to college and they head to daycare. If you didn't know, this won't be the last installment. Yes, they are making a Toy Story 4. I used to think that was preposterous. Then it hit me that this franchise is probably one of the best trilogies done. Ever. Of all time. I can imagine the creative minds of Pixar sitting in a room and one of them pulls a Danny Ocean: "You think we need one more? You think we need one more. Alright...we'll get one more."

I can't think of many negatives around the film but I sure can praise it to kingdom come. The creativity that goes into this franchise is amazing and the third installment is no exception. One of my favorite scenes includes a private hideaway in the top of a snack machine where some of the toys are playing poker. These moments of great imagination are not only clever but also evoked my emotions as a viewer. Some moments were funny, others heartwrenching. Meanwhile that scene were the 3-year-olds demolish the toy room for the first time was just plain terrifying.

Toy Story 3 grabs your attention immediately as it gets off to an exciting start. A strong part of what keeps the film interesting is the emotional connection between kids and toys. When we're toddlers, we destroy everything in our paths toys included. As we get older, not only do we learn to appreciate those toys and what they do for us, we start to treat them more intimately, almost if they were friends. Eventually that love fades to mere memories and it's not long before toys are once again seen as mere objects. It's touching to watch the trouble the toys go through in the beginning to regain Andy's attention. Andy's moved on, but the toys can't accept it.

There is a scene where Woody is escaping from a bathroom. Right before he reaches up to grab the toilet seat, he puts some tissue down. It's the small touches like these that propel this movie to greatness. I give Toy Story 3 a 97.
The Baggage Handler
The Baggage Handler
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
n a similar vein to The Traveler’s Gift by Andy Andrews or Dinner with a Perfect Stranger by David Gregory, The Baggage Handler is a contemporary story that explores one question: What baggage are you carrying?

Three people take a flight that will change their lives forever. Fresh off a run-in with his wife, harried businessman David disembarks the plane angry and impatient. Gillian thought she would be more excited about coming to her niece’s wedding, but she is just hoping to survive. Malcolm has gambled everything on this trip to start his fledgling artistic career. To him, failure means working in hardware in what his father calls “a real job.” After each picks up the wrong suitcase, they make their way to a mysterious baggage depot in a deserted part of the city. There they meet the Baggage Handler, who shows them there is more in their baggage than what they have packed. A simple baggage mix-up at the airport is more than an inconvenience when it forces three people to face the baggage they are unknowingly carrying around.

My Thoughts: This was an eye-opening story about how we carry our troubles or "baggage" with us every day. This becomes such a habit that we can be so unaware that we are in truth carrying so much with us that we don't have to. Why not feel free and give it all to the one who says He will carry all our troubles and burdens?

This is a wonderful reminder from the author that we need not burden ourselves, that we can live the life we want. I really enjoyed this novel, it brought to my attention that we all need to look inside and take inventory and just let go anything that is bringing us down. I could completely relate to Michael and Gillian with the baggage they were carrying. This is a book that catches the readers' attention from beginning to end and can totally relate to in many aspects. The reader can identify with any of the characters in this novel. This is a novel I truly enjoyed and highly recommend it to others.
It: Chapter Two (2019)
It: Chapter Two (2019)
2019 | Horror, Thriller
“For 27 years, I dreamt of you. I craved you… I’ve missed you!” The return of Pennywise the Dancing Clown was one of the most eagerly anticipated horror icons of the year – and we weren’t left disappointed.

Bill Skarsgård‘s demented shape-shifting entity is a performance for the horror ages, as he yet again terrifies the Losers Club. Now all grown up but still suffering from their traumatic problems and insecurities, the group must reunite once again to honour a promise they made to each other all those years ago.

Stephen King’s mammoth book would always be a hard piece of work to adapt, but director Andy Muschietti has more to play with this time around – and he doesn’t hold back. Kicking off proceedings with a rather nasty homophobic attack, Muschietti sets out his stall for what is a nerve-shredding 160 minutes.

Fast forward 27-years and the Losers Club appear to be living successful lives, having left the town of Derry and their pasts behind. However, it is all about to catch up them when Mike (Isaiah Mustafa), the only one not to leave, calls each one, in turn, to reveal that ‘It‘ has returned.

 It is fantastically well cast with both young and old actors delivering excellent performances.

In shock and not willing to continue the fight, the group are brought back together by their close-knit bond for each other and the willingness to end the horror that has plagued them for almost three decades – however, Pennywise is not going down without a fight.

Flashbacks between young and old work very well and connect the timeline and narrative with seamless precision. It is fantastically well cast with both young and old actors delivering excellent performances. Rarely does it ever feel disjointed? Skarsgård clearly has fun and his terror is matched by the inclusion of several other monsters, equally as terrifying as the white-faced clown.

The ending might not be everyone’s cup of tea, but die-hard fans of the book should lavish praise on Muschietti’s interpretation. The furious pace at which it is delivered will be more than enough to keep viewers strapped to their seats.