Neon's Nerd Nexus (360 KP) rated Creed II (2018) in Movies
May 13, 2019

Book Divas (227 KP) rated Saving Me in Books
Mar 5, 2018
{I received a copy for review purposes and made no guarantee of a favorable review. The opinions expressed here are unbiased and my own,}

Charles Burbridge (13 KP) rated Pacific Rim: Uprising (2018) in Movies
Mar 24, 2018
Where Pacific Rim was an action movie that had a soul, Uprising is the equivalent of a Transformers movie. Big things on a screen blowing up with characters that serve a non-existent plot.
Uprising is a big, expensive, stinking turd of a film, dropped on an audience that is expecting a treat and instead gets a face full of fresh, wet, crap. There's absolutely no excuse for how bad this film is. As of right now, less than five minutes after I walked out the theater's door, I cannot remember a single character's name, let alone motivations. Neither can I really remember the action sequences. All I can think of is the disappointment I'm feeling and, yes, anger that what could have been an entertaining franchise being trashcanned by this sequel.
Don't go to it. Don't rent it. Don't reward lazy films like this one. Let this become lost down the memory hole. Forever.

Gail (4 KP) rated Shattered Lies (The Unraveled Trilogy, #3) in Books
Jun 4, 2018
After so many years of wondering Jax finally might have the chance to ask his father why. But the cost is Michael juniors life. Can Jax and Max put their anger aside to save their sisters only child? Can they truly be safe from all their pasts? Those question plague Jax and Max everyday.
I was so lost throughout the trilogy. So much happened in these three books that I got frustrated. Don’t get me wrong it was entertaining and the relationships were amazing. I loved the way that they changed their ways to be a better family. I don’t think the author needed so much drama to make her books interesting. The plot and characters spoke for themselves and it was an amazing read.
Give this trilogy a go and you wont be disappointed. Death isn’t the end.

Rebecca Billcliff (2409 KP) rated the PC version of The Sims 3 in Video Games
Jan 25, 2020
Ruby Stone, explorer of tombs, rider of horses, collector of crap. High fitness level, but bust, but a bit of a loner.
Just how much time I wasted waiting for Egypt to load so I could cram in as much tomb raiding before the vacation need, it is impossible to tell. But what I do know, is if I had the time these days, I would do it all again.
Because reality sucks!
Soothing my anger with the creation of a haunted mansion, by killing all the residents in a house fire by putting them all in a room with several open fireplaces, rugs everywhere, and removing all the doors and windows. Or getting someone into the pool and taking away the ladder.
Ahhh, the cheapest therapy there is.

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