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Love, Heather
Love, Heather
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Love, Heather is one of the most disturbing YA novels related to bullying I have read!

Please be aware that this book has bullying and assault triggers.

Stevie and Lottie have been friends since they've known about each other. And when Lottie starts to hang out with the popular kids, Stevie wants to fit in too. One thing leads to another, and Stevie gets bullied by them, which quickly leads to the whole school avoiding her.

Then Stevie becomes friends with Dee, and they start plotting a revenge on the popular kids, which very quickly gets out of hand. The " Love, Heather " pranks are now spreading without anyone being able to stop them.

Stevie's family is a bit of a troubled one. Her mum and dad are divorced, and her dad doesn't have the interest to see her often, being busy with his new missus. Her mum is starting to date other men too, often not spending time with Stevie. Lacking her family love, Stevie sees Lottie's family as hers. Very understandably, given the fact she has spent countless days and nights there. Lottie's family is not perfect either though. They have their own problems, and the most recent one is Lottie's mum transitioning into a man.

Stevie as a character

Stevie is a person that makes you want to feel for you, but you can't. She is supposed to be sympathetic and she is supposed to be a victim. However, most of the time I found her quite annoying and attention seeking. It is also important to mention that she is not alone and could reach for help, but she didn't, despite people often asking her whether she is feeling okay and if there is anything they can do to help.

The world was always revolving about Stevie, and she couldn't understand how other may feel as well. A scene where she tells Lottie how to accept her mum's transition comes to mind. We all know that Stevie cares about Lottie and her mum, but Lottie is way closer and more affected in this situation. There are times where it's not our place to say things, and leave people to cope in their own way, and Stevie was not able to achieve this state of mind.


While I couldn't connect to Stevie on many levels, I absolutely cherish this book because it brings up bullying in a very powerful way. It is very emotional and very intense, every bit of reality hits hard and makes me angry for all the children out there that are getting bullied every day. I was once that kid. I was a Stevie too! And it sucks to see it happen again and again, and realise how cruel life and people can be sometimes, when no one gets punished for what they have done.

I loved how this book showed how small things done in consecutive way can have enormous effect to a person, or a group. How the small things we say today can hurt us badly. And I hope people will read this book with the hope of spreading the knowledge and standing up to bullies, before things go out of hand.
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    Total War Battles: SHOGUN

    Total War Battles: SHOGUN

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CODA (2021)
CODA (2021)
2021 | Drama, Music
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Fairly Standard Fare
I am a film completionist, meaning I must see a film through to the end no matter what. At times, I take a break and come back to it (figuring I might not have been in the right mood for the film) but in other times, I fight through whatever emotion I am feeling (most of the time boredom) to keep focused on what the filmmakers are attempting to do in their film - and, at times, I am rewarded for this perseverance.

Such is the case with the Oscar Nominated film CODA. Written and Directed by Sian Heder (who was Oscar Nominated for her Screenplay), CODA tells the tale of Ruby who is a CODA (Child of Deaf Adults), who runs afoul of her family (especially her parents) and their expectations of her.

For the first half of this film it is pretty standard fare - one that has been shown on many, many movie screens throughout the years. Even though this one had the added “plot twist” of Ruby being able to hear while her Parents and Brothers are all deaf, the first half of this film never rose above the ordinary.

But, something happened in the 2nd half of the film, I fell in love with this family and their foibles and was rooting for them all to resolve their issues and for Ruby to get what she wanted.

Credit for this must go to Writer/Director Heder, who is not deaf, who came up with the idea/concept for the film and then felt a strong obligation to “get it right” for the deaf community. And get it right she does.

Her first good move was to cast Oscar Winner Marlee Matlin, a well known deaf performer and advocate for the Deaf Community. She brought instant credibility and star power to this film and she also insisted that the other 2 deaf characters in this film be performed by deaf performers.

Troy Kotsur is Oscar Nominated as Best Supporting Actor for his turn as Ruby’s father and he, for the first 1/2 of this film, acts in black and white - either funny (the comic relief) or angry (the drama) and I was unimpressed by him, but - just like the film - his performance gains some nuance in the 2nd half and he does have the “Oscar Moment” in this part of the movie that makes him a deserving nominee.

Emilia Jones is “just fine” in the lead role of Ruby and Daniel Durant (the other deaf actor in this film who plays her brother) and Lonnie Farmer (who plays her teacher) are also “fine”. Thank goodness we had the star wattage of Matlin to elevate the first half of the film before things got interesting - and nuanced - in the 2nd half.

Kudos to CODA for shining a light on a group that does not normally get the light shone upon it and kudos to the Academy for nominating this Sundance darling in the Best Picture category.

Letter Grade: B

7 stars (out of 10) and you can take that to the Bank(ofMarquis)
Operation: Hail Storm
Operation: Hail Storm
Brett Arquette | 2016 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
4.7 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
Killing the Terrorists
I received this eBook for free from the author in exchange for an honest review.

In the near distant future, terrorism is still a major problem throughout the world. Other things may have changed, such as a female president of the United States and cheaper method of producing energy, however, the world is still under threat, particularly from North Korea. After losing his wife and twin daughters in the biggest terrorist attack the world has seen, Physics Nobel Prize winner, Marshall Hail, an industrial billionaire, decides to take matters into his own hands.

Operation: Hail Storm is a work of science fiction, although, as the main character points out, he and his team only work with science and not fiction. With a selection of friends from his MIT days, and a pick of young gamers whose families had been killed in the terrorist attacks, aim to remove everyone listed on the FBI’s top ten terrorist list. After his drones successfully take out the leader of North Korea, Hail finds himself of interest to the CIA and US president.

Hail hopes the CIA would be pleased with him and supply a list and location of the remaining terrorists. Although they are impressed, the CIA is baffled over how Hail managed to assassinate someone in an extremely guarded country. To prove himself, Hail is given the task of blowing up a missile that is heading to North Korea with the potential to destroy half the world. He may do this however he wishes, however, he must have one member of the CIA with him. Enter Kara.

Kara, who is effectively the CIA’s courtesan, tries to use her skills to find out Hail’s secrets and report back to her boss. Naturally, Hail and his team are one step ahead and are monitoring all her phone calls. With a complicated relationship where both parties are pretending to trust each other, they must come together to successfully complete the mission before the CIA put their disastrous backup plan into place.

Although there are a handful of women in high positions, Operation: Hail Storm is more appropriate for the male population. With complicated mathematics and science, the story becomes similar to spy action novels, complete with an attractive woman: Kara. Physical description is reserved for Kara’s character, whose beauty is used to distract men, particularly villains.

Description is something the author, Brett Arquette, struggles with throughout the book. His choice of similes are questionable and may even upset some readers, for example, “It was like a blob of clay the size of a softball that had been worked by an angry mental patient wearing oven gloves.”

As well as scientific jargon, a number of foreign languages enter the narrative. Unfortunately, although it is possible to get the gist of what is being said, the actual phrases are never translated.

Operation: Hail Storm is a cleverly thought out novel with an impressive knowledge of science, drones and explosive devices. Whether these are wholly accurate is undetermined, however, there do not appear to be any discrepancies during throughout the narrative. As for the storyline, it is nothing spectacular or refreshing, instead, it is a typical male-oriented piece of sci-fi with a lot of blowing things up.

Jamie (131 KP) rated Nasty Women in Books

May 24, 2017  
Nasty Women
Nasty Women
404 Ink | 2017 | Essays
8.3 (6 Ratings)
Book Rating
Covers a wide range of topics and women from many walks of life (0 more)
Needed more editing (0 more)
A timely collection of personal and political essays
It was really cool to get to see the world through the eyes of women coming from walks of life entirely removed from my own. There were many whose struggles I couldn’t even begin to imagine dealing with, while others I found comfort that I wasn’t alone in the issues that I have faced. The anthology really does cover a wide range of topics by authors from drastically different backgrounds.

The one essay that stood out the most to me was “Choices” by Rowan C. Clarke, which discussed the author’s difficult relationship with her mother and that never ending struggle to please. While the underlying messages in all of the stories were political and feminist, they were also very personal and down to earth which is what made this collection pretty emotional.

I did have a few issues with the anthology, however, that I need to address. The first was that the quality of each essay varied pretty wildly. The version I read was an ARC so it’s difficult for me to judge the final product, but there were several that weren’t well structured or were rife with grammatical and formatting errors. There were citations (I love citations!) that weren’t formatted all that well for my ebook version (cutting into the middle of paragraphs) that perhaps would’ve been better placed at the end. As for the actual content, most were incredibly well written and heartfelt, a few felt like angry rants that were more alienating than empowering, then there was one that just felt stiff and spent more time with the preface rather than the story.

While on the subject of alienation, despite the rather diverse sets of authors and essays, I feel like there were some missing pieces still. It’s obvious from the title what many of the authors thought about the last election and I didn’t like how black and white things were with barely any room in-between. In cases like this, I’m sure most of the readers would be those looking for confirmation of beliefs that they already share, which is fine except that it closes the door on discussion with the other side which is truly unfortunate.

Don’t get me wrong, I think that what was already here was pretty great. I see what they were going for and I appreciated it. I love to see discussion about politics and social issues, but I worry when the tone leans too far toward one extreme it only invites backlash from the other extreme. It’s a difficult balancing act between maintaining one’s own core beliefs while also trying to open things up to the other side so that perhaps they could engage in the conversation and, ideally, listen and have their own perceptions changed.

But I digress, despite the complaints I had about the book, I found it to be a pretty quick and enjoyable read. It gives a voice to groups of women that aren’t often heard in the greater narrative of the feminist movement. The experiences of these many women enrich that narrative and there’s a lot we can all learn from each other especially in these troubling times.

Hazel (1853 KP) rated And Then We Ran in Books

Jun 23, 2017  
And Then We Ran
And Then We Ran
Katy Cannon | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Drastic Decision Making
I received this book for free through Goodreads First Reads.

Have you ever felt so desperate to achieve your dreams that you would do anything, no matter how crazy, to reach them? Seventeen-year-old Megan dreams of becoming a professional photographer, however, her parents have other ideas. And Then We Ran by Katy Cannon is a Young Adult novel about learning to be yourself and realising your dreams.

Megan’s older sister died in a terrible accident the year before she completed her A Levels. Now, Megan is at the same stage and is fed up of trying to live up to her sister’s memory. Forced to study subjects she does not care for and pressurised into applying to Oxbridge, Megan feels she only has one option left. Her grandmother’s will stipulates that on her 21st birthday or when she gets married, a little flat in London will become hers. Unable to wait another four years, Megan decides marriage is the only way forward.

Two characters narrate And Then We Ran, the second being an old friend of Megan’s. Elliott has given up all hope of going to university to study archaeology and no longer has any ambitions for the future. Then, Megan approaches him with a proposal that could change his life forever. If Elliott agrees to elope with her to Gretna Green, he could live with her in London and study at UCL. So, with a new future developing before their eyes, the two coalesce and begin to develop their clandestine plan.

Naturally, it is not a simple procedure; they cannot get married on the spur of the moment. Careful planning and a long month later, they are ready to go ahead with their plan, however, things outside of their control seem intent on preventing their marriage. From delayed trains to inclement weather, Megan and Elliott determinedly carry on until, after a more circuitous route, they arrive at their destination. But, that does not necessarily result in their happy ever after.

Getting married for a chance at freedom seems a rather peculiar idea, however, you have to appreciate how determined they are to achieve their dreams. Applying to university is a decision that can alter your entire future, so it is understandable how angry Megan feels that her parents are dictating where she goes and what she studies. And The We Ran is an encouraging book that shows two teenagers seriously contemplating their future and making decisions that will make them happy, rather than doing what everyone else expects.

Although it is a fun story, Megan is not the most relatable character. To begin with, it is hard to connect with her outgoing personality, unlike Elliott who is more reserved and introverted. But, once the story gets going, Megan’s façade begins to slip, revealing that she is not much different from other teenagers with hopes and dreams for the future.

And Then We Ran is not the most realistic of contemporary stories, but it is enjoyable and makes us as readers question the methods of Megan and Elliott’s journey to freedom. Most significantly, it highlights the importance of learning and being who you are, rather than whom other people want you to be. Finally, this story emphasises that there are more than one way of achieving your dreams.

Lily is worried about her nephew, Oliver, whom she has raised since he was six. He’s nearly doubled in size, he’s always angry, and she’s never raised a boy before so she has no idea what to think. So she turns to his legal guardian, Simon Westfield the duke of Blackmoor, who has never been involved in the 12-year old’s life except to send money when Lily writes to him. When she finally finds him, he won’t talk to her, won’t listen to her, and won’t help her.

But then Simon seems to realize what the problem is—because he experienced it himself: Oliver is turning into a werewolf—and demands to take Oliver under his control, to help and raise him himself. Lilly refuses to leave her nephew, and finds herself falling for Simon, then engaged to him in order to protect her reputation.

But Simon doesn’t want Lily in his life—though he can’t deny the attraction he has for her—because of the horrible stories of werewolf love going wrong. But how can he keep her away when she’s all he wants?

A Certain Wolfish Charm is book 1 in the series. The other two books center around the other two brothers Westfield, but all three books cover the same period of time.

My favorite thing about the book was the characters. I love the characters, especially the interaction between the three brothers. They love each other quite obviously, but they bicker and argue all the time. one will randomly throw something at another with lethal intents, and the other will duck and go on with life as if it was normal. which, it is. They are always threatening to kill each other, though I doubt they ever would. But let’s just say it’s a good thing werewolves heal fast.

Another thing I liked was the plot. It was simple, no crazy thriller or mystery, It was just a simple romance. But it was compelling, and had enough story to it to keep you reading.

Simon… goodness he’s a passionate one (I’m pretty sure it’s illegal to be that handsome). Lily, at times, seemed dense and silly, especially for not talking out her problems with her husband. And they were both a bit melodramatic at times, but that was rare and it only felt that way because of the sentence structure. With that in mind, the sentences may have changed as I got the ARC for review, not the finished version.

It was a bit difficult to tell if they had accents or not due to the writing. Sometimes it felt like they did, and sometimes it felt like they didn’t and it was a bit annoying. However their voices were all very clear in my head.

The writing was fine, it wasn’t fantastic but it was readable and enjoyable. I don’t particularly like the cover, I think they could have done more werewolfish stuff and less typical romance novel stuff.

A Certain Wolfish Charm was really cute, highly addictive, and fast paced. I can’t wait to read the other two!

Content: Some sex, a little swearing, mention of nudity. no violence.

Recommendation: Ages 18+ for anyone who loves a good werewolf story.
The Victorian (Lavender Shores #9)
The Victorian (Lavender Shores #9)
Rosalind Abel | 2018 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
10.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
totally surprised by this one! Loved it!
This is book 9 in the Lavender Shores series and I *think* Seth pops up in every one! You don't need to have read the other books, before this one, but I think you should. They are all 4 and 5 star reads from me, bar one.

We met Seth right at the beginning of book one, The Palisade. I thought it was chapter one, but it is in chapter two he makes his first appearance. I am SOOOOOOOOOOOOO glad he got his own story, he deserved it!

Seth runs the B and B and Charley has a restaurant in town. They have history, a deep sated hatred of each other that Seth knows not from whence it came. Charley does though. When they are thrown together for a food and drink festival, sparks fly. But sparks is far too tame a word for what Seth and Charley begin to feel for each other. Each man has his demons, and those demons need banishing before they can admit who they really want.

There is an . . . incident . . . at the beginning, though, before all of this and I'm not saying what. It's kinda thrown at them by someone else and I think it was a bit unfair. It does, however, give Seth and Charley a taste of what could be between them, should they want. And they DO want, that much is obvious, even with the tempers between them!

So much passion between these two, it jumps off the page right from that incident (but again, far too tame a word for what happens!) Not just the anger between, or rather from Charley, but the connection that keeps pulling them together. And when Seth sees Charley, I mean really SEES why Charley is so angry all the time? Oh! Seth is just . . ..oh!

I cried a lot for these two. I wasn't expecting any of this, because there was no indication that this was coming! Or at least, I never picked up on it! There was not a single point along the way, in any of the other 8 books, that I can pick up and say ""oh yeah, that story is gonna be good!" And I was going to comment that this was a negative, but actually, I'm GLAD I did not see this one coming, I really am. I'm GLAD I did not see Seth's story unfolding because it might have taken away the surprise out of this story and it's the SURPRISE part that MAKES this book!

So many surprises, and I'm not pointing them out cos of spoilers, but I did NOT see any of them coming at me, and I am so freaking glad I didn't!

There is another story planned, I believe, about the instigator of that *Incident * I don't want to be too hard on him, because he really did think he was helping, but I truly hope he is sorry for the way he went about it, rather than what he did.

This book carries some darker moments, both for Seth and Charley and some readers may find it difficult. I did, because they both have difficult pasts.

But so bloody good! I read it in one sitting, after 6 days straight at work, two back to back 14 hour shifts, starting it at 10pm and did not stop til I ran out of book! And it ain't a short one either, some 330 pages!

So, 5 bloody amazing stars!

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
Leave No Trace
Leave No Trace
Mindy Mejia | 2018 | Fiction & Poetry, Mystery, Thriller
7.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Quick, puzzling read
Maya Stark is twenty-three and an assistant speech therapist at Congdon, a facility for the mentally ill. She's had a tough past, and it isn't easy for her to form attachments with anyone. Maya's mom left when she was a kid, and Maya was once a patient at the facility where she now works. So she's surprised when she feels drawn to Congdon's newest patient, nineteen-year-old Lucas Blackthorn. Lucas arrives at Congdon after being arrested for breaking and entering into a wilderness store. Lucas and his father, Josiah, haven't been seen in ten years: Josiah took his son camping in the vast stretch of Minnesota territory known as the Boundary Waters a decade ago and the two haven't been heard from since. It's clear that Lucas wants nothing more than to return to the Boundary Waters. He's a recalcitrant and sometimes violent patient, who will cooperate with no one but Maya. Maya wants to help Lucas, and she wants to know why she feels so strong for this strange and angry boy.

This was my first Mejia book, and while it wasn't quite what I was expecting (I was thinking more mystery, less character-driven novel), it was really interesting. It's told mostly from Maya's point of view, but we hear some from Lucas and others too. It's a very readable book--I tore through it quickly, as there's something gripping about the style and reveal of facts about both Maya and Lucas' lives. We start out knowing very little about either of them--what put Maya in Congdon, what drove Lucas and Josiah into the Boundary Waters, and the novel does a good job of keeping you reading and wondering.

It's an emotional read--obviously being partially set in a mental hospital, it deals with mental illness. I thought, overall, Mejia did a good job with the topic, but if that's a trigger for you, just keep it in mind. The ancillary characters are pretty sparse: Maya's boss, the patients, Maya's dad, etc., but all are well-formed as well. Maya and Lucas are the stars, and both are well-done and easy to picture. The novel did a great job of pulling together all its various pieces. I was impressed how Mejia brought together the different parts of Lucas and Maya's lives--it's quite exceptionally thought out.

Probably the only thing marring this one for me were little things, but they nagged at me a bit. At times, the care Lucas receives seems odd and a bit weirdly thought out--giving a speech therapist such control over his care, for instance, and taking a violent patient into some strange situations. Maya and Lucas' instant attachment was also a little hard to completely believe, as well. But those were pretty small pieces in the scheme of the book.

Overall, I enjoyed my first Mejia book. The plot was the best part for me--I loved how it was a quick read and how enjoyable it was to put together all the various pieces of Lucas and Maya's lives. While there were a few little quirks that kept this from being an amazing read, it was still a solid, worthwhile read.

I received a copy of this novel from the publisher and Netgalley in return for an unbiased review (thank you!).